struct open Biokepi_run_environment open Common let rm_path = Workflow_utilities.Remove.path_on_host let generic_installation     ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)     ~host ~install_path     ~install_program ~witness ~url     ?unarchived_directory     ?(archive_is_directory = true)     tool_name =   let archive = Filename.basename url in   let archive_kind =     if Filename.check_suffix url "bz2" then `Tar "j"     else if Filename.check_suffix url "gz"  then `Tar "z"     else if Filename.check_suffix url "tar" then `Tar ""     else if Filename.check_suffix url "zip" then `Zip     else if Filename.check_suffix url "deb" then `Deb     else `None   in   let open KEDSL in   let unarchival =     let open Program in     let and_cd =       if archive_is_directory then         [shf "cd %s" (Option.value unarchived_directory                         ~default:(tool_name ^ "*"))]       else [] in     match archive_kind with     | `Tar tar_option ->       chain ([shf "tar xvf%s %s" tar_option archive;               shf "rm -f %s" archive; ] @ and_cd)     | `Zip ->       chain ([shf "unzip %s" archive; shf "rm -f %s" archive;] @ and_cd)     | `Deb ->       chain [         exec ["ar""x"; archive];         exec ["tar""xvfz""data.tar.gz"];         exec ["rm""-f""data.tar.gz"];       ]     | `None -> sh "echo Not-an-archive"   in   workflow_node     ~name:(sprintf "Install %s" tool_name)     witness     (* (single_file ~host *)     (*    (Option.value witness ~default:(install_path // tool_name))) *)     ~edges:[       on_failure_activate (rm_path ~host install_path);     ]     ~make:(       run_program         ~requirements:[           `Internet_access;           `Self_identification ["generic-instalation"; tool_name];         ]         Program.(           shf "mkdir -p %s" install_path           && shf "cd %s" install_path           && Workflow_utilities.Download.wget_program url           && unarchival           && install_program           && sh "echo Done"         )) let git_installation     ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)     ~host ~install_path     ~install_program ~witness     ~repository ~recursive tool   =   let open KEDSL in   let recursive = if recursive then "--recursive" else "" in   let version =     (Option.value_exn        tool.Machine.Tool.Definition.version        ~msg:"Git_installable tool must have a verison"in   let name = in   workflow_node     ~name:(sprintf "Install %s %s" name version)     witness     ~edges:[       on_failure_activate (rm_path ~host install_path);     ]     ~make:(       run_program         ~requirements:[           `Internet_access;           `Self_identification ["git-instalation"; name];         ]         Program.(           shf "mkdir -p %s" install_path           && shf "cd %s" install_path           && shf "git clone %s %s" recursive repository           && shf "cd %s" name           && shf "git checkout %s" version           && install_program           && sh "echo Done"         )) module Tool_def = Machine.Tool.Definition module Installable_tool = struct   let noop = "echo Nothing-done-here"   type t = {     tool_definition : Tool_def.t;     url : string;     install_program : path: string -> KEDSL.Program.t;     init_program : path: string -> KEDSL.Program.t;     witness: host: KEDSL.Host.t -> path: string -> KEDSL.unknown_product;     unarchived_directory : string option;     archive_is_directory : bool;   }   let make ~url     ?(install_program = fun ~path -> noop)     ?(init_program = fun ~path -> noop)     ~witness ?(archive_is_directory = true)     ?unarchived_directory     tool_definition =   {tool_definition; url; install_program;    init_program; witness; unarchived_directory; archive_is_directory}   let render ~run_program ~host ~install_tools_path tool =     let path =       install_tools_path // Tool_def.to_directory_name tool.tool_definition in     let ensure =       generic_installation         ?unarchived_directory:tool.unarchived_directory         ~archive_is_directory:tool.archive_is_directory         ~run_program ~host         ~install_path:path         ~install_program:(tool.install_program ~path)         ~witness:(tool.witness ~host ~path)         ~url:tool.url         (     in     Machine.Tool.create tool.tool_definition ~ensure       ~init:(tool.init_program path) end module Git_installable_tool = struct   let noop = "echo Nothing-done-here"   type t = {     tool_definition : Tool_def.t;     repository : string;     recursive : bool;     install_program : path: string -> KEDSL.Program.t;     init_program : path: string -> KEDSL.Program.t;     witness: host: KEDSL.Host.t -> path: string -> KEDSL.unknown_product;   }   let make ~repository     ?