open Biokepi_run_environment
open Common
module Remove = Workflow_utilities.Remove
let sam_to_bam ~(run_with : Machine.t) ~reference_build file_t =
let open KEDSL in
let samtools = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.samtools in
let src = file_t#product#path in
let dest = sprintf "%s.%s" (Filename.chop_suffix src ".sam") "bam" in
let program =
Program.(Machine.Tool.(init samtools)
&& exec ["samtools"; "view"; "-b"; "-o"; dest; src])
let name = sprintf "sam-to-bam-%s" (Filename.chop_suffix src ".sam") in
let make = Machine.run_program ~name run_with program in
let host = Machine.(as_host run_with) in
workflow_node ~name
(bam_file ~reference_build dest ~host)
depends_on file_t;
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure samtools);
on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with dest);
on_success_activate (Remove.file ~run_with src);
let faidx ~(run_with:Machine.t) fasta =
let open KEDSL in
let samtools = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.samtools in
let src = fasta#product#path in
let dest = sprintf "%s.%s" src "fai" in
let program =
Program.(Machine.Tool.(init samtools) && exec ["samtools"; "faidx"; src]) in
let name = sprintf "samtools-faidx-%s" Filename.(basename src) in
let make = Machine.run_program ~name run_with program in
let host = Machine.(as_host run_with) in
(single_file dest ~host) ~name ~make
depends_on fasta;
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure samtools);
on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with dest);
let flagstat ~(run_with:Machine.t) bam =
let open KEDSL in
let samtools = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.samtools in
let src = bam#product#path in
let dest = sprintf "%s.%s" src "flagstat" in
let program =
Machine.Tool.(init samtools) &&
shf "samtools flagstat %s > %s" (Filename.quote src) (Filename.quote dest)
) in
let name = sprintf "samtools-flagstat-%s" Filename.(basename src) in
let make = Machine.run_program ~name run_with program in
let host = Machine.(as_host run_with) in
(single_file dest ~host) ~name ~make
depends_on bam;
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure samtools);
on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with dest);
let bgzip ~run_with input_file output_path =
let open KEDSL in
let samtools = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.samtools in
let program =
Program.(Machine.Tool.(init samtools)
&& shf "bgzip %s -c > %s" input_file#product#path output_path) in
let name =
sprintf "samtools-bgzip-%s" Filename.(basename input_file#product#path) in
let make = Machine.run_program ~name run_with program in
let host = Machine.(as_host run_with) in
(single_file output_path ~host) ~name ~make
depends_on input_file;
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure samtools);
on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with output_path);
let tabix ~run_with ~tabular_format input_file =
let open KEDSL in
let samtools = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.samtools in
let output_path = input_file#product#path ^ ".tbi" in
let minus_p_argument =
match tabular_format with
| `Gff -> "gff"
| `Bed -> "bed"
| `Sam -> "sam"
| `Vcf -> "vcf"
| `Psltab -> "psltab" in
let program =
Machine.Tool.(init samtools)
&& shf "tabix -p %s %s"
) in
let name =
sprintf "samtools-tabix-%s" Filename.(basename input_file#product#path) in
let make = Machine.run_program ~name run_with program in
let host = Machine.(as_host run_with) in
(single_file output_path ~host) ~name ~make
depends_on input_file;
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure samtools);
on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with output_path);
let do_on_bam
?(more_depends_on=[]) ~name
?(more_requirements: Machine.Make_fun.Requirement.t list = [])
input_bam ~product ~make_command =
let open KEDSL in
let samtools = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.samtools in
let src = input_bam#product#path in
let sub_command = make_command src product#path in
let program =
Program.(Machine.Tool.(init samtools) && exec ("samtools" :: sub_command))
let make =
Machine.run_program ~requirements:more_requirements ~name run_with program
workflow_node product ~name ~make
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure samtools)
:: depends_on input_bam
:: on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with product#path)
:: more_depends_on)
let sort_bam_no_check ~(run_with:Machine.t) ~by input_bam =
let source = input_bam#product#path in
let dest_suffix =
match by with
| `Coordinate -> "sorted"
| `Read_name -> "read-name-sorted"
let dest_prefix =
sprintf "%s-%s" (Filename.chop_suffix source ".bam") dest_suffix in
let dest = sprintf "%s.%s" dest_prefix "bam" in
let product =
KEDSL.transform_bam ~change_sorting:by input_bam#product ~path:dest in
let processors = Machine.max_processors run_with in
let make_command src des =
let command = ["-@"; Int.to_string processors; src;
"-T"; dest_prefix; "-o"; dest] in
match by with
| `Coordinate -> "sort" :: command
| `Read_name -> "sort" :: "-n" :: command
do_on_bam ~run_with input_bam ~product ~make_command
~more_requirements:[`Memory `Big; `Processors processors]
~name:(sprintf "Samtools-sort %s"
Filename.(basename input_bam#product#path))
Uses "samtools sort" if the input_bam is not tagged as
“sorted as the ~by argument.”
