module type Semantics = Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.Semantics.Bioinformatics_base
include Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.Semantics.Lambda_with_list_operations
val pair : 'a repr -> 'b repr -> ('a * 'b) repr
val pair_first : ('a * 'b) repr -> 'a repr
val pair_second : ('a * 'b) repr -> 'b repr
val to_unit : 'a repr -> unit repr
val input_url : string -> [ `Raw_file ] repr
or no scheme it will be
treated as a “local file” (i.e. local to the Biokepi.Machine.t
or "https://"
the file
will be downloaded into the work-directory."gs://"
the file will be fetched thanks
to "gsutil"
(Google Cloud's storage buckets management tool)."http(s)://"
and "gs://"
schemes one can override
the local filename, by adding a "filename"
argument to the
query part of the
URL. E.g. ""
.val save : name:string -> 'a repr -> [ `Saved of 'a ] repr
val fastq : sample_name:string ->
?fragment_id:string ->
r1:[ `Raw_file ] repr -> ?r2:[ `Raw_file ] repr -> unit -> [ `Fastq ] repr
val fastq_gz : sample_name:string ->
?fragment_id:string ->
r1:[ `Raw_file ] repr ->
?r2:[ `Raw_file ] repr -> unit -> [ `Gz of [ `Fastq ] ] repr
val bam : sample_name:string ->
?sorting:[ `Coordinate | `Read_name ] ->
reference_build:string -> [ `Raw_file ] repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val bed : [ `Raw_file ] repr -> [ `Bed ] repr
val mhc_alleles : [ `File of [ `Raw_file ] repr | `Names of string list ] ->
[ `MHC_alleles ] repr
val index_bam : [ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Bai ] repr
val kallisto : reference_build:string ->
?bootstrap_samples:int -> [ `Fastq ] repr -> [ `Kallisto_result ] repr
val cufflinks : ?reference_build:string -> [ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Cufflinks_result ] repr
val gunzip : [ `Gz of 'a ] repr -> 'a repr
val gunzip_concat : [ `Gz of 'a ] list repr -> 'a repr
val concat : 'a list repr -> 'a repr
val merge_bams : ?delete_input_on_success:bool ->
?attach_rg_tag:bool ->
?uncompressed_bam_output:bool ->
?compress_level_one:bool ->
?combine_rg_headers:bool ->
?combine_pg_headers:bool -> [ `Bam ] list repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val bam_to_fastq : ?fragment_id:string -> [ `PE | `SE ] -> [ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Fastq ] repr
val bwa_aln : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Bwa.Configuration.Aln.t -> ->
[ `Fastq ] repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val bwa_mem : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.t -> ->
[ `Fastq ] repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val bwa_mem_opt : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.t -> ->
[ `Bam of [ `Bam ] repr * [ `PE | `SE ]
| `Fastq of [ `Fastq ] repr
| `Fastq_gz of [ `Gz of [ `Fastq ] ] repr ] -> [ `Bam ] repr
val star : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Star.Configuration.Align.t -> ->
[ `Fastq ] repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val hisat : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Hisat.Configuration.t -> ->
[ `Fastq ] repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val mosaik : ->
[ `Fastq ] repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val stringtie : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Stringtie.Configuration.t ->
[ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Gtf ] repr
val gatk_indel_realigner : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Gatk.Configuration.indel_realigner ->
[ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val gatk_indel_realigner_joint : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Gatk.Configuration.indel_realigner ->
([ `Bam ] * [ `Bam ]) repr -> ([ `Bam ] * [ `Bam ]) repr
val picard_mark_duplicates : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Picard.Mark_duplicates_settings.t ->
[ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val picard_reorder_sam : ?mem_param:string ->
?reference_build:string -> [ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val picard_clean_bam : [ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val gatk_bqsr : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Gatk.Configuration.bqsr ->
[ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val seq2hla : [ `Fastq ] repr -> [ `Seq2hla_result ] repr
val optitype : [ `DNA | `RNA ] -> [ `Fastq ] repr -> [ `Optitype_result ] repr
val hlarp : [ `Optitype of [ `Optitype_result ] repr
| `Seq2hla of [ `Seq2hla_result ] repr ] -> [ `MHC_alleles ] repr
val filter_to_region : [ `Vcf ] repr -> [ `Bed ] repr -> [ `Vcf ] repr
val bam_left_align : reference_build:string -> [ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val sambamba_filter : filter:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Sambamba.Filter.t -> [ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val gatk_haplotype_caller : [ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Vcf ] repr
val mutect : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Mutect.Configuration.t ->
normal:[ `Bam ] repr -> tumor:[ `Bam ] repr -> unit -> [ `Vcf ] repr
val mutect2 : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Gatk.Configuration.Mutect2.t ->
normal:[ `Bam ] repr -> tumor:[ `Bam ] repr -> unit -> [ `Vcf ] repr
val somaticsniper : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Somaticsniper.Configuration.t ->
normal:[ `Bam ] repr -> tumor:[ `Bam ] repr -> unit -> [ `Vcf ] repr
val delly2 : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Delly2.Configuration.t ->
normal:[ `Bam ] repr -> tumor:[ `Bam ] repr -> unit -> [ `Vcf ] repr
val varscan_somatic : ?adjust_mapq:int ->
normal:[ `Bam ] repr -> tumor:[ `Bam ] repr -> unit -> [ `Vcf ] repr
val strelka : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Strelka.Configuration.t ->
normal:[ `Bam ] repr -> tumor:[ `Bam ] repr -> unit -> [ `Vcf ] repr
val virmid : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Virmid.Configuration.t ->
normal:[ `Bam ] repr -> tumor:[ `Bam ] repr -> unit -> [ `Vcf ] repr
val muse : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Muse.Configuration.t ->
normal:[ `Bam ] repr -> tumor:[ `Bam ] repr -> unit -> [ `Vcf ] repr
val fastqc : [ `Fastq ] repr -> [ `Fastqc ] repr
val flagstat : [ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Flagstat ] repr
val vcf_annotate_polyphen : [ `Vcf ] repr -> [ `Vcf ] repr
val snpeff : [ `Vcf ] repr -> [ `Vcf ] repr
val isovar : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Isovar.Configuration.t ->
[ `Vcf ] repr -> [ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Isovar ] repr
val topiary : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Topiary.Configuration.t ->
[ `Vcf ] repr list ->
Biokepi_run_environment.Hla_utilities.predictor_type ->
[ `MHC_alleles ] repr -> [ `Topiary ] repr
val vaxrank : ?configuration:Biokepi_bfx_tools.Vaxrank.Configuration.t ->
[ `Vcf ] repr list ->
[ `Bam ] repr ->
Biokepi_run_environment.Hla_utilities.predictor_type ->
[ `MHC_alleles ] repr -> [ `Vaxrank ] repr
val seqtk_shift_phred_scores : [ `Fastq ] repr -> [ `Fastq ] repr