(* code generated with [./tools/build-doc.sh ketrew,ppx_deriving.std] *)
module Common_pipelines
= struct
(* Copyright 2015, Sebastien Mondet *)
(* *)
(* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); *)
(* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. *)
(* You may obtain a copy of the License at *)
(* *)
(* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 *)
(* *)
(* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software *)
(* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, *)
(* implied. See the License for the specific language governing *)
(* permissions and limitations under the License. *)
open Biokepi_run_environment
open Biokepi_bfx_tools
open Common
module Somatic = struct
type from_fastqs =
normal_fastqs:Pipeline.Construct.input_fastq ->
tumor_fastqs:Pipeline.Construct.input_fastq ->
dataset:string -> Pipeline.vcf Pipeline.t list
let crazy_example ~normal_fastqs ~tumor_fastqs ~dataset =
let open Pipeline.Construct in
let normal = input_fastq ~dataset normal_fastqs in
let tumor = input_fastq ~dataset tumor_fastqs in
let bam_pair ?configuration () =
let normal =
bwa ?configuration normal
|> gatk_indel_realigner
|> picard_mark_duplicates
|> gatk_bqsr
let tumor =
bwa ?configuration tumor
|> gatk_indel_realigner
|> picard_mark_duplicates
|> gatk_bqsr
pair ~normal ~tumor in
let bam_pairs =
let non_default =
let open Bwa.Configuration.Aln in
{ name = "config42";
gap_open_penalty = 10;
gap_extension_penalty = 7;
mismatch_penalty = 5; } in
bam_pair ();
bam_pair ~configuration:non_default ();
] in
let vcfs =
List.concat_map bam_pairs ~f:(fun bam_pair ->
mutect bam_pair;
somaticsniper bam_pair;
name = "example0001-095";
prior_probability = 0.001;
theta = 0.95;
} bam_pair;
varscan_somatic bam_pair;
strelka ~configuration:Strelka.Configuration.exome_default bam_pair;
let from_fastqs_with_variant_caller
~variant_caller ~normal_fastqs ~tumor_fastqs ~dataset =
let open Pipeline.Construct in
let normal = input_fastq ~dataset normal_fastqs in
let tumor = input_fastq ~dataset tumor_fastqs in
let make_bam data =
data |> bwa_mem |> gatk_indel_realigner |> picard_mark_duplicates |> gatk_bqsr
let vc_input =
pair ~normal:(make_bam normal) ~tumor:(make_bam tumor) in
[variant_caller vc_input]
module Optimization_framework
= struct
open Nonstd
QueL-like Compiler Optimization Framework
This is “stolen” from ["quel_o.ml"] …
i.e. the “Query optimization framework in tagless-final.”
The code is reusable for any optimization pass.
module type Trans_base = sig
type 'a from
type 'a term
val fwd : 'a from -> 'a term (* reflection *)
val bwd : 'a term -> 'a from (* reification *)
module type Transformation = sig
include Trans_base
val fmap : ('a from -> 'b from) -> ('a term -> 'b term)
val fmap2 : ('a from -> 'b from -> 'c from) ->
('a term -> 'b term -> 'c term)
(** Add the default implementations of the mapping functions *)
module Define_transformation(X : Trans_base) = struct
include X
let fmap f term = fwd (f (bwd term))
let fmap2 f term1 term2 = fwd (f (bwd term1) (bwd term2))
(** The default, generic optimizer.
Concrete optimizers are built by overriding the interpretations
of some DSL forms.
See the module {!Transform_applications} for an example of use.
module Generic_optimizer
(X: Transformation)
(Input: Semantics.Bioinformatics_base with type 'a repr = 'a X.from)
: Semantics.Bioinformatics_base
with type 'a repr = 'a X.term
and type 'a observation = 'a Input.observation
= struct
module Tools = Biokepi_bfx_tools
open X
type 'a repr = 'a term
type 'a observation = 'a Input.observation
let lambda f = fwd (Input.lambda (fun x -> bwd (f (fwd x))))
let apply e1 e2 = fmap2 Input.apply e1 e2
let observe f =
Input.observe (fun () -> bwd (f ()))
let list l =
fwd (Input.list (List.map ~f:bwd l))
let list_map l ~f =
fwd (Input.list_map (bwd l) (bwd f))
let to_unit x = fwd (Input.to_unit (bwd x))
let pair a b = fwd (Input.pair (bwd a) (bwd b))
let pair_first x = fwd (Input.pair_first (bwd x))
let pair_second x = fwd (Input.pair_second (bwd x))
let input_url u = fwd (Input.input_url u)
let save ~name thing =
fwd (Input.save ~name (bwd thing))
let fastq ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 () =
let r2 = Option.map ~f:bwd r2 in
fwd (Input.fastq ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1:(bwd r1) ?r2 ())
let fastq_gz ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 () =
let r1 = bwd r1 in
let r2 = Option.map ~f:bwd r2 in
fwd (Input.fastq_gz ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 ())
let bam ~sample_name ?sorting ~reference_build input =
fwd (Input.bam ~sample_name ?sorting ~reference_build (bwd input))
let bed file =
fwd (Input.bed (bwd file))
let mhc_alleles =
| `File f -> fwd (Input.mhc_alleles (`File (bwd f)))
| `Names _ as m -> fwd (Input.mhc_alleles m)
let index_bam bam =
fwd (Input.index_bam (bwd bam))
let kallisto ~reference_build ?bootstrap_samples fq =
fwd (Input.kallisto ?bootstrap_samples ~reference_build (bwd fq))
let delly2 ?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.delly2 ?configuration ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let cufflinks ?reference_build bam =
fwd (Input.cufflinks ?reference_build (bwd bam))
let bwa_aln ?configuration ~reference_build fq =
fwd (Input.bwa_aln ?configuration ~reference_build (bwd fq))
let bwa_mem ?configuration ~reference_build fq =
fwd (Input.bwa_mem ?configuration ~reference_build (bwd fq))
let bwa_mem_opt ?configuration ~reference_build input =
fwd (Input.bwa_mem_opt ?configuration ~reference_build
(match input with
| `Fastq f -> `Fastq (bwd f)
| `Fastq_gz f -> `Fastq_gz (bwd f)
| `Bam (b, p) -> `Bam (bwd b, p)))
let star ?configuration ~reference_build fq =
fwd (Input.star ?configuration ~reference_build (bwd fq))
let hisat ?configuration ~reference_build fq =
fwd (Input.hisat ?configuration ~reference_build (bwd fq))
let mosaik ~reference_build fq =
fwd (Input.mosaik ~reference_build (bwd fq))
let stringtie ?configuration fq =
fwd (Input.stringtie ?configuration (bwd fq))
let gatk_indel_realigner ?configuration bam =
fwd (Input.gatk_indel_realigner ?configuration (bwd bam))
let gatk_indel_realigner_joint ?configuration pair =
fwd (Input.gatk_indel_realigner_joint ?configuration (bwd pair))
let picard_mark_duplicates ?configuration bam =
fwd (Input.picard_mark_duplicates ?configuration (bwd bam))
let picard_reorder_sam ?mem_param ?reference_build bam =
fwd (Input.picard_reorder_sam ?mem_param ?reference_build (bwd bam))
let picard_clean_bam bam =
fwd (Input.picard_clean_bam (bwd bam))
let gatk_bqsr ?configuration bam =
fwd (Input.gatk_bqsr ?configuration (bwd bam))
