open Nonstd
QueL-like Compiler Optimization Framework
This is “stolen” from The code is reusable for any optimization pass. *) |
module type Trans_base = sig
type 'a from
type 'a term
val fwd : 'a from -> 'a term (* reflection *)
val bwd : 'a term -> 'a from (* reification *)
module type Transformation = sig
include Trans_base
val fmap : ('a from -> 'b from) -> ('a term -> 'b term)
val fmap2 : ('a from -> 'b from -> 'c from) ->
('a term -> 'b term -> 'c term)
(** Add the default implementations of the mapping functions *) |
module Define_transformation(X : Trans_base) = struct
include X
let fmap f term = fwd (f (bwd term))
let fmap2 f term1 term2 = fwd (f (bwd term1) (bwd term2))
(** The default, generic optimizer.
Concrete optimizers are built by overriding the interpretations of some DSL forms.
See the module |
module Generic_optimizer
(X: Transformation)
(Input: Semantics.Bioinformatics_base with type 'a repr = 'a X.from)
: Semantics.Bioinformatics_base
with type 'a repr = 'a X.term
and type 'a observation = 'a Input.observation
= struct
module Tools = Biokepi_bfx_tools
open X
type 'a repr = 'a term
type 'a observation = 'a Input.observation
let lambda f = fwd (Input.lambda (fun x -> bwd (f (fwd x))))
let apply e1 e2 = fmap2 Input.apply e1 e2
let observe f =
Input.observe (fun () -> bwd (f ()))
let list l =
fwd (Input.list ( ~f:bwd l))
let list_map l ~f =
fwd (Input.list_map (bwd l) (bwd f))
let to_unit x = fwd (Input.to_unit (bwd x))
let pair a b = fwd (Input.pair (bwd a) (bwd b))
let pair_first x = fwd (Input.pair_first (bwd x))
let pair_second x = fwd (Input.pair_second (bwd x))
let input_url u = fwd (Input.input_url u)
let save ~name thing =
fwd ( ~name (bwd thing))
let fastq ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 () =
let r2 = ~f:bwd r2 in
fwd (Input.fastq ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1:(bwd r1) ?r2 ())
let fastq_gz ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 () =
let r1 = bwd r1 in
let r2 = ~f:bwd r2 in
fwd (Input.fastq_gz ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 ())
let bam ~sample_name ?sorting ~reference_build input =
fwd (Input.bam ~sample_name ?sorting ~reference_build (bwd input))
let bed file =
fwd (Input.bed (bwd file))
let mhc_alleles =
| `File f -> fwd (Input.mhc_alleles (`File (bwd f)))
| `Names _ as m -> fwd (Input.mhc_alleles m)
let index_bam bam =
fwd (Input.index_bam (bwd bam))
let kallisto ~reference_build ?bootstrap_samples fq =
fwd (Input.kallisto ?bootstrap_samples ~reference_build (bwd fq))
let delly2 ?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.delly2 ?configuration ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let cufflinks ?reference_build bam =
fwd (Input.cufflinks ?reference_build (bwd bam))
let bwa_aln ?configuration ~reference_build fq =
fwd (Input.bwa_aln ?configuration ~reference_build (bwd fq))
let bwa_mem ?configuration ~reference_build fq =
fwd (Input.bwa_mem ?configuration ~reference_build (bwd fq))
let bwa_mem_opt ?configuration ~reference_build input =
fwd (Input.bwa_mem_opt ?configuration ~reference_build
(match input with
| `Fastq f -> `Fastq (bwd f)
| `Fastq_gz f -> `Fastq_gz (bwd f)
| `Bam (b, p) -> `Bam (bwd b, p)))
let star ?configuration ~reference_build fq =
fwd ( ?configuration ~reference_build (bwd fq))
let hisat ?configuration ~reference_build fq =
fwd (Input.hisat ?configuration ~reference_build (bwd fq))
let mosaik ~reference_build fq =
fwd (Input.mosaik ~reference_build (bwd fq))
let stringtie ?configuration fq =
fwd (Input.stringtie ?configuration (bwd fq))
let gatk_indel_realigner ?configuration bam =
fwd (Input.gatk_indel_realigner ?configuration (bwd bam))
let gatk_indel_realigner_joint ?configuration pair =
fwd (Input.gatk_indel_realigner_joint ?configuration (bwd pair))
let picard_mark_duplicates ?configuration bam =
fwd (Input.picard_mark_duplicates ?configuration (bwd bam))
let picard_reorder_sam ?mem_param ?reference_build bam =
fwd (Input.picard_reorder_sam ?mem_param ?reference_build (bwd bam))
let picard_clean_bam bam =
fwd (Input.picard_clean_bam (bwd bam))
let gatk_bqsr ?configuration bam =
fwd (Input.gatk_bqsr ?configuration (bwd bam))
let seq2hla fq =
fwd (Input.seq2hla (bwd fq))
let optitype how fq =
fwd (Input.optitype how (bwd fq))
let hlarp input =
fwd (Input.hlarp (match input with
| `Seq2hla f -> `Seq2hla (bwd f)
| `Optitype f -> `Optitype (bwd f)))
let filter_to_region vcf bed =
fwd (Input.filter_to_region (bwd vcf) (bwd bed))
let gatk_haplotype_caller bam =
fwd (Input.gatk_haplotype_caller (bwd bam))
let gunzip gz =
fwd (Input.gunzip (bwd gz))
let gunzip_concat gzl =
fwd (Input.gunzip_concat (bwd gzl))
let concat l =
fwd (Input.concat (bwd l))
let merge_bams
bl =
fwd (Input.merge_bams (bwd bl))
let bam_to_fastq ?fragment_id se_or_pe bam =
fwd (Input.bam_to_fastq ?fragment_id se_or_pe (bwd bam))
let bam_left_align ~reference_build bam =
fwd (Input.bam_left_align ~reference_build (bwd bam))
let sambamba_filter ~filter bam =
fwd (Input.sambamba_filter ~filter (bwd bam))
let mutect ?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.mutect ?configuration ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let mutect2 ?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.mutect2 ?configuration ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let somaticsniper ?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.somaticsniper ?configuration ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let strelka ?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.strelka ?configuration ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let varscan_somatic ?adjust_mapq ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.varscan_somatic
?adjust_mapq ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let muse ?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.muse ?configuration ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let virmid ?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.virmid ?configuration ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let fastqc fq =
fwd (Input.fastqc (bwd fq))
let flagstat bam =
fwd (Input.flagstat (bwd bam))
let vcf_annotate_polyphen vcf =
fwd (Input.vcf_annotate_polyphen (bwd vcf))
let snpeff vcf = fwd (Input.snpeff (bwd vcf))
let isovar ?configuration vcf bam =
fwd (Input.isovar ?configuration (bwd vcf) (bwd bam))
let topiary ?configuration vcfs predictor alleles =
fwd (Input.topiary ?configuration
( ~f:bwd vcfs) predictor (bwd alleles))
let vaxrank ?configuration vcfs bam predictor alleles =
fwd (Input.vaxrank ?configuration
( ~f:(fun v -> (bwd v)) vcfs)
(bwd bam) predictor (bwd alleles))
let seqtk_shift_phred_scores fastq =
fwd (Input.seqtk_shift_phred_scores (bwd fastq))