(install_program = fun ~path -> noop)     ?(init_program = fun ~path -> noop)     ?(recursive = false)     ~witness     tool_definition =   {tool_definition; repository; recursive; install_program; init_program; witness;}   let render ~run_program ~host ~install_tools_path tool =     let path =       install_tools_path // Tool_def.to_directory_name tool.tool_definition in     let ensure =       git_installation         ~run_program ~host         ~install_path:path         ~install_program:(tool.install_program ~path)         ~witness:(tool.witness ~host ~path)         ~repository:tool.repository         ~recursive:tool.recursive         tool.tool_definition     in     Machine.Tool.create tool.tool_definition ~ensure       ~init:(tool.init_program path) end let add_to_dollar_path ~path = KEDSL.Program.shf "export PATH=%s:$PATH" path let make_and_copy_bin bin =   fun ~path -> KEDSL.Program.(       sh "make" && shf "cp %s %s" bin path) let witness_file bin =   fun ~host ~path ->     let p = KEDSL.single_file ~host (path // bin) in     object method is_done = p#is_done end let witness_list l =   fun ~host ~path ->     KEDSL.list_of_files ~host ( l ~f:(fun bin -> path // bin))     |> fun p -> object method is_done = p#is_done end let bwa =   Installable_tool.make     Machine.Tool.Default.bwa     ~url:""     ~install_program:(make_and_copy_bin "bwa")     ~init_program:add_to_dollar_path     ~witness:(witness_file "bwa") let freebayes =   Git_installable_tool.make     Machine.Tool.Default.freebayes     ~repository:""     ~recursive:true     ~install_program:(fun ~path -> KEDSL.Program.(         sh "make"         && shf "cp -r bin %s" path       ))     ~init_program:(fun ~path ->         KEDSL.Program.(shf "export PATH=%s/bin/:$PATH" path))     ~witness:(witness_list ["bin/freebayes""bin/bamleftalign"]) let sambamba =   Installable_tool.make     Machine.Tool.Default.sambamba     ~archive_is_directory:false     ~url:""     ~init_program:add_to_dollar_path     ~witness:(witness_file "sambamba_v0.6.5") let stringtie =   Installable_tool.make     Machine.Tool.Default.stringtie     ~url:""     ~install_program:(make_and_copy_bin "stringtie")     ~init_program:add_to_dollar_path     ~witness:(witness_file "stringtie") let vcftools =   Installable_tool.make Machine.Tool.Default.vcftools     ~url:""     ~install_program:(fun ~path -> KEDSL.Program.(         sh "make"         && shf  "cp -r bin %s" path         && shf  "cp -r lib/perl5/site_perl %s" path       ))     ~witness:(witness_file @@ "bin" // "vcftools")     ~init_program:(fun ~path ->         KEDSL.Program.(shf "export PATH=%s/bin/:$PATH" path                        && shf "export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:%s/site_perl/" path)) let bedtools =   Installable_tool.make Machine.Tool.Default.bedtools     ~url:""     ~install_program:(fun ~path -> KEDSL.Program.(         sh "make" && shf "cp -r bin %s" path))     ~init_program:(fun ~path ->         KEDSL.Program.(shf "export PATH=%s/bin/:$PATH" path))     ~witness:(witness_file @@ "bin" // "bedtools") let mosaik =   let url =     "" in   Installable_tool.make Machine.Tool.Default.mosaik ~url     ~unarchived_directory:"MOSAIK*"     ~init_program:(fun ~path ->         KEDSL.Program.(           shf "export PATH=%s:$PATH" path           && shf "export MOSAIK_PE_ANN=%s/pe.ann" path           && shf "export MOSAIK_SE_ANN=%s/se.ann" path         ))     ~witness:(witness_file "MosaikAligner")     ~install_program:KEDSL.Program.