let seq2hla fq =
fwd (Input.seq2hla (bwd fq))
let optitype how fq =
fwd (Input.optitype how (bwd fq))
let hlarp input =
fwd (Input.hlarp (match input with
| `Seq2hla f -> `Seq2hla (bwd f)
| `Optitype f -> `Optitype (bwd f)))
let filter_to_region vcf bed =
fwd (Input.filter_to_region (bwd vcf) (bwd bed))
let gatk_haplotype_caller bam =
fwd (Input.gatk_haplotype_caller (bwd bam))
let gunzip gz =
fwd (Input.gunzip (bwd gz))
let gunzip_concat gzl =
fwd (Input.gunzip_concat (bwd gzl))
let concat l =
fwd (Input.concat (bwd l))
let merge_bams
bl =
fwd (Input.merge_bams (bwd bl))
let bam_to_fastq ?fragment_id se_or_pe bam =
fwd (Input.bam_to_fastq ?fragment_id se_or_pe (bwd bam))
let bam_left_align ~reference_build bam =
fwd (Input.bam_left_align ~reference_build (bwd bam))
let sambamba_filter ~filter bam =
fwd (Input.sambamba_filter ~filter (bwd bam))
let mutect ?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.mutect ?configuration ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let mutect2 ?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.mutect2 ?configuration ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let somaticsniper ?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.somaticsniper ?configuration ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let strelka ?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.strelka ?configuration ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let varscan_somatic ?adjust_mapq ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.varscan_somatic
?adjust_mapq ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let muse ?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.muse ?configuration ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let virmid ?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
fwd (Input.virmid ?configuration ~normal:(bwd normal) ~tumor:(bwd tumor) ())
let fastqc fq =
fwd (Input.fastqc (bwd fq))
let flagstat bam =
fwd (Input.flagstat (bwd bam))
let vcf_annotate_polyphen vcf =
fwd (Input.vcf_annotate_polyphen (bwd vcf))
let snpeff vcf = fwd (Input.snpeff (bwd vcf))
let isovar ?configuration vcf bam =
fwd (Input.isovar ?configuration (bwd vcf) (bwd bam))
let topiary ?configuration vcfs predictor alleles =
fwd (Input.topiary ?configuration
(List.map ~f:bwd vcfs) predictor (bwd alleles))
let vaxrank ?configuration vcfs bam predictor alleles =
fwd (Input.vaxrank ?configuration
(List.map ~f:(fun v -> (bwd v)) vcfs)
(bwd bam) predictor (bwd alleles))
let seqtk_shift_phred_scores fastq =
fwd (Input.seqtk_shift_phred_scores (bwd fastq))
module Pipeline
= struct
(* Copyright 2014, Sebastien Mondet *)
(* *)
(* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); *)
(* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. *)
(* You may obtain a copy of the License at *)
(* *)
(* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 *)
(* *)
(* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software *)
(* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, *)
(* implied. See the License for the specific language governing *)
(* permissions and limitations under the License. *)
open Biokepi_run_environment
open Biokepi_bfx_tools
open Common
module File = struct
type t = KEDSL.file_workflow
type json = Yojson.Basic.json
type fastq_gz = Fastq_gz
type fastq = Fastq
type fastq_sample = Fastq_sample
type bam = KEDSL.bam_file KEDSL.workflow_node
type bam_pair = Bam_pair
type vcf = Vcf
type gtf = Gtf
(** Seq2HLA & Optitype have unique return file formats *)
type seq2hla_hla_types = Seq2HLA_hla_types
type optitype_hla_types = Optitype_hla_types
type somatic = { normal : bam; tumor : bam }
type germline = bam
type fastq_sample_info = {
sample_name: string;
fragment_id: string;
module Variant_caller = struct
type _ input =
| Somatic: somatic -> somatic input
| Germline: germline -> germline input
type 'a t = {
name: string;
configuration_json: json;
configuration_name: string;
run_with: Machine.t ->
input: 'a input ->
result_prefix: string ->
?more_edges: KEDSL.workflow_edge list ->
unit ->
KEDSL.vcf_file KEDSL.workflow_node
type metadata_spec = [
| `Add_tags of string list
| `Add_tags_rec of string list
type _ t =
| Fastq_gz: File.t -> fastq_gz t
| Fastq: File.t -> fastq t
(* | List: 'a t list -> 'a list t *)
| Bam_sample: string * bam -> bam t
| Bam_to_fastq: [ `Single | `Paired ] * bam t -> fastq_sample t
| Paired_end_sample: fastq_sample_info * fastq t * fastq t -> fastq_sample t
| Single_end_sample: fastq_sample_info * fastq t -> fastq_sample t
| Gunzip_concat: fastq_gz t list -> fastq t
| Concat_text: fastq t list -> fastq t
| Star: Star.Configuration.Align.t * fastq_sample t -> bam t
| Hisat: Hisat.Configuration.t * fastq_sample t -> bam t
| Stringtie: Stringtie.Configuration.t * bam t -> gtf t
| Bwa: Bwa.Configuration.Aln.t * fastq_sample t -> bam t
| Bwa_mem: Bwa.Configuration.Mem.t * fastq_sample t -> bam t
| Mosaik: fastq_sample t -> bam t
| Gatk_indel_realigner: Gatk.Configuration.indel_realigner * bam t -> bam t
| Picard_mark_duplicates: Picard.Mark_duplicates_settings.t * bam t -> bam t
| Gatk_bqsr: (Gatk.Configuration.bqsr * bam t) -> bam t
| Bam_pair: bam t * bam t -> bam_pair t
| Somatic_variant_caller: somatic Variant_caller.t * bam_pair t -> vcf t
| Germline_variant_caller: germline Variant_caller.t * bam t -> vcf t
| Seq2HLA: fastq_sample t -> seq2hla_hla_types t
| Optitype: ([`DNA | `RNA] * fastq_sample t) -> optitype_hla_types t
| With_metadata: metadata_spec * 'a t -> 'a t
module Construct = struct
type input_fastq = [
| `Paired_end of File.t list * File.t list
| `Single_end of File.t list
let input_fastq ~dataset (fastqs: input_fastq) =
let is_fastq_gz p =
Filename.check_suffix p "fastq.gz" || Filename.check_suffix p "fq.gz" in
let is_fastq p =
Filename.check_suffix p "fastq" || Filename.check_suffix p "fq" in
let theyre_all l f = List.for_all l ~f:(fun file -> f file#product#path) in
let bring_to_single_fastq l =
match l with
| [] -> failwithf "Dataset %S seems empty" dataset
| gzs when theyre_all gzs is_fastq_gz ->
Gunzip_concat (List.map gzs (fun f -> Fastq_gz f))
| fqs when theyre_all fqs is_fastq ->
Concat_text (List.map fqs (fun f -> Fastq f))
| not_supported ->
"For now, a sample must be a uniform list of \
fastq.gz/fq.gz or .fq/.fastq files. \
Dataset %S does not qualify: [%s]
(List.map not_supported ~f:(fun f -> Filename.basename f#product#path)
|> String.concat ~sep:", ")
let sample_info = {sample_name = dataset; fragment_id = dataset} in
match fastqs with
| `Paired_end (l1, l2) ->
Paired_end_sample (sample_info, bring_to_single_fastq l1, bring_to_single_fastq l2)
| `Single_end l ->
