(** Top-level entry point into the library

Biokepi provides different levels of abstraction to construct (Ketrew) pipelines:

  • Biokepi.EDSL: very high-level embedded domain specific language that encode very consise complex pipelines and uses OCaml type-system to verify properties on them. The EDSL expressions can be “compiled” to Ketrew worfklows, to JSON, to Graphviz "dot" graphs, … Biokepi.Pipeline is an earlier, soon to be deprecated, implementation of the same idea.
  • Biokepi.Tools: is a lower-level library of functions producing Ketrew-workflow-nodes.
The above modules use:

  • some extensions to the Ketrew workflow EDSL see Biokepi.KEDSL,
  • and an abstraction of the computing infrastructure of the user of the library: Biokepi.Machine.
Finally the Biokepi.Setup module provides (optional) tools to create a proper Biokepi.Machine.t that fits your computing environment (OS environment, cluster schedulers, installation of tools, fetching of reference data, etc.).


(** The Embedded Bioinformatics Domain Specific Language

This Embedded DSL is implemented following the “Typed Tagless Final Interpreter” method.

It's usage is as follows:

  • Write EDSL expressions inside a functor taking the module type Biokepi.EDSL.Semantics (i.e. the definition of the EDSL) as argument. Export some of them with the observe function.
  • Apply the functor the desired “compilers/interpreters.” The interpreter can themselves be functors.
     module Pipeline_1 (Bfx : Biokepi.EDSL.Semantics) = struct

       (* Reusable function withing the EDSL: *)
       let align_list_of_single_end_fastqs (l : string list) : [ `Bam ] Bfx.repr =
         let list_expression : [ `Fastq ] list Bfx.repr =
           List.map l ~f:(fun path ->
               (* create [ `Fastq ] repr term: *)
               Bfx.fastq ~sample_name:"Test" ~r1:path ())
           |> Bfx.list (* Assmble OCaml list into an EDSL list *)
         let aligner : ([ `Fastq ] -> [ `Bam ]) Bfx.repr =
           (* create an EDSL-level function with `lambda`: *)
           Bfx.lambda (fun fq -> Bfx.bwa_aln ~reference_build:"hg19" fq)
         (* Call the aligner on all fastq-terms and then merge the result
            into a single bam: *)
         Bfx.list_map list_expression ~f:aligner |> Bfx.merge_bams

       (* Function “exported” (to be used after compilation): *)
       let align_list l : [ `Bam ] Bfx.observation =
         Bfx.observe (fun () ->
             align_list_of_single_end_fastqs l


You can then compile this pipeline, (you can apply any sub-module of Biokepi.Compile, with potential Biokepi.Transform functors applied) for example to a dot-graph:

      let module Dotize_pipeline_1 =
      let pipeline_1_dot = test_dir // "pipeline-1.dot" in
      write_file pipeline_1_dot
        ~content:(Dotize_pipeline_1.align_list [ (* FASTQS *) ];
      let pipeline_1_png = test_dir // "pipeline-1.png" in
      cmdf "dot -v -Tpng  %s -o %s" pipeline_1_dot pipeline_1_png;

Or reuse it in further pipelines:

      module Pipeline_2 (Bfx : Biokepi.EDSL.Semantics) = struct
        module P1 = Pipeline_1(Bfx)
        (* use the function  P1.align_list_of_single_end_fastqs *)

See the TTfi_pipeline test ("./src/test/ttfi_pipeline.ml") for more examples.

This framework is also extensible, one can add new constructs to the language or new transformations while reusing most of the work already done.


module EDSL = struct   
  (** The definition of the Embedded DSL *)
  module type Semantics = Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.Semantics.Bioinformatics_base   
  (** Various compilers to “interpret” the EDSL. *)
  module Compile = struct     
    (** Compiler to SmartPrint.t displayable pseudo code, see the smart-print library. *)
    module To_display = Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.To_display     
    (** Compiler to Ketrew workflows using the Biokepi.Tools implementations.

The compiler is itself a functor, see the example:

          let module Workflow_compiler =
              let processors = 42
              let work_dir = "/work/dir/"
              let machine =
          let module Ketrew_pipeline_1 = Pipeline_1(Workflow_compilerin


    module To_workflow = Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.To_workflow     
    (** Compiler to JSON (Yojson.Basic.t). *)
    module To_json : Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.Semantics.Bioinformatics_base       with type 'a repr = var_count: int -> Yojson.Basic.json        and        type 'a observation = Yojson.Basic.json =       Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.To_json     
    (** Compiler to DOT graph descriptions. *)
    module To_dot : sig       include Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.Semantics.Bioinformatics_base         with           type 'a repr = var_count:int -> Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.To_dot.Tree.t          with type 'a observation =             parameters: Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.To_dot.parameters -> SmartPrint.t       type parameters = Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.To_dot.parameters = {         color_input:           name: string -> attributes: (string * string) list -> string option;       }       val default_parameters : parameters     end = Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.To_dot   end   
  (** Transformations on the EDSL. *)
  module Transform = struct     
    (** Apply as much EDSL functions as possible to their arguments (including list_map). *)
    module Apply_functions = Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.Transform_applications.Apply   end   
  (** Library of reusable pieces of pipeline. *)
  module Library = Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.Pipeline_library end
(** The description of the computing infrastructure used in Biokepi.

The Biokepi_run_environment.Machine provides an API to interact with the computing environment, it is used by all the programs in Biokepi.Tools (and hence by the EDSL through the EDSL.Compile.To_workflow compiler). It is used to:

  • interact with cluster schedulers, by wrapping Ketrew build-processes (YARN, LSF, etc.);
  • provide reference data (genomes, databases, etc.);
  • ensure the software used by the workflows is available for use.
The user of the library has to provide (at least) one Biokepi.Machine.t instance to run the workflows. The Biokepi.Setup module provides an extensive set of defaults to simplify this.


module Machine = Biokepi_run_environment.Machine
(** Help with the creation of Biokepi.Machine.t instances. *)
module Setup = struct   include Biokepi_environment_setup end
(** Bioinformatics-specific extensions to the Ketrew.EDSL module. *)
module KEDSL = Biokepi_run_environment.Common.KEDSL
(** Values describing the current version of the library. *)
module Metadata = Biokepi_run_environment.Metadata
(** Implementations of the Bioinformatics Ketrew workflow-nodes.

This module provides a lower-level access to the bioinformatics tools to build Ketrew workflows.

It is used by the EDSL (through Biokepi.EDSL.Compile.To_workflow) but users are welcome to use it directly if needed. *)

module Tools = Biokepi_bfx_tools
(** Earlier implementation of the Embedded DSL (kept for backwards compatibility).

Biokepi.Pipeline.t is a GADT describing high-level workflows.

One defines pipelines using the Biokepi.Pipeline.Construct module and compiles them to JSON or to Ketrew workflows.

See "src/pipeline_edsl/common_pipelines.ml" and "src/app/main.ml" for examples.


module Pipeline = Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.Pipeline