open Biokepi_run_environment
open Common
module Remove = Workflow_utilities.Remove
module Configuration = struct
module Common_config = struct
type t = {
name: string;
gap_open_penalty: int;
gap_extension_penalty: int;
mismatch_penalty: int;
module Bwa_config (D: sig val default: Common_config.t end) = struct
include Common_config
let name t =
let default = D.default
let to_json
{name; gap_open_penalty; gap_extension_penalty; mismatch_penalty}
`Assoc [
"name", `String name;
"gap_open_penalty", `Int gap_open_penalty;
"gap_extension_penalty", `Int gap_extension_penalty;
"mismatch_penalty", `Int mismatch_penalty;
Defaults transcribed from BWA manual:
let bwa_mem_default = {Common_config.
name = "default-bwa-mem";
gap_open_penalty = 6;
gap_extension_penalty = 1;
mismatch_penalty = 4;
module Mem = Bwa_config(struct let default = bwa_mem_default end)
let bwa_aln_default = {Common_config.
name = "default-bwa-aln";
gap_open_penalty = 11;
gap_extension_penalty = 4;
mismatch_penalty = 3;
module Aln = Bwa_config(struct let default = bwa_aln_default end)
let index
~(run_with : Machine.t) =
let open KEDSL in
let reference_fasta =
Machine.get_reference_genome run_with reference_build
|> Reference_genome.fasta in
(* `bwa index` creates a bunch of files, c.f.
[this question]( we detect the
`.bwt` one. *)
let bwa_tool = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.bwa in
let name =
sprintf "bwa-index-%s" (Filename.basename reference_fasta#product#path) in
let result = sprintf "%s.bwt" reference_fasta#product#path in
workflow_node ~name
(single_file ~host:(Machine.(as_host run_with)) result)
on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with result);
depends_on reference_fasta;
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure bwa_tool);
~make:(Machine.run_big_program run_with ~name
~self_ids:["bwa"; "index"]
Machine.Tool.(init bwa_tool)
&& shf "bwa index %s"
(Filename.quote reference_fasta#product#path)))
let read_group_header_option algorithm ~sample_name ~read_group_id =
(* this option should magically make the sam file compatible
mutect and other GATK-like pieces of software
The `LB` one seems “necessary” for somatic sniper:
`[bam_header_parse] missing LB tag in @RG lines.`
match algorithm with
|`Mem ->
sprintf "-R '@RG\\tID:%s\\tSM:%s\\tLB:ga\\tPL:Illumina'" read_group_id sample_name
|`Aln ->
sprintf "-r '@RG\\tID:%s\\tSM:%s\\tLB:ga\\tPL:Illumina'" read_group_id sample_name
let mem_align_to_sam
?(configuration = Configuration.Mem.default)
(* ~(r1: KEDSL.single_file KEDSL.workflow_node) *)
(* ?(r2: KEDSL.single_file KEDSL.workflow_node option) *)
~(run_with : Machine.t)
() =
let open KEDSL in
let reference_fasta =
Machine.get_reference_genome run_with reference_build
|> Reference_genome.fasta in
let in_work_dir =
Program.shf "cd %s" Filename.(quote (dirname result_prefix)) in
(* `bwa index` creates a bunch of files, c.f.