Single_end_sample (sample_info, bring_to_single_fastq l)
let bam ~dataset bam = Bam_sample (dataset, bam)
let bam_to_fastq how bam = Bam_to_fastq (how, bam)
let bwa ?(configuration = Bwa.Configuration.Aln.default) fastq =
Bwa (configuration, fastq)
let bwa_aln = bwa
let bwa_mem ?(configuration = Bwa.Configuration.Mem.default) fastq =
Bwa_mem (configuration, fastq)
let mosaik fastq = Mosaik fastq
let star ?(configuration = Star.Configuration.Align.default) fastq =
Star (configuration, fastq)
let hisat ?(configuration = Hisat.Configuration.default_v1) fastq =
Hisat (configuration, fastq)
let stringtie ?(configuration = Stringtie.Configuration.default) bam =
Stringtie (configuration, bam)
let gatk_indel_realigner
= Gatk_indel_realigner (configuration, bam)
let picard_mark_duplicates
?(settings=Picard.Mark_duplicates_settings.default) bam =
Picard_mark_duplicates (settings, bam)
let gatk_bqsr ?(configuration=Gatk.Configuration.default_bqsr) bam = Gatk_bqsr (configuration, bam)
let pair ~normal ~tumor = Bam_pair (normal, tumor)
let germline_variant_caller t input_bam =
Germline_variant_caller (t, input_bam)
let gatk_haplotype_caller input_bam =
let configuration_name = "default" in
let configuration_json =
`Assoc [
"Name", `String configuration_name;
] in
let make_target
~run_with ~input ~result_prefix ?more_edges () =
match input with
| Variant_caller.Germline input_bam ->
Gatk.haplotype_caller ?more_edges ~run_with
~input_bam ~result_prefix `Map_reduce in
{Variant_caller.name = "Gatk-HaplotypeCaller";
let somatic_variant_caller t bam_pair =
Somatic_variant_caller (t, bam_pair)
let mutect ?(configuration=Mutect.Configuration.default) bam_pair =
let configuration_name = configuration.Mutect.Configuration.name in
let configuration_json = Mutect.Configuration.to_json configuration in
let make_target
~run_with ~input ~result_prefix ?more_edges () =
match input with | Variant_caller.Somatic {normal; tumor} ->
~normal ~tumor
~result_prefix `Map_reduce in
{Variant_caller.name = "Mutect";
let mutect2 ?(configuration=Gatk.Configuration.Mutect2.default) bam_pair =
let configuration_name = configuration.Gatk.Configuration.Mutect2.name in
let configuration_json = Gatk.Configuration.Mutect2.to_json configuration in
let make_target
~run_with ~input ~result_prefix ?more_edges () =
match input with
| Variant_caller.Somatic {normal; tumor} ->
~configuration ?more_edges ~run_with
~input_normal_bam:normal ~input_tumor_bam:tumor
~result_prefix `Map_reduce in
{Variant_caller.name = "Mutect";
let somaticsniper
?(configuration = Somaticsniper.Configuration.default)
bam_pair =
let make_target
~run_with ~input ~result_prefix ?more_edges () =
match input with
| Variant_caller.Somatic {normal; tumor} ->
~configuration ~run_with ~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix () in
{Variant_caller.name = "Somaticsniper";
configuration_json = Somaticsniper.Configuration.to_json configuration;
configuration_name = Somaticsniper.Configuration.name configuration;
let varscan_somatic ?adjust_mapq bam_pair =
let configuration_name =
sprintf "amq-%s"
(Option.value_map ~default:"NONE" adjust_mapq ~f:Int.to_string) in
let configuration_json =
`Assoc [
"Name", `String configuration_name;
`String (Option.value_map adjust_mapq ~f:Int.to_string ~default:"None");
] in
{Variant_caller.name = "Varscan-somatic";
make_target = begin
fun ~run_with ~input ~result_prefix ?more_edges () ->
match input with | Variant_caller.Somatic {normal; tumor} ->
Varscan.somatic_map_reduce ?adjust_mapq
?more_edges ~run_with ~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix ()
let strelka ~configuration bam_pair =
{Variant_caller.name = "Strelka";
configuration_json = Strelka.Configuration.to_json configuration;
configuration_name = configuration.Strelka.Configuration.name;
make_target =
fun ~run_with ~input ~result_prefix ?more_edges () ->
match input with | Variant_caller.Somatic {normal; tumor} ->
~configuration ~normal ~tumor
~run_with ~result_prefix
let virmid ~configuration bam_pair =
{Variant_caller.name = "Virmid";
configuration_json = Virmid.Configuration.to_json configuration;
configuration_name = configuration.Virmid.Configuration.name;
make_target =
fun ~run_with ~input ~result_prefix
?more_edges () ->
match input with | Variant_caller.Somatic {normal; tumor} ->
~configuration ~normal ~tumor
~run_with ~result_prefix
let muse ~configuration bam_pair =
let make_target
~(run_with: Machine.t) ~input ~result_prefix
?more_edges () =
match input with | Variant_caller.Somatic {normal; tumor} ->
Muse.run ~configuration ?more_edges
~run_with ~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix `Map_reduce in
{Variant_caller.name = "Muse";
configuration_json = Muse.Configuration.to_json configuration;
configuration_name = configuration.Muse.Configuration.name;
make_target }
let seq2hla fastq_sample = Seq2HLA fastq_sample
let optitype kind fastq_sample = Optitype (kind, fastq_sample)
let add_tags ?(recursively = false) tags pipeline =
With_metadata ((if recursively then `Add_tags_rec tags else `Add_tags tags),
let rec to_file_prefix:
type a.
?read:[ `R1 of string | `R2 of string ] ->
a t -> string =
fun ?read w ->
begin match w with
| With_metadata (_, p) -> to_file_prefix ?read p
| Fastq_gz _ -> failwith "TODO"
| Fastq _ -> failwith "TODO"
| Single_end_sample (info, _) -> info.fragment_id
| Gunzip_concat [] -> failwith "TODO"
| Gunzip_concat (_ :: _) ->
begin match read with
| None -> "-cat"
| Some (`R1 s) -> sprintf "%s-R1-cat" s
| Some (`R2 s) -> sprintf "%s-R2-cat" s
| Concat_text _ -> failwith "TODO"
| Bam_sample (name, _) -> Filename.basename name
| Bam_to_fastq (how, bam) ->
sprintf "%s-b2fq-%s"
(to_file_prefix bam)
(match how with `Paired -> "PE" | `Single -> "SE")
| Paired_end_sample (info, _ , _) -> info.fragment_id
| Bwa (configuration, sample) ->
sprintf "%s-bwa-%s"
(to_file_prefix sample) (Bwa.Configuration.Aln.name configuration)
| Bwa_mem (configuration, sample) ->
sprintf "%s-bwa-mem-%s"
(to_file_prefix sample) (Bwa.Configuration.Mem.name configuration)
| Star (configuration, sample) ->
sprintf "%s-%s-star-aligned"
(to_file_prefix sample)
(Star.Configuration.Align.name configuration)
| Hisat (conf, sample) ->
sprintf "%s-hisat-%s-aligned" (to_file_prefix sample) (conf.Hisat.Configuration.name)
| Stringtie (conf, sample) ->
sprintf "%s-%s-stringtie"
(to_file_prefix sample)
| Mosaik (sample) ->
sprintf "%s-mosaik" (to_file_prefix sample)
| Gatk_indel_realigner ((indel_cfg, target_cfg), bam) ->
let open Gatk.Configuration in
sprintf "%s-indelrealigned-%s-%s"
(to_file_prefix ?read bam)
| Gatk_bqsr ((bqsr_cfg, print_reads_cfg), bam) ->