(fun ~path ->         sh "make"         && shf "cp networkFile/*pe.ann %s/pe.ann" path         && shf "cp networkFile/*se.ann %s/se.ann" path         && shf "cp bin/* %s" path       ) let star =   let url = "" in   let star_binary = "STAR" in   (* TODO: there are other binaries in `bin/` *)   let star_binary_path = sprintf "bin/Linux_x86_64/%s" star_binary in   Installable_tool.make ~url     ~init_program:add_to_dollar_path     ~unarchived_directory:"STAR-*"     ~install_program:KEDSL.Program.(fun ~path ->         shf "cp %s %s" star_binary_path path)     ~witness:(witness_file star_binary) let hisat tool =   let open KEDSL in   let url, hisat_binary =     let open Machine.Tool.Default in     match tool with     | one when one = hisat ->       "",       "hisat"     | two when two = hisat2 ->       "",       "hisat2"     | other ->       failwithf "Can't install Hisat version: %s" (Tool_def.to_string other)   in   Installable_tool.make tool     ~url     ~witness:(witness_file hisat_binary)     ~install_program:KEDSL.Program.(fun ~path ->         shf "mv hisat* %s" path       )   ~init_program:add_to_dollar_path let kallisto =   let url = "" in   Installable_tool.make Machine.Tool.Default.kallisto ~url     ~witness:(witness_file "kallisto")     ~install_program:KEDSL.Program.(fun ~path ->         shf "cp -r * %s" path       )   ~init_program:add_to_dollar_path let samtools =   let url = "" in   let toplevel_tools = ["samtools"in   let htslib = ["bgzip""tabix" ] in   let tools = toplevel_tools @ htslib in   let install_program ~path =     let open KEDSL.Program in     sh "make"     && shf "cp %s %s" (String.concat toplevel_tools ~sep:" ")  path     && sh "cd htslib*/"     && sh "make"     && shf "cp %s %s" (String.concat htslib ~sep:" ") path     && sh "echo Done"   in   let witness = witness_list tools in   Installable_tool.make Machine.Tool.Default.samtools ~url ~install_program     ~init_program:add_to_dollar_path ~witness let cufflinks =   let url =     "" in   let witness = witness_file "cufflinks" in   let install_program ~path = KEDSL.Program.(shf "cp * %s" path) in   Installable_tool.make Machine.Tool.Default.cufflinks ~install_program ~url     ~init_program:add_to_dollar_path ~witness let somaticsniper =   let url =     let deb_file = "somatic-sniper1.0.3_1.0.3_amd64.deb" in     sprintf       ""       deb_file   in   let binary = "somaticsniper" in   let binary_in_deb = "usr/bin/bam-somaticsniper1.0.3" in   let install_program ~path =     KEDSL.Program.(shf "mv %s/%s %s/%s" path binary_in_deb path binary) in   Installable_tool.make Machine.Tool.Default.somaticsniper ~install_program ~url     ~witness:(witness_file binary) ~init_program:add_to_dollar_path let varscan =   let url =     "" in   let jar = "VarScan.v2.3.5.jar" in   let witness = witness_file jar in   let init_program ~path =     KEDSL.Program.(shf "export VARSCAN_JAR=%s/%s" path jar) in   Installable_tool.make Machine.Tool.Default.varscan ~url ~init_program ~witness let picard =   let url =     ""   in   let jar = "picard-tools-1.127" // "picard.jar" in   let init_program ~path = KEDSL.Program.(shf "export PICARD_JAR=%s/%s" path jar) in   Installable_tool.make Machine.Tool.Default.picard ~url ~init_program     ~witness:(witness_file jar)
(** Mutect (and some other tools) are behind some web-login annoying thing: c.f. <> So the user of the lib must provide an SSH or HTTP URL (or reimplement the `Tool.t` is some other way). *)
let get_broad_jar =   Workflow_utilities.Download.get_tool_file ~identifier:"broad-jar" let mutect_tool     ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)     ~host ~install_tools_path loc =   let tool = Machine.Tool.Default.mutect in   let open KEDSL in   let install_path = install_tools_path // Tool_def.to_directory_name tool in   let get_mutect = get_broad_jar ~run_program ~host ~install_path loc in   Machine.Tool.create tool ~ensure:get_mutect     ~init:Program.(shf "export mutect_HOME=%s" install_path) let gatk_tool     ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)     ~host ~install_tools_path loc =   let tool = Machine.Tool.Default.gatk in   let open KEDSL in   let install_path = install_tools_path // Tool_def.to_directory_name tool in   let ensure = get_broad_jar ~run_program ~host ~install_path loc in   Machine.Tool.create tool ~ensure     ~init:Program.(shf "export GATK_JAR=%s" ensure#product#path)

Strelka is built from source but does not seem to build on MacOSX.


