(Input : Semantics.Bioinformatics_base)
= struct
(** The “core” of the transformation is implemented here.
All the terms of the input language that are not relevant to the
transformation are wrapped in |
module Transformation_types = struct
type 'a from = 'a Input.repr
type 'a term =
| Unknown : 'a from -> 'a term
| Apply : ('a -> 'b) term * 'a term -> 'b term
| Lambda : ('a term -> 'b term) -> ('a -> 'b) term
| List_make: ('a term) list -> 'a list term
| List_map: ('a list term * ('a -> 'b) term) -> 'b list term
| Pair: 'a term * 'b term -> ('a * 'b) term
| Fst: ('a * 'b) term -> 'a term
| Snd: ('a * 'b) term -> 'b term
let fwd x = Unknown x
let rec bwd : type a. a term -> a from =
| Apply (Lambda f, v) -> bwd (f v)
| Apply (other, v) -> Input.apply (bwd other) (bwd v)
| List_map (List_make l, Lambda f) ->
Input.list (List.map ~f:(fun x -> bwd (f x)) l)
| List_map (x, f) ->
Input.list_map ~f:(bwd f) (bwd x)
| Lambda f ->
Input.lambda (fun x -> (bwd (f (fwd x))))
| List_make l -> Input.list (List.map ~f:bwd l)
| Fst (Pair (a, b)) -> bwd a
| Snd (Pair (a, b)) -> bwd b
| Pair (a, b) -> Input.pair (bwd a) (bwd b)
| Fst b -> Input.pair_first (bwd b)
| Snd b -> Input.pair_second (bwd b)
| Unknown x -> x
(** Applying this functor just adds functions that we don't use yet; so this could be simplified in the future. *) |
module Transformation =
open Transformation
(** Language_delta is where we “intercept” the terms of the language that
are interesting.
For all the other ones *) |
module Language_delta = struct
open Transformation_types
let apply f x = Apply (f, x)
let lambda f = Lambda f
let list l = List_make l
let list_map l ~f = List_map (l, f)
let pair a b = Pair (a, b)
let pair_first p = Fst p
let pair_second p = Snd p