let open Gatk.Configuration in
sprintf "%s-bqsr-%s-%s"
(to_file_prefix ?read bam)
| Picard_mark_duplicates (_, bam) ->
(* The settings, for now, do not impact the result *)
sprintf "%s-dedup" (to_file_prefix ?read bam)
| Bam_pair (nor, tum) -> to_file_prefix tum
| Somatic_variant_caller (vc, bp) ->
let prev = to_file_prefix bp in
sprintf "%s-%s-%s" prev
| Germline_variant_caller (vc, bp) ->
let prev = to_file_prefix bp in
sprintf "%s-%s-%s" prev
| Seq2HLA s ->
sprintf "seq2hla-%s" (to_file_prefix ?read s)
| Optitype (kind, s) ->
sprintf "optitype-%s-%s"
(match kind with `DNA -> "DNA" | `RNA -> "RNA")
(to_file_prefix ?read s)
let rec to_json: type a. a t -> json =
fun w ->
let call name (args : json list): json = `List (`String name :: args) in
match w with
| Fastq_gz file -> call "Fastq_gz" [`String file#product#path]
| Fastq file -> call "Fastq" [`String file#product#path]
| Bam_sample (name, file) ->
call "Bam-sample" [`String name; `String file#product#path]
| Bam_to_fastq (how, bam) ->
let how_string =
match how with `Paired -> "Paired" | `Single -> "Single" in
call "Bam-to-fastq" [`String how_string; to_json bam]
| Paired_end_sample ({sample_name; fragment_id}, r1, r2) ->
call "Paired-end" [`String sample_name; `String fragment_id;
to_json r1; to_json r2]
| Single_end_sample ({sample_name; fragment_id}, r) ->
call "Single-end" [`String sample_name; `String fragment_id; to_json r]
| Gunzip_concat fastq_gz_list ->
call "Gunzip-concat" (List.map ~f:to_json fastq_gz_list)
| Concat_text fastq_list ->
call "Concat" (List.map ~f:to_json fastq_list)
| Bwa (config, input) ->
call "BWA" [
`Assoc ["configuration", Bwa.Configuration.Aln.to_json config];
to_json input
| Bwa_mem (params, input) ->
let input_json = to_json input in
call "BWA-MEM" [
`Assoc ["configuration", Bwa.Configuration.Mem.to_json params];
| Star (conf, input) ->
let input_json = to_json input in
call "STAR" [
`Assoc ["configuration", Star.Configuration.Align.to_json conf];
| Hisat (conf, input) ->
let input_json = to_json input in
call "HISAT" [
`Assoc ["configuration", Hisat.Configuration.to_json conf];
| Stringtie (conf, input) ->
let input_json = to_json input in
call "Stringtie" [
`Assoc ["configuration", Stringtie.Configuration.to_json conf];
| Mosaik (input) ->
let input_json = to_json input in
call "MOSAIK" [input_json]
| Gatk_indel_realigner ((indel_cfg, target_cfg), bam) ->
let open Gatk.Configuration in
let input_json = to_json bam in
let indel_cfg_json = Indel_realigner.to_json indel_cfg in
let target_cfg_json = Realigner_target_creator.to_json target_cfg in
call "Gatk_indel_realigner" [`Assoc [
"Configuration", `Assoc [
"IndelRealigner Configuration", indel_cfg_json;
"RealignerTargetCreator Configuration", target_cfg_json;
"Input", input_json;
| Gatk_bqsr ((bqsr_cfg, print_reads_cfg), bam) ->
let open Gatk.Configuration in
let input_json = to_json bam in
call "Gatk_bqsr" [`Assoc [
"Configuration", `Assoc [
"Bqsr", Bqsr.to_json bqsr_cfg;
"Print_reads", Print_reads.to_json print_reads_cfg;
"Input", input_json;
| Germline_variant_caller (gvc, bam) ->
call gvc.Variant_caller.name [`Assoc [
"Configuration", gvc.Variant_caller.configuration_json;
"Input", to_json bam;
| Picard_mark_duplicates (settings, bam) ->
(* The settings should not impact the output, so we don't dump them. *)
call "Picard_mark_duplicates" [`Assoc ["input", to_json bam]]
| Bam_pair (normal, tumor) ->
call "Bam-pair" [`Assoc ["normal", to_json normal; "tumor", to_json tumor]]
| Somatic_variant_caller (svc, bam_pair) ->
call svc.Variant_caller.name [`Assoc [
"Configuration", svc.Variant_caller.configuration_json;
"Input", to_json bam_pair;
| Seq2HLA input ->
call "Seq2HLA" [`Assoc [
"Input", to_json input
| Optitype (kind, input) ->
call "Optitype" [`Assoc [
"Input", to_json input;
"Kind", `String (match kind with `DNA -> "DNA" | `RNA -> "RNA")
| With_metadata (_, p) -> to_json p
module Compiler = struct
type 'a pipeline = 'a t
type workflow_option_failure_mode = [ `Silent | `Fail_if_not_happening ]
type workflow_option = [
| `Multi_sample_indel_realignment of workflow_option_failure_mode
| `Parallel_alignment_over_fastq_fragments of
[ `Bwa_mem | `Bwa | `Mosaik | `Star | `Hisat ] list
* workflow_option_failure_mode
| `Map_reduce of [ `Gatk_indel_realigner ]
type t = {
reference_build: Reference_genome.name;
work_dir: string;
machine : Machine.t;
options: workflow_option list;
bam pipeline ->
KEDSL.bam_file KEDSL.workflow_node ->
KEDSL.bam_file KEDSL.workflow_node;
vcf pipeline ->
KEDSL.vcf_file KEDSL.workflow_node ->
KEDSL.vcf_file KEDSL.workflow_node;
gtf pipeline ->
KEDSL.single_file KEDSL.workflow_node ->
KEDSL.single_file KEDSL.workflow_node;
let create
?(wrap_bam_node = fun _ x -> x)
?(wrap_vcf_node = fun _ x -> x)
?(wrap_gtf_node = fun _ x -> x)
~reference_build ~work_dir ~machine () =
{reference_build; work_dir; machine; options;
wrap_bam_node; wrap_vcf_node; wrap_gtf_node}
let has_option {options; _} f =
List.exists options ~f
let apply_with_metadata ~metadata_spec wf =
begin match metadata_spec with
| `Add_tags tgs -> KEDSL.add_tags ~recursive:false wf tgs
| `Add_tags_rec tgs -> KEDSL.add_tags ~recursive:true wf tgs
(* This compiler variable name is confusing, perhaps 'state' is better? *)
let rec fastq_step ~read ~compiler (pipeline: fastq pipeline) =
let {work_dir; machine ; _ } = compiler in
match pipeline with
| Fastq f -> f
| Concat_text (l: fastq pipeline list) ->
failwith "Compilation of Biokepi.Pipeline.Concat_text: not implemented"
| Gunzip_concat (l: fastq_gz pipeline list) ->
let fastqs =
let rec f =
| Fastq_gz t -> t
| With_metadata (metadata_spec, p) ->
apply_with_metadata ~metadata_spec (f p)
List.map l ~f in
let result_path = work_dir // to_file_prefix ~read pipeline ^ ".fastq" in
dbg "Result_Path: %S" result_path;
Workflow_utilities.Gunzip.concat ~run_with:machine fastqs ~result_path
| With_metadata (metadata_spec, pipeline) ->
fastq_step ~read ~compiler pipeline |> apply_with_metadata ~metadata_spec
let rec fastq_sample_step ~compiler (fs : fastq_sample pipeline) =
let {work_dir; machine ; _ } = compiler in
match fs with
| Bam_to_fastq (how, what) ->
let bam = compile_aligner_step ~compiler what in
let sample_type =
match how with `Single -> `Single_end | `Paired -> `Paired_end in
let fastq_pair =
let output_prefix = work_dir // to_file_prefix ?read:None what in
Picard.bam_to_fastq ~run_with:machine ~sample_type
~output_prefix bam
| Paired_end_sample (info, l1, l2) ->
let r1 = fastq_step ~compiler ~read:(`R1 info.fragment_id) l1 in
let r2 = fastq_step ~compiler ~read:(`R2 info.fragment_id) l2 in
let open KEDSL in