[this question]( we detect the
`.bwt` one. *)
let bwa_tool = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.bwa in
let bwa_index = index ~reference_build ~run_with in
let result = sprintf "%s.sam" result_prefix in
let r1_path, r2_path_opt = fastq#product#paths in
let name = sprintf "bwa-mem-%s" (Filename.basename r1_path) in
let processors = Machine.max_processors run_with in
let bwa_base_command =
String.concat ~sep:" " [
"bwa mem";
(read_group_header_option `Mem
~read_group_id:(Filename.basename r1_path));
"-t"; Int.to_string processors;
"-O"; Int.to_string configuration.Configuration.Mem.gap_open_penalty;
"-E"; Int.to_string configuration.Configuration.Mem.gap_extension_penalty;
"-B"; Int.to_string configuration.Configuration.Mem.mismatch_penalty;
(Filename.quote reference_fasta#product#path);
(Filename.quote r1_path);
] in
let bwa_base_target ~bwa_command =
(single_file result ~host:Machine.(as_host run_with))
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure bwa_tool)
:: depends_on bwa_index
:: depends_on fastq
:: on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with result)
:: [])
~make:(Machine.run_big_program run_with ~processors ~name
~self_ids:["bwa"; "mem"]
Machine.Tool.(init bwa_tool)
&& in_work_dir
&& sh bwa_command))
match r2_path_opt with
| Some read2 ->
let bwa_command =
String.concat ~sep:" " [
(Filename.quote read2);
">"; (Filename.quote result);
] in
bwa_base_target ~bwa_command
| None ->
let bwa_command =
String.concat ~sep:" " [
">"; (Filename.quote result);
] in
bwa_base_target ~bwa_command
let align_to_sam
?(configuration = Configuration.Aln.default)
~(run_with : Machine.t)
() =
let open KEDSL in
let reference_fasta =
Machine.get_reference_genome run_with reference_build
|> Reference_genome.fasta in
let in_work_dir =
Program.shf "cd %s" Filename.(quote (dirname result_prefix)) in
(* `bwa index` creates a bunch of files, c.f.
[this question]( we detect the
`.bwt` one. *)
let bwa_tool = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.bwa in
let bwa_index = index ~reference_build ~run_with in
let processors = Machine.max_processors run_with in
let bwa_aln read_number read =
let name = sprintf "bwa-aln-%s" (Filename.basename read) in
let result = sprintf "%s-R%d.sai" result_prefix read_number in
let bwa_command =
String.concat ~sep:" " [
"bwa aln";
"-t"; Int.to_string processors;
"-O"; Int.to_string configuration.Configuration.Aln.gap_open_penalty;
"-E"; Int.to_string configuration.Configuration.Aln.gap_extension_penalty;
"-M"; Int.to_string configuration.Configuration.Aln.mismatch_penalty;
(Filename.quote reference_fasta#product#path);
(Filename.quote read);
">"; (Filename.quote result);
] in
(single_file result ~host:Machine.(as_host run_with))
depends_on fastq;
depends_on bwa_index;
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure bwa_tool);
on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with result);
~make:(Machine.run_big_program run_with ~processors ~name
~self_ids:["bwa"; "aln"]
Machine.Tool.(init bwa_tool)
&& in_work_dir
&& sh bwa_command
let r1_path, r2_path_opt = fastq#product#paths in
let r1_sai = bwa_aln 1 r1_path in
let r2_sai_opt = r2_path_opt ~f:(fun r -> (bwa_aln 2 r, r)) in
let sam =
let name = sprintf "bwa-sam-%s" (Filename.basename result_prefix) in
let result = sprintf "%s.sam" result_prefix in
let program, edges =
let common_edges = [
depends_on r1_sai;
depends_on reference_fasta;
depends_on bwa_index;
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure bwa_tool);
on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with result);
] in
match r2_sai_opt with
| Some (r2_sai, r2) ->
Machine.Tool.(init bwa_tool)
&& in_work_dir
&& shf "bwa sampe %s %s %s %s %s %s > %s"
(read_group_header_option `Aln
~read_group_id:(Filename.basename r1_path))
(Filename.quote reference_fasta#product#path)
(Filename.quote r1_sai#product#path)
