struct open Biokepi_run_environment open Common module Remove = Workflow_utilities.Remove module Configuration = struct   module Align = struct     type t = {       name: string;       
      (** The mapping quality MAPQ (column 5) is 255 for uniquely mapping reads, and int(-10*log10(1- 1/Nmap)) for multi-mapping reads. This scheme is same as the one used by TopHat and is compatible with Cufflinks. The default MAPQ=255 for the unique mappers maybe changed with to an integer between 0 and 255 to ensure compatibility with downstream tools such as GATK. *)
      sam_mapq_unique: int option;       
      (** Specifies the length of the genomic sequence around the annotated junction to be used in constructing the splice junctions database. Ideally, this length should be equal to the ReadLength-1, where ReadLength is the length of the reads. *)
      overhang_length: int option;       parameters: (string * string) list;     }     let name t =     let default = {       name = "default";       sam_mapq_unique = None;       overhang_length = None;       parameters = [];     }     let to_json t: Yojson.Basic.json =       let {name;            sam_mapq_unique;            overhang_length;            parameters} = t in       `Assoc [         "name"`String name;         "sam_mapq_unique",         (match sam_mapq_unique with         | None -> `Null         | Some x -> `Int x);         "overhang_length",         (match overhang_length with         | None -> `Null         | Some x -> `Int x);         "parameters",         `Assoc ( parameters ~f:(fun (a, b) -> a, `String b));       ]     let render {name;                 sam_mapq_unique;                 overhang_length;                 parameters} =       (match overhang_length with       | None -> ""       | Some x ->         sprintf "--sjdbOverhang %d" x       ) ::       (match sam_mapq_unique with       | None -> ""       | Some x ->         if 0 > x || x > 255         then failwith "STAR Align sam_mapq_unique must be between 0 and 255"         else ();         sprintf "--outSAMmapqUnique %d" x) ::       List.concat_map parameters ~f:(fun (a, b) -> [a; b])   end end let index     ~reference_build     ~(run_with : Machine.t) =   let open KEDSL in   let reference_fasta =     Machine.get_reference_genome run_with reference_build     |> Reference_genome.fasta in   let star_tool = Machine.get_tool run_with in   let name =     sprintf "star-index-%s" (Filename.basename reference_fasta#product#path) in   let reference_annotations =     Machine.get_reference_genome run_with reference_build |> Reference_genome.gtf_exn in   let reference_dir = (Filename.dirname reference_fasta#product#path) in   let result_dir = sprintf "%s/star-index/" reference_dir in   let suffix_array_result = result_dir // "SA" in   let processors = Machine.max_processors run_with in   workflow_node ~name     (single_file ~host:(Machine.(as_host run_with)) suffix_array_result)     ~edges:[       on_failure_activate ( ~run_with result_dir);       depends_on reference_fasta;       depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure star_tool);     ]     ~tags:[Target_tags.aligner]     ~make:(Machine.run_big_program run_with ~processors ~name              ~self_ids:["star""index"]              Program.(                Machine.Tool.(init star_tool)                && shf "mkdir %s" result_dir                && shf "STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir %s --genomeFastaFiles %s --sjdbGTFfile %s --runThreadN %d"                  result_dir                  (Filename.quote reference_fasta#product#path)                  (Filename.quote reference_annotations#product#path)                  processors              )) let align     ~reference_build     ~fastq     ~(result_prefix:string)     ~(run_with : Machine.t)     ?(configuration=Configuration.Align.default)     () =   let open KEDSL in   let reference_fasta =     Machine.get_reference_genome run_with reference_build     |> Reference_genome.fasta in   let in_work_dir =     Program.shf "cd %s" Filename.(quote (dirname result_prefix)) in   let star_tool = Machine.get_tool run_with in   let star_index = index ~reference_build ~run_with in   let reference_dir = (Filename.dirname reference_fasta#product#path) in   let star_index_dir = sprintf "%s/star-index/" reference_dir in   (* STAR appends Aligned.out.bam to the filename *)   let result = sprintf "%sAligned.out.bam" result_prefix in   let r1_path, r2_path_opt = fastq#product#paths in   let name = sprintf "star-rna-align-%s" (Filename.basename r1_path) in   let processors = Machine.max_processors run_with in   let star_base_command = sprintf       "STAR --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted --outSAMstrandField intronMotif --outSAMattributes NH HI NM MD --outFilterIntronMotifs RemoveNoncanonical --genomeDir %s --runThreadN %d --outFileNamePrefix %s --outSAMattrRGline %s %s --readFilesIn %s"       (Filename.quote star_index_dir)       processors       result_prefix       (sprintf "ID:%s SM:\"%s\""          (Filename.basename r1_path)          fastq#product#sample_name)       (Configuration.Align.render configuration        |> String.concat ~sep:" ")       (Filename.quote r1_path)   in   let base_star_target ~star_command =     workflow_node ~name       (bam_file          ~host:(Machine.(as_host run_with))          ~reference_build          result)       ~edges:[         on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with result);         depends_on reference_fasta;         depends_on star_index;         depends_on fastq;         depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure star_tool);       ]       ~tags:[Target_tags.aligner]       ~make:(Machine.run_big_program run_with ~processors ~name                ~self_ids:["star""align"]                Program.(                  Machine.Tool.(init star_tool)                  && in_work_dir                  && sh star_command                ))   in   match r2_path_opt with   | Some read2 ->     let star_command =       String.concat ~sep:" " [         star_base_command;         (Filename.quote read2);       ] in     base_star_target ~star_command   | None ->     let star_command = star_base_command in     base_star_target ~star_command end