workflow_node (fastq_reads ~host:Machine.(as_host machine)
r1#product#path (Some r2#product#path))
~name:(sprintf "Pairing sample %s (%s and %s)"
(Filename.basename r1#product#path)
(Filename.basename r2#product#path))
~edges:[ depends_on r1; depends_on r2 ]
| Single_end_sample (info, single) ->
let r1 = fastq_step ~compiler ~read:(`R1 info.fragment_id) single in
let open KEDSL in
workflow_node (fastq_reads ~host:Machine.(as_host machine)
r1#product#path None)
~edges:[ depends_on r1 ]
~name:(sprintf "single-end %s (%s)"
(Filename.basename r1#product#path))
| With_metadata (metadata_spec, p) ->
fastq_sample_step ~compiler p |> apply_with_metadata ~metadata_spec
and compile_aligner_step ~compiler (pipeline : bam pipeline) =
let {reference_build; work_dir; machine; _} = compiler in
let result_prefix = work_dir // to_file_prefix pipeline in
dbg "Result_Prefix: %S" result_prefix;
let rec parallelize_alignment ~make_aligner sample =
match sample with
| Paired_end_sample (info,
Gunzip_concat r1_list,
Gunzip_concat r2_list) ->
let exploded =
let count = ref 0 in
List.map2 r1_list r2_list
~f:(fun r1 r2 ->
match r1, r2 with
| (Fastq_gz wf1, Fastq_gz wf2) ->
let new_info =
incr count;
{info with
fragment_id =
(* fragmenting = creating fragments of previous fragment *)
sprintf "%s-fragment-%d" info.fragment_id !count} in
make_aligner (
Paired_end_sample (new_info,
Gunzip_concat [r1],
Gunzip_concat [r2]))
| other -> failwith "compile_aligner_step: not implemented"
) in
let bams = List.map exploded ~f:(compile_aligner_step ~compiler) in
Samtools.merge_bams ~run_with:machine bams
(result_prefix ^ "-merged.bam")
| With_metadata (metadata_spec, p) ->
parallelize_alignment ~make_aligner p
|> apply_with_metadata ~metadata_spec
| other ->
failwith "parallelize_alignment: Not fully implemented"
let catch_parallelize_aligner aligner sample =
let option =
List.find_map compiler.options
| `Parallel_alignment_over_fastq_fragments (al, todo)
when List.mem ~set:al aligner -> Some todo
| _ -> None)
match sample with
| Paired_end_sample (name,
Gunzip_concat r1_list,
Gunzip_concat r2_list)
when List.length r1_list > 1 ->
begin match option with
| Some _ -> `Caught
| None -> `Not_caught
| Paired_end_sample (name,
Gunzip_concat r1_list,
Gunzip_concat r2_list)
when List.length r1_list = 1 -> `Not_caught
| other ->
begin match option with
| Some `Silent
| None -> `Not_caught
| Some `Fail_if_not_happening ->
failwithf "Option Parallel_alignment_over_fastq_fragments is set to \
Fail_if_not_happening and it didn't happen:\n%s"
(to_json other |> Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_string)
let perform_aligner_parallelization aligner_tag ~make_aligner
~make_workflow sample =
begin match catch_parallelize_aligner aligner_tag sample with
| `Caught -> parallelize_alignment ~make_aligner sample
| `Not_caught ->
let fastq = fastq_sample_step ~compiler sample in
make_workflow fastq
let bam_node =
match pipeline with
| Bam_sample (name, bam_target) -> bam_target
| Gatk_indel_realigner (configuration, bam)
when has_option compiler ((=) (`Map_reduce `Gatk_indel_realigner)) ->
let input_bam = compile_aligner_step ~compiler bam in
Gatk.indel_realigner_map_reduce ~run_with:machine ~compress:false
~configuration (KEDSL.Single_bam input_bam)
| Gatk_indel_realigner (configuration, bam) ->
let input_bam = compile_aligner_step ~compiler bam in
Gatk.indel_realigner ~run_with:machine ~compress:false
~configuration (KEDSL.Single_bam input_bam)
| Gatk_bqsr (configuration, bam) ->
let input_bam = compile_aligner_step ~compiler bam in
let output_bam = result_prefix ^ ".bam" in
~configuration ~run_with:machine ~input_bam ~output_bam
| Picard_mark_duplicates (settings, bam) ->
let input_bam = compile_aligner_step ~compiler bam in
let output_bam = result_prefix ^ ".bam" in
Picard.mark_duplicates ~settings
~run_with:machine ~input_bam output_bam
| Bwa_mem (bwa_mem_config, fq_sample) ->
`Bwa_mem ~make_aligner:(fun pe -> Bwa_mem (bwa_mem_config, pe))
~make_workflow:(fun fastq ->
Bwa.mem_align_to_sam ~reference_build
~fastq ~result_prefix ~run_with:machine ()
|> Samtools.sam_to_bam ~reference_build ~run_with:machine)
| Bwa (bwa_config, what) ->
`Bwa ~make_aligner:(fun pe -> Bwa (bwa_config, pe)) what
~make_workflow:(fun fastq ->
Bwa.align_to_sam ~reference_build
~fastq ~result_prefix ~run_with:machine ()
|> Samtools.sam_to_bam ~reference_build ~run_with:machine)
| Mosaik (what) ->
`Mosaik ~make_aligner:(fun pe -> Mosaik (pe)) what
~make_workflow:(fun fastq -> Mosaik.align ~reference_build
~fastq ~result_prefix ~run_with:machine ())
| Star (configuration, what) ->
`Star ~make_aligner:(fun pe -> Star (configuration, pe)) what
~make_workflow:(fun fastq ->
Star.align ~configuration ~reference_build
~fastq ~result_prefix ~run_with:machine ())
| Hisat (configuration, what) ->
`Hisat ~make_aligner:(fun pe -> Hisat (configuration, pe)) what
~make_workflow:(fun fastq ->
Hisat.align ~configuration ~reference_build
~fastq ~result_prefix ~run_with:machine ()
|> Samtools.sam_to_bam ~reference_build ~run_with:machine
| With_metadata (metadata_spec, p) ->
compile_aligner_step ~compiler p
|> apply_with_metadata ~metadata_spec
compiler.wrap_bam_node pipeline bam_node
let rec compile_bam_pair ~compiler (pipeline : bam_pair pipeline) :
[ `Normal of KEDSL.bam_file KEDSL.workflow_node ] *
[ `Tumor of KEDSL.bam_file KEDSL.workflow_node ] *
[ `Pipeline of bam_pair pipeline ]
let {reference_build; work_dir; machine; _} = compiler in
begin match pipeline with
| Bam_pair (
(Gatk_bqsr (n_bqsr_config, Gatk_indel_realigner (n_gir_conf, n_bam)))
(Gatk_bqsr (t_bqsr_config, Gatk_indel_realigner (t_gir_conf, t_bam)))
has_option compiler
(function `Multi_sample_indel_realignment _ -> true | _ -> false)
&& n_gir_conf = t_gir_conf ->
let normal = compile_aligner_step ~compiler n_bam in
let tumor = compile_aligner_step ~compiler t_bam in
let bam_list_node =
if has_option compiler ((=) (`Map_reduce `Gatk_indel_realigner))
then (
Gatk.indel_realigner_map_reduce ~run_with:machine ~compress:false
~configuration:n_gir_conf (KEDSL.Bam_workflow_list [normal; tumor])
) else
Gatk.indel_realigner ~run_with:machine ~compress:false
~configuration:n_gir_conf (KEDSL.Bam_workflow_list [normal; tumor])
begin match KEDSL.explode_bam_list_node bam_list_node with
| [realigned_normal; realigned_tumor] ->
let new_pipeline =
Bam_pair (
Gatk_bqsr (n_bqsr_config,
Bam_sample (Filename.chop_extension realigned_normal#product#path,
Gatk_bqsr (t_bqsr_config,
Bam_sample (Filename.chop_extension realigned_tumor#product#path,
compile_bam_pair ~compiler new_pipeline
| other ->
failwithf "Gatk.indel_realigner did not return the correct list \