(Filename.quote r2_sai#product#path)
(Filename.quote r1_path)
(Filename.quote r2)
(Filename.quote result)),
(depends_on r2_sai :: common_edges)
| None ->
Machine.Tool.(init bwa_tool)
&& in_work_dir
&& shf "bwa samse %s %s %s > %s"
(read_group_header_option `Aln
~read_group_id:(Filename.basename r1_path))
(Filename.quote reference_fasta#product#path)
(Filename.quote r1_sai#product#path)
(Filename.quote result)),
(single_file result ~host:Machine.(as_host run_with))
~name ~edges
~make:(Machine.run_big_program run_with ~processors:1 ~name program
~self_ids:["bwa"; "sampe"])
module Input_reads = struct
type t = [
| `Fastq of KEDSL.fastq_reads KEDSL.workflow_node
| `Bam of KEDSL.bam_file KEDSL.workflow_node * [ `PE | `SE ]
let prepare ~run_with =
| `Fastq _ as f -> f
| `Bam (b, p) ->
`Bam (Samtools.sort_bam_if_necessary ~run_with ~by:`Read_name b, p)
let name =
| `Fastq f -> f#product#paths |> fst |> Filename.basename
| `Bam (b, _) ->
b#product#path |> Filename.basename
let sample_name =
| `Fastq f -> f#product#escaped_sample_name
| `Bam (b, _) -> b#product#escaped_sample_name
let read_group_id =
name (* Temporary? this is the backwards compatible choice *)
let as_dependencies =
| `Fastq f -> [KEDSL.depends_on f]
| `Bam (b, _) -> [KEDSL.depends_on b]
Call "bwa_mem" with potentially a bam of a FASTQ (pair).
In the case of bams the command looks like
It is considered an experimental optimization. Cf. also this message. *) |
let mem_align_to_bam
?(configuration = Configuration.Mem.default)
~(run_with : Machine.t)
(raw_input : Input_reads.t) =
let open KEDSL in
let reference_fasta =
Machine.get_reference_genome run_with reference_build
|> Reference_genome.fasta in
let in_work_dir =
Program.shf "cd %s" Filename.(quote (dirname result_prefix)) in
let bwa_tool = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.bwa in
let samtools = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.samtools in
let bwa_index = index ~reference_build ~run_with in
let result = sprintf "%s.bam" result_prefix in
let input = Input_reads.prepare ~run_with raw_input in
let name = sprintf "bwa-mem-%s" ( input) in
let processors = Machine.max_processors run_with in
let bwa_base_command =
String.concat ~sep:" " [
"bwa mem";
(read_group_header_option `Mem
~sample_name:(Input_reads.sample_name input)
~read_group_id:(Input_reads.read_group_id input));
"-t"; Int.to_string processors;
"-O"; Int.to_string configuration.Configuration.Mem.gap_open_penalty;
"-E"; Int.to_string configuration.Configuration.Mem.gap_extension_penalty;
"-B"; Int.to_string configuration.Configuration.Mem.mismatch_penalty;
(Filename.quote reference_fasta#product#path);
] in
let command_to_stdout =
match input with
| `Fastq fastq ->
let r1_path, r2_path_opt = fastq#product#paths in
String.concat ~sep:" " [
Filename.quote r1_path;
Option.value_map ~default:"" r2_path_opt ~f:Filename.quote;
| `Bam (b, pairedness) ->
String.concat ~sep:" " [
"samtools bam2fq"; Filename.quote b#product#path;
bwa_base_command; (match pairedness with `PE -> "-p" | `SE -> "");
let command =
String.concat ~sep:" " [
command_to_stdout; "|";
"samtools"; "view"; "-b"; "|";
"samtools"; "sort";
"-@"; Int.to_string processors; "-T"; Filename.chop_extension result ^ "-tmp";
"-o"; Filename.quote result;
] in
let product =
bam_file ~host:Machine.(as_host run_with)
~name:(Input_reads.sample_name input)
~reference_build result in
workflow_node product
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure bwa_tool)
:: depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure samtools)
:: depends_on bwa_index
:: on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with result)
:: Input_reads.as_dependencies input
~make:(Machine.run_big_program run_with ~processors ~name
~self_ids:["bwa"; "mem"]
Machine.Tool.(init bwa_tool)
&& Machine.Tool.(init samtools)
&& in_work_dir
&& sh "set -o pipefail"
&& sh command))