let strelka =   let url =     "" in   let strelka_bin = "usr" // "bin" in   let witness = witness_file @@ strelka_bin // "" in   let install_program ~path =     (* C.f. *)     KEDSL.Program.(       shf "./configure --prefix=%s" (path // "usr")       && sh "make && make install"     )   in   let init_program ~path =     KEDSL.Program.(shf "export STRELKA_BIN=%s/%s" path strelka_bin) in   Installable_tool.make Machine.Tool.Default.strelka ~url     ~init_program ~install_program ~witness let virmid =   let url =     "" in   let jar = "Virmid-1.1.1" // "Virmid.jar" in   let init_program ~path =     KEDSL.Program.(shf "export VIRMID_JAR=%s/%s" path jar) in   Installable_tool.make Machine.Tool.Default.virmid ~url ~init_program     ~unarchived_directory:"."     ~witness:(witness_file jar) let muse =   let url =     "" in   let binary = "MuSEv1.0b" in   let install_program ~path =     KEDSL.Program.( shf "chmod +x %s/%s" path binary) in   let init_program ~path =     KEDSL.Program.(shf "export muse_bin=%s/%s" path binary) in   Installable_tool.make Machine.Tool.Default.muse ~url     ~install_program ~init_program     ~witness:(witness_file binary) let fastqc =   let url =     ""   in   let binary = "fastqc" in   let binary_path path = path // binary in   let init_program ~path =     KEDSL.Program.(shf "export FASTQC_BIN=%s" (binary_path path))   in   Installable_tool.make Machine.Tool.Default.fastqc ~url     ~witness:(witness_file binary)     ~install_program:KEDSL.Program.(fun ~path ->         shf "cp -r * %s" path         && shf "chmod +x %s" (binary_path path)       )     ~init_program     ~unarchived_directory:"FastQC"   let samblaster =     let binary = "samblaster" in     Installable_tool.make       Machine.Tool.Default.samblaster       ~url:""       ~install_program:(make_and_copy_bin binary)       ~init_program:add_to_dollar_path       ~witness:(witness_file binary) let default_tool_location msg (): Workflow_utilities.Download.tool_file_location =   `Fail (sprintf "No location provided for %s" msg) let default_netmhc_locations (): Netmhc.netmhc_file_locations = Netmhc.({   netmhc=(default_tool_location "NetMHC" ());   netmhcpan=(default_tool_location "NetMHCpan" ());   pickpocket=(default_tool_location "PickPocket" ());   netmhccons=(default_tool_location "NetMHCcons" ()); }) let default_toolkit     ~run_program     ~host ~install_tools_path     ?(mutect_jar_location = default_tool_location "Mutect")     ?(gatk_jar_location = default_tool_location "GATK")     ?(netmhc_tool_locations = default_netmhc_locations)     () =   let install installable =     Installable_tool.render ~host installable ~install_tools_path ~run_program   in   let install_git installable =     Git_installable_tool.render ~host installable ~install_tools_path ~run_program   in   Machine.Tool.Kit.concat [     Machine.Tool.Kit.of_list [       mutect_tool ~run_program ~host ~install_tools_path (mutect_jar_location ());       gatk_tool ~run_program ~host ~install_tools_path (gatk_jar_location ());       install bwa;       install samtools;       install bedtools;       install vcftools;       install strelka;       install picard;       install somaticsniper;       install sambamba;       install varscan;       install muse;       install virmid;       install star;       install stringtie;       install cufflinks;       install @@ hisat Machine.Tool.Default.hisat;       install @@ hisat Machine.Tool.Default.hisat2;       install mosaik;       install kallisto;       install fastqc;       install samblaster;       install_git freebayes;     ];     Biopam.default ~run_program ~host       ~install_path:(install_tools_path // "biopam-kit") ();     Python_package.default ~run_program ~host       ~install_path: (install_tools_path // "python-tools") ();     Netmhc.default ~run_program ~host       ~install_path: (install_tools_path // "netmhc-tools")       ~files:(netmhc_tool_locations ()) ();   ] end