of length 2 (tumor, normal): it gave %d bams"
(List.length other)
| Bam_pair ( Gatk_bqsr (_, Gatk_indel_realigner (_, _)),
Gatk_bqsr (_, Gatk_indel_realigner (_, _))) as bam_pair
has_option compiler
((=) (`Multi_sample_indel_realignment `Fail_if_not_happening)) ->
failwithf "Option (`Multi_sample_indel_realignment \
`Fail_if_not_happening) is set and this pipeline does not \
(to_json bam_pair |> Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_string)
| Bam_pair (normal_t, tumor_t) as final_pipeline ->
let normal = compile_aligner_step ~compiler normal_t in
let tumor = compile_aligner_step ~compiler tumor_t in
(`Normal normal, `Tumor tumor, `Pipeline final_pipeline)
| With_metadata (metadata_spec, p) ->
let `Normal normal, `Tumor tumor, `Pipeline p =
compile_bam_pair ~compiler p in
(`Normal (apply_with_metadata ~metadata_spec normal),
`Tumor (apply_with_metadata ~metadata_spec tumor),
`Pipeline p)
let rec compile_variant_caller_step ~compiler (pipeline: vcf pipeline) =
let {reference_build; work_dir; machine; _} = compiler in
(* result prefix ignore optimizations *)
let vcf_node =
match pipeline with
| Somatic_variant_caller (som_vc, bam_pair) ->
let (`Normal normal, `Tumor tumor, `Pipeline new_bam_pair) =
compile_bam_pair ~compiler bam_pair in
let result_prefix =
// to_file_prefix (Somatic_variant_caller (som_vc, new_bam_pair)) in
dbg "Result_Prefix: %S" result_prefix;
~run_with:machine ~input:(Variant_caller.Somatic {normal; tumor})
~result_prefix ()
| Germline_variant_caller (gvc, bam) ->
let result_prefix = work_dir // to_file_prefix pipeline in
dbg "Result_Prefix: %S" result_prefix;
let input_bam = compile_aligner_step ~compiler bam in
~run_with:machine ~input:(Variant_caller.Germline input_bam)
~result_prefix ()
| With_metadata (metadata_spec, p) ->
compile_variant_caller_step ~compiler p
|> apply_with_metadata ~metadata_spec
compiler.wrap_vcf_node pipeline vcf_node
let rec compile_gtf_step ~compiler (pipeline: gtf pipeline) =
let {reference_build; work_dir; machine; _} = compiler in
let result_prefix = work_dir // to_file_prefix pipeline in
dbg "Result_Prefix: %S" result_prefix;
let gtf_node =
match pipeline with
| Stringtie (configuration, bam) ->
let bam = compile_aligner_step ~compiler bam in
Stringtie.run ~configuration
~bam ~result_prefix ~run_with:machine ()
| With_metadata (metadata_spec, p) ->
compile_gtf_step ~compiler p
|> apply_with_metadata ~metadata_spec
compiler.wrap_gtf_node pipeline gtf_node
let rec seq2hla_hla_types_step ~compiler (pipeline : seq2hla_hla_types pipeline) =
let { machine ; work_dir; _ } = compiler in
match pipeline with
| Seq2HLA sample ->
let work_dir = work_dir // (to_file_prefix pipeline) ^ "_work_dir" in
(* TODO: Seq2HLA can actually take the gzipped version too, so we'd
need a unique type for that. *)
let fastq_pair = fastq_sample_step ~compiler sample in
let sample_name = fastq_pair#product#sample_name in
let r1 = KEDSL.read_1_file_node fastq_pair in
let r2 =
match KEDSL.read_2_file_node fastq_pair with
| Some r2 -> r2
| _ -> failwithf "Seq2HLA doesn't support Single_end_sample(s)."
~work_dir ~run_with:machine ~run_name:sample_name ~r1 ~r2
| With_metadata (metadata_spec, p) ->
seq2hla_hla_types_step ~compiler p
|> apply_with_metadata ~metadata_spec
let rec optitype_hla_types_step ~compiler (pipeline : optitype_hla_types pipeline) =
let { machine ; work_dir; _ } = compiler in
match pipeline with
| Optitype (kind, sample) ->
let work_dir = work_dir // (to_file_prefix pipeline) ^ "_work_dir" in
let fastq = fastq_sample_step ~compiler sample in
let sample_name = fastq#product#sample_name in
~work_dir ~run_with:machine ~run_name:sample_name ~fastq kind
| With_metadata (metadata_spec, p) ->
optitype_hla_types_step ~compiler p
|> apply_with_metadata ~metadata_spec
end (* Compiler *)
module Pipeline_library
: sig
module Input : sig
type t =
| Fastq of fastq
| Bam of bam
and fastq_fragment = (string option * fastq_data)
and fastq = {
fastq_sample_name : string;
files : fastq_fragment list;
and bam = {
bam_sample_name: string;
path: string;
how: how;
sorting: sorting option;
reference_build: string;
and fastq_data =
| PE of string * string
| SE of string
| Of_bam of how * sorting option * string * string
and sorting = [ `Coordinate | `Read_name ]
and how = [ `PE | `SE ]
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val show : t -> string
val pe : ?fragment_id:string -> string -> string -> fastq_fragment
val se : ?fragment_id:string -> string -> fastq_fragment
val fastq_of_bam :
?fragment_id: string ->
?sorted:[ `Coordinate | `Read_name ] ->
reference_build:string ->
[ `PE | `SE ] -> string -> fastq_fragment
val fastq_sample :
sample_name:string -> fastq_fragment list -> t
val bam_sample :
sample_name:string ->
?sorting:sorting ->
reference_build:string ->
how:how ->
string ->
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.json
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.json -> (t, string) Pvem.Result.t
module Derive : sig
(** Make it easy to create Input.t from directories on hosts. *)
val ensure_one_flowcell_max :
string list ->
(string list,
[> `Multiple_flowcells of string list | `Re_group_error of string ])
(** This will error out immediately if more than one flowcell is in a directory.
We want to make sure only one flowcell is in this directory, otherwise
this'll give us bad ordering: for now, we'll just fail with an informative
exception: if it turns out we need to handle this case, we can do it
here. The proper ordering should be grouping and ordering with flowcell
groups, and arbitrary order between groups. *)
val fastqs :
?paired_end:bool ->
host:Ketrew_pure.Host.t ->
string ->
(fastq_fragment list,
[> `Host of _ Ketrew.Host_io.Error.execution Ketrew.Host_io.Error.non_zero_execution
| `Multiple_flowcells of string list
| `R2_expected_for_r1 of string
| `Re_group_error of string])
(** This gives us lexicographically sorted FASTQ filenames in a given directory
on the host.
This assumes Illumina-style file-naming:
N.B. If a given directory contains FASTQs with multiple flowcells, this
will fail. *)
module Make:
functor (Bfx : Semantics.Bioinformatics_base) ->
val fastq_of_files :
sample_name:string ->
?fragment_id:string ->
r1:string -> ?r2:string -> unit -> [ `Fastq ] Bfx.repr
val fastq_of_input : Input.t -> [ `Fastq ] list Bfx.repr
val bam_of_input_exn : Input.t -> [ `Bam ] Bfx.repr
val bwa_mem_opt_inputs_exn:
Input.t ->
[ `Bam of [ `Bam ] Bfx.repr * [ `PE | `SE ]
| `Fastq of [ `Fastq ] Bfx.repr
| `Fastq_gz of [ `Gz of [ `Fastq ] ] Bfx.repr ] list
= struct
(** Reusable and useful pieces of pipeline.
