module Ref_genome = Biokepi_run_environment.Reference_genome
open Nonstd
let failwithf fmt = ksprintf failwith fmt
let get_env v help =
try Sys.getenv v with e -> failwithf "Missing env-variable: %S (%s)" v help
let (//) = Filename.concat
let host =
get_env "KHOST" "Host URI, in the Ketrew sense"
|> Ketrew.EDSL.Host.parse
let destination_path =
get_env "DEST_PATH" "Directory path on the host where every download should go"
let run_program ?name ?requirements prog =
let open Ketrew.EDSL in
daemonize ~using:`Python_daemon ~host prog
let biocaml_def = Biokepi.Machine.Tool.Definition.create "biocaml" ~version:"0.4.0"
let biocaml =
Biokepi.Setup.Biopam.install_target biocaml_def
~tool_type:(`Library "biocaml")
let ledit_def = Biokepi.Machine.Tool.Definition.create "ledit" ~version:"2.03"
let ledit =
Biokepi.Setup.Biopam.install_target ledit_def
let hlarp_def = Biokepi.Machine.Tool.Definition.create "hlarp" ~version:"dev"
let hlarp =
Biokepi.Setup.Biopam.install_target hlarp_def
let toolkit =
let install_tools_path = destination_path // "tools" in
Biokepi.Machine.Tool.Kit.concat [
Biokepi.Machine.Tool.Kit.of_list [
Biokepi.Setup.Biopam.provide ~host ~run_program
~install_path:(install_tools_path // "biopam-kit")
Biokepi.Setup.Biopam.provide ~host ~run_program
~install_path:(install_tools_path // "biopam-kit")
Biokepi.Setup.Biopam.provide ~host ~run_program
~install_path:(install_tools_path // "biopam-kit")
Biokepi_environment_setup.Tool_providers.default_toolkit () ~host
~run_program ~install_tools_path;
let ref_genomes_workflow =
let edges_of_genome g =
let open Ref_genome in
List.filter_map [fasta; cosmic_exn; dbsnp_exn; gtf_exn; cdna_exn;]
~f:begin fun f ->
try Some (f g |> Ketrew.EDSL.depends_on) with _ -> None
let open Ketrew.EDSL in
let get_all genome =
workflow_node without_product
~name:(sprintf "Get all of %s's files"
( genome))
~edges:(edges_of_genome genome)
let edges =
let genomes =
Biokepi_environment_setup.Download_reference_genomes.default_genome_providers in genomes ~f:(fun (name, pull) ->
let genome = pull ~toolkit ~host ~destination_path ~run_program in
depends_on (get_all genome))
workflow_node without_product
~name:(sprintf "All downloads to %s" destination_path)
~tags:["biokepi"; "test"]
let tools_workflow =
let tools_to_test =
let open Biokepi.Machine.Tool.Default in
let which_size_and bin l =
("which " ^ bin)
:: ("ls -l $(which " ^ bin ^ ")")
:: ("file $(which " ^ bin ^ ")")
:: l in
bwa, which_size_and "bwa" ["bwa || echo Done"];
stringtie, which_size_and "stringtie" [ "stringtie --help"];
bedtools, which_size_and "bedtools" [ "bedtools --help"];
vcftools, which_size_and "vcftools" [ "vcftools --help"];
star, which_size_and "STAR" [];
hisat, which_size_and "hisat" ["hisat --help"];
hisat2, which_size_and "hisat2" ["hisat2 --help"];
kallisto, which_size_and "kallisto" ["kallisto version"];
samtools, which_size_and "samtools" ["samtools --help"];
samtools, which_size_and "bgzip" ["bgzip --help || echo OK"];
samtools, which_size_and "tabix" ["tabix --help || echo OK"];
varscan, ["ls -l \"$VARSCAN_JAR\""; "java -jar $VARSCAN_JAR -help"];
picard, ["ls -l \"$PICARD_JAR\""];
strelka, ["ls -l \"$STRELKA_BIN\"";
"perl -c $STRELKA_BIN/"];
virmid, ["ls -l \"$VIRMID_JAR\""; "java -jar $VIRMID_JAR -help"];
muse, which_size_and "$muse_bin" ["$muse_bin call -h"];
somaticsniper, which_size_and "somaticsniper" ["somaticsniper -v"];
seq2hla, which_size_and "seq2HLA" ["seq2HLA --version"];
optitype, which_size_and "OptiTypePipeline" ["OptiTypePipeline -h"];
ledit_def, which_size_and "ledit" ["ledit -v"];
biocaml_def, ["ocamlfind list | grep biocaml"];
hlarp_def, ["hlarp --version"];
let open Ketrew.EDSL in
let edges = tools_to_test ~f:(fun (def, cmds) ->
let tool = Biokepi.Machine.Tool.Kit.get_exn toolkit def in
workflow_node without_product
~name:(sprintf "Test tool %s: %S, …"
(Biokepi.Machine.Tool.Definition.to_string def)
(List.hd_exn cmds))
~make:(run_program Program.(
Biokepi.Machine.Tool.init tool
&& chain ( cmds ~f:sh)
depends_on Biokepi.Machine.Tool.(ensure tool)
|> depends_on
workflow_node without_product ~name:"All tool installations" ~edges
let workflow how =
match how with
| `Ref_genomes -> ref_genomes_workflow
| `Tools -> tools_workflow
let () =
let how l =
match l with
| "rg" :: [] -> `Ref_genomes
| "tools" :: [] -> `Tools
| other -> failwithf "Can't understand how to run the test"
match Sys.argv |> Array.to_list |> List.tl_exn with
| "go" :: more ->
Ketrew.Client.submit_workflow (workflow (how more))
"biokepi"; "test"; "all-downloads";
Ketrew_pure.Internal_pervasives.Time.(now () |> to_filename) ]
| "view" :: more ->
Ketrew.EDSL.workflow_to_string (workflow (how more))
|> printf "Workflow:\n%s\n%!"
| other ->
eprintf "Wrong command line: [%s]\n → usage : {view,go} {rg,tools}\n%!"
(String.concat ", " other);
exit 1