If it is indeed already sorted the function returns the input_bam node as
*) |
let sort_bam_if_necessary ~(run_with:Machine.t) ~by
input_bam : KEDSL.bam_file KEDSL.workflow_node =
match input_bam#product#sorting with
| Some some when some = by -> (* Already sorted “the same way” *)
| other ->
sort_bam_no_check ~run_with input_bam ~by
(* Produce an index for the given BAM file.
- [?check_sorted] First check that the BAM is sorted, and fail if not.
(default: true)
let index_to_bai ~(run_with:Machine.t) ?(check_sorted=true) input_bam =
begin match input_bam#product#sorting with
| (Some `Read_name | None) when check_sorted ->
failwithf "In function Samtools.index_to_bai the input bam %s is not declared as sorted-by-coordinate (samtools-index requires that)"
| _ -> ()
let product =
KEDSL.single_file ~host:(Machine.as_host run_with)
(sprintf "%s.%s" input_bam#product#path "bai") in
let make_command src des = ["index"; "-b"; src] in
do_on_bam ~run_with input_bam ~product ~make_command
~name:(sprintf "Samtools-index %s"
Filename.(basename input_bam#product#path))
let mpileup ~run_with ?adjust_mapq ~region input_bam =
let open KEDSL in
let samtools = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.samtools in
let src = input_bam#product#path in
let adjust_mapq_option =
match adjust_mapq with | None -> "" | Some n -> sprintf "-C%d" n in
let samtools_region_option = Region.to_samtools_option region in
let reference_genome =
Machine.get_reference_genome run_with input_bam#product#reference_build in
let fasta = Reference_genome.fasta reference_genome in
let pileup =
Filename.chop_suffix src ".bam" ^
sprintf "-%s%s.mpileup" (Region.to_filename region) adjust_mapq_option
let sorted_bam =
sort_bam_if_necessary ~run_with input_bam ~by:`Coordinate in
let program =
Machine.Tool.(init samtools)
&& shf
"samtools mpileup %s %s -Bf %s %s > %s"
adjust_mapq_option samtools_region_option
) in
let name =
sprintf "samtools-mpileup-%s" Filename.(basename pileup |> chop_extension)
let make = Machine.run_program ~name run_with program in
let host = Machine.(as_host run_with) in
let edges = [
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure samtools);
depends_on sorted_bam;
depends_on fasta;
index_to_bai ~run_with sorted_bam |> depends_on;
on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with pileup);
] in
workflow_node ~name (single_file pileup ~host) ~make ~edges
Merge a list of BAM files.
The BAMs will be sorted, by coordinate, if they are not already.
By default, duplicate @PG and @RG IDs will be automatically uniquified with a random suffix.
let merge_bams
~(run_with : Machine.t)
?(delete_input_on_success = true)
?(attach_rg_tag = false)
?(uncompressed_bam_output = false)
?(compress_level_one = false)
?(combine_rg_headers = false)
?(combine_pg_headers = false)
(input_bam_list : KEDSL.bam_file KEDSL.workflow_node list)
(output_bam_path : string) =
let open KEDSL in
let samtools = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.samtools in
let () =
let lgth = List.length input_bam_list in
if lgth < 2 then
failwithf "Samtools.merge_bams: %d input-bam%s provided and `samtools merge` will fail with less than 2 Bam files"
(match lgth with 1 -> " was" | _ -> "s were")
let sorted_bams = input_bam_list ~f:(sort_bam_if_necessary ~run_with ~by:`Coordinate) in
let options =
(if attach_rg_tag then ["-r"] else [])
@ (if uncompressed_bam_output then ["-u"] else [])
@ (if compress_level_one then ["-1"] else [])
@ (if combine_rg_headers then ["-c"] else [])
@ (if combine_pg_headers then ["-p"] else [])
let program =
let open Program in
Machine.Tool.(init samtools)
&& exec (
["samtools"; "merge"] @ options @ [output_bam_path]
@ sorted_bams ~f:(fun bam -> bam#product#path)
let name =
sprintf "merge-%d-bams-into-%s" (List.length input_bam_list)
(Filename.basename output_bam_path) in
let make = Machine.run_program ~name run_with program in
let remove_input_bams = input_bam_list ~f:(fun src ->
on_success_activate (Remove.file ~run_with src#product#path))
let edges =
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure samtools)
:: on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with output_bam_path)
:: sorted_bams ~f:depends_on
@ if delete_input_on_success then remove_input_bams else []
let product =
(* samtools merge creates sorted bams: *)
let one =
List.hd input_bam_list
|> Option.value_exn
~msg:(sprintf "Samtools.merge_bams: input is empty list")
(transform_bam one#product ~path:output_bam_path) in
workflow_node ~name product ~make ~edges