open Biokepi_run_environment.Common
module Input = struct
type t =
| Fastq of fastq
| Bam of bam
and fastq = {
fastq_sample_name : string;
files : fastq_fragment list;
and bam = {
bam_sample_name: string;
path: string;
how: how;
sorting: sorting option;
reference_build: string;
and fastq_fragment = (string option * fastq_data)
and fastq_data =
| PE of string * string
| SE of string
| Of_bam of how * sorting option * string * string
and sorting = [ `Coordinate | `Read_name ]
and how = [ `PE | `SE ]
[@@deriving show,yojson]
let pe ?fragment_id a b = (fragment_id, PE (a, b))
let se ?fragment_id a = (fragment_id, SE a)
let fastq_of_bam ?fragment_id ?sorted ~reference_build how s =
(fragment_id, Of_bam (how, sorted, reference_build, s))
let fastq_sample ~sample_name files = Fastq {fastq_sample_name = sample_name; files}
let bam_sample ~sample_name ?sorting ~reference_build ~how path =
Bam {bam_sample_name = sample_name; path; how; reference_build; sorting }
let tag_v0 = "biokepi-input-v0"
let current_version_tag = tag_v0
let to_yojson =
let string s = `String s in
let option f o : Yojson.Safe.json = Option.value_map o ~default:`Null ~f in
let data_to_yojson =
| PE (r1, r2) ->
`Assoc ["paired-end", `Assoc ["r1", string r1; "r2", string r2]]
| SE f -> `Assoc ["single-end", string f]
| Of_bam (how, sorto, refb, fil) ->
`Assoc ["bam",
`Assoc ["kind",
string (match how with
| `PE -> "paired-end"
| `SE -> "single-end");
(match sorto with
| None -> `Null
| Some `Read_name -> `String "read-name"
| Some `Coordinate -> `String "coordinate");
"reference-genome", string refb;
"path", string fil]]
let file_to_yojson (fragment_option, data) =
`Assoc [
"fragment-id", option string fragment_option;
"data", data_to_yojson data;
] in
let files_to_yojson files = `List (List.map ~f:file_to_yojson files) in
| Fastq {fastq_sample_name; files} ->
`Assoc [current_version_tag,
`Assoc ["fastq", `Assoc [
"sample-name", string fastq_sample_name;
"fragments", files_to_yojson files;
| Bam bam ->
`Assoc [current_version_tag,
`Assoc ["bam", bam_to_yojson bam]]
let of_yojson j =
let open Pvem.Result in
let error ?json fmt =
ksprintf (fun s ->
fail (sprintf "%s%s" s
(Option.value_map ~default:"" json
~f:(fun j ->
sprintf " but got %s" @@
Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string ~std:true j)))
) fmt in
let data_of_yojson =
| `Assoc ["paired-end", `Assoc ["r1", `String r1; "r2", `String r2]] ->
return (PE (r1, r2))
| `Assoc ["single-end", `String file] -> SE file |> return
| `Assoc ["bam", `Assoc ["kind", `String kind;
"sorting", sorting;
"reference-genome", `String refb;
"path", `String path;]] ->
begin match sorting with
| `Null -> return None
| `String "coordinate" -> Some `Coordinate |> return
| `String "read-name" -> Some `Read_name |> return
| other ->
error ~json:other "Expecting %S, %S or null (in \"sorting\": ...)"
"coordinate" "read-name"
>>= fun sorting ->
begin match kind with
| "single-end" -> return `SE
| "paired-end" -> return `PE
| other -> error "Kind in bam must be \"SE\" or \"PE\""
>>= fun kind ->
return (Of_bam (kind, sorting, refb, path))
| other ->
error ~json:other "Expecting string or null (in \"fragment\": ...)"
let fragment_of_yojson =
| `Assoc ["fragment-id", frag; "data", data] ->
begin match frag with
| `String s -> return (Some s)
| `Null -> return (None)
| other ->
error ~json:other "Expecting string or null (in \"fragment\": ...)"
>>= fun fragment_id ->
data_of_yojson data
>>= fun data_parsed ->
return (fragment_id, data_parsed)
| other -> error ~json:other "Expecting {\"fragment\": ... , \"data\": ...}"
match j with
| `Assoc [vtag, more] when vtag = current_version_tag ->
begin match more with
| `Assoc ["fastq",
`Assoc ["sample-name", `String sample; "fragments", `List frgs]] ->
List.fold ~init:(return []) frgs ~f:(fun prev frag ->
prev >>= fun p ->
fragment_of_yojson frag
>>= fun more ->
return (more :: p))
>>= fun l ->
return (Fastq { fastq_sample_name = sample; files = List.rev l })
| `Assoc ["bam", bam] ->
begin match bam_of_yojson bam with
| Result.Ok ok -> return ok
| Result.Error err -> fail err
>>= fun bam ->
return (Bam bam)
| other ->
error ~json:other "Expecting Fastq or Bam"
| other ->
error ~json:other "Expecting Biokepi_input_v0"
module Derive = struct
let ensure_one_flowcell_max files =
let open Pvem_lwt_unix.Deferred_result in
let flowcell_re = Re.compile (Re_posix.re {re|.*(\..+)?\.fastq\.gz|re}) in
let flowcells =
Pvem_lwt_unix.Deferred_list.while_sequential files
~f:(fun f -> match Re.Group.all (Re.exec flowcell_re f) with
| [|_; flowcell|] -> return flowcell
| _ -> fail (`Re_group_error
"Re.Group.all returned an unexpected number of groups."))
flowcells >>| List.dedup >>= fun flowcells ->
if List.length flowcells > 1
then fail (`Multiple_flowcells flowcells)
else return files
let fastqs ?(paired_end=true) ~host dir =
let open Pvem_lwt_unix.Deferred_result in
(* We only want to select fastq.gzs in the directory: *)
let fastq_re = Re.compile (Re_posix.re {re|.*\.fastq\.gz|re}) in
let fastq_p = Re.execp fastq_re in
let r1_to_r2 s =
let r1_re = Re.compile (Re_posix.re "_R1_") in
Re.replace_string r1_re ~by:"_R2_" s
(* If we're expecting paired_end reads, make sure we have a R2 in the
directory for each R1 fragment. Returns the list of R1 fragments. *)
let ensure_matching_r2s files =
if paired_end then
(List.fold ~init:(return []) files ~f:(fun acc r1 ->
acc >>= fun r1s ->
match String.index_of_string r1 ~sub:"_R1_" with
| None -> acc
| Some _ ->
if List.mem (r1_to_r2 r1) ~set:files
then return (r1 :: r1s)
else fail (`R2_expected_for_r1 r1)))
else return files
let as_fragments read1s_filenames =
List.mapi read1s_filenames
~f:(fun i r1 ->
if paired_end then
let r2 = dir // (r1_to_r2 r1) in
let r1 = dir // r1 in
let fragment_id = sprintf "fragment-%d" i in
pe ~fragment_id r1 r2
let r1 = dir // r1 in
let fragment_id = sprintf "fragment-%d" i in
se ~fragment_id r1)
|> return
let cmd = (sprintf "ls '%s' | sort" dir) in
Ketrew.Host_io.(get_shell_command_output (create ()) ~host:host cmd)
>>= fun (out, err) ->
String.split ~on:(`Character '\n') out |> List.filter ~f:fastq_p |> return
>>= ensure_matching_r2s
>>= ensure_one_flowcell_max
>>= as_fragments
module Make (Bfx : Semantics.Bioinformatics_base) = struct
This functions guesses whether to use [fastq] or [fastq_gz] given the
file name extension. If [r1] and [r2] dot match, it fails with an
let fastq_of_files ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 () =
let is_gz r =
Filename.check_suffix r ".gz" || Filename.check_suffix r ".fqz"
match is_gz r1, Option.map ~f:is_gz r2 with
| true, None
| true, Some true ->
let r1 = Bfx.input_url r1 in
let r2 = Option.map ~f:Bfx.input_url r2 in
Bfx.(fastq_gz ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 () |> gunzip)
| false, None
| false, Some false ->
let r1 = Bfx.input_url r1 in
let r2 = Option.map ~f:Bfx.input_url r2 in
Bfx.(fastq ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 ())
| _ ->
failwithf "fastq_of_files: cannot handle mixed gzipped \
and non-gzipped fastq pairs (for a given same fragment)"
(** Transform a value of type {!Input.t} into a list of BAMs. *)
let bam_of_input_exn u =
let open Input in
match u with
| Fastq _ -> failwith "Can't pass Input.t Fastq to bam_of_input_exn"
| Bam {bam_sample_name; path; how; sorting; reference_build} ->
let f = Bfx.input_url path in
Bfx.bam ~sample_name:bam_sample_name ?sorting ~reference_build f
(** Transform a value of type {!Input.t} into a pipeline returning FASTQ data,
providing the necessary intermediary steps. *)
let fastq_of_input u =
let open Input in
match u with
| Bam {bam_sample_name; path; how; sorting; reference_build} ->
let f = Bfx.input_url path in
let bam =
Bfx.bam ~sample_name:bam_sample_name ?sorting ~reference_build f in
Bfx.list [Bfx.bam_to_fastq how bam]
| Fastq {fastq_sample_name; files} ->
let sample_name = fastq_sample_name in
List.map files ~f:(fun (fragment_id, source) ->
match source with
| PE (r1, r2) ->
fastq_of_files ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ~r2 ()
| SE r ->
fastq_of_files ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1:r ()
| Of_bam (how, sorting, reference_build, path) ->
let f = Bfx.input_url path in
let bam = Bfx.bam ~sample_name ?sorting ~reference_build f in
Bfx.bam_to_fastq ?fragment_id how bam
) |> Bfx.list
let bwa_mem_opt_inputs_exn inp =
let open Input in
let is_gz r =
Filename.check_suffix r ".gz" || Filename.check_suffix r ".fqz" in
let inputs =
match inp with
| Bam _ -> failwith "Can't pass Input.t Bam to bwa_mem_opt_inputs"
| Fastq {fastq_sample_name; files} ->
let sample_name = fastq_sample_name in
List.map files ~f:(fun (fragment_id, source) ->
match source with
| PE (r1, r2) when is_gz r1 && is_gz r2 ->
`Fastq_gz Bfx.(
let r1 = input_url r1 in
let r2 = input_url r2 in
Bfx.fastq_gz ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ~r2 ()
| PE (r1, r2) when not (is_gz r1 || is_gz r2) ->
`Fastq Bfx.(
let r1 = input_url r1 in
let r2 = input_url r2 in
Bfx.fastq ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ~r2 ()
| PE _ (* heterogeneous *) ->
failwithf "Heterogeneous gzipped / non-gzipped input paired-end \
FASTQs not implemented"
| SE r when is_gz r ->
`Fastq_gz Bfx.(
let r1 = input_url r in
Bfx.fastq_gz ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ()
| SE r (* when not (is_gz r) *) ->
`Fastq_gz Bfx.(
let r1 = input_url r in
Bfx.fastq_gz ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ()
| Of_bam (how, sorting, reference_build, path) ->
let f = Bfx.input_url path in
let bam = Bfx.bam ~sample_name ?sorting ~reference_build f in
`Bam (bam, how)
module Semantics
= struct
module type Lambda_calculus = sig
type 'a repr (* representation type *)
(* lambda abstract *)
val lambda : ('a repr -> 'b repr) -> ('a -> 'b) repr
(* application *)
val apply : ('a -> 'b) repr -> 'a repr -> 'b repr
type 'a observation
val observe : (unit -> 'a repr) -> 'a observation
module type Lambda_with_list_operations = sig
include Lambda_calculus
val list: ('a repr) list -> 'a list repr
val list_map: ('a list repr) -> f:('a -> 'b) repr -> ('b list repr)
module type Bioinformatics_base = sig
include Lambda_with_list_operations
open Biokepi_bfx_tools
val pair: 'a repr -> 'b repr -> ('a * 'b) repr
val pair_first: ('a * 'b) repr -> 'a repr
val pair_second: ('a * 'b) repr -> 'b repr
(** This is used to opacify the type of the expression. *)
val to_unit: 'a repr -> unit repr
val input_url: string -> [ `Raw_file ] repr
Decrlare an URL as a input to a a pipeline.
- If the URL has the scheme ["file://"] or no scheme it will be
treated as a “local file” (i.e. local to the {!Biokepi.Machine.t}).
- If the URL has the schemes ["http://"] or ["https://"] the file
will be downloaded into the work-directory.
- If the URL has the scheme ["gs://"] the file will be fetched thanks
to ["gsutil"] (Google Cloud's storage buckets management tool).
For both ["http(s)://"] and ["gs://"] schemes one can override
the local filename, by adding a ["filename"] argument to the
query part of the
URL. E.g. ["https://data.example.com/my-sample.bam?filename=sample-from-example.bam"].
val save :
name : string ->
'a repr ->
[ `Saved of 'a ] repr
(** Tag a product of the EDSL as “interesting to be saved” (the meaning is
implementation dependent; when compiling to a Ketrew workflow this means
copying the file(s) to another directory. *)
val fastq :
sample_name : string ->
?fragment_id : string ->
r1: [ `Raw_file ] repr ->
?r2: [ `Raw_file ] repr ->
unit -> [ `Fastq ] repr
val fastq_gz:
sample_name : string ->
?fragment_id : string ->
r1: [ `Raw_file ] repr ->
?r2: [ `Raw_file ] repr ->
unit -> [ `Gz of [ `Fastq ] ] repr
val bam :
sample_name : string ->
?sorting: [ `Coordinate | `Read_name ] ->
reference_build: string ->
[ `Raw_file ] repr ->
[ `Bam ] repr
val bed :
[ `Raw_file ] repr ->
[ `Bed ] repr
(** Input a file containing HLA allelles for Topiary *)
val mhc_alleles:
[ `File of [ `Raw_file ] repr | `Names of string list] ->
[ `MHC_alleles ] repr
val index_bam:
[ `Bam ] repr ->
[ `Bai ] repr
val kallisto:
reference_build: string ->
?bootstrap_samples: int ->
[ `Fastq ] repr ->
[ `Kallisto_result ] repr
val cufflinks:
?reference_build: string ->
[ `Bam ] repr ->
[ `Cufflinks_result ] repr
val gunzip: [ `Gz of 'a] repr -> 'a repr
val gunzip_concat: ([ `Gz of 'a] list) repr -> 'a repr
val concat: ('a list) repr -> 'a repr
val merge_bams:
?delete_input_on_success: bool ->
?attach_rg_tag: bool ->
?uncompressed_bam_output: bool ->
?compress_level_one: bool ->
?combine_rg_headers: bool ->
?combine_pg_headers: bool ->
([ `Bam ] list) repr -> [ `Bam ] repr
val bam_to_fastq:
?fragment_id : string ->
[ `SE | `PE ] ->
[ `Bam ] repr ->
[ `Fastq ] repr
val bwa_aln:
?configuration: Biokepi_bfx_tools.Bwa.Configuration.Aln.t ->
reference_build: Biokepi_run_environment.Reference_genome.name ->
[ `Fastq ] repr ->
[ `Bam ] repr
val bwa_mem:
?configuration: Biokepi_bfx_tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.t ->
reference_build: Biokepi_run_environment.Reference_genome.name ->
[ `Fastq ] repr ->
[ `Bam ] repr
(** Optimized version of bwa-mem. *)
val bwa_mem_opt:
?configuration: Biokepi_bfx_tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.t ->
reference_build: Biokepi_run_environment.Reference_genome.name ->
| `Fastq of [ `Fastq ] repr
| `Fastq_gz of [ `Gz of [ `Fastq ] ] repr
| `Bam of [ `Bam ] repr * [ `PE | `SE ]
] ->
[ `Bam ] repr
val star:
?configuration: Star.Configuration.Align.t ->
reference_build: Biokepi_run_environment.Reference_genome.name ->
[ `Fastq ] repr ->
[ `Bam ] repr
val hisat:
?configuration: Hisat.Configuration.t ->
reference_build: Biokepi_run_environment.Reference_genome.name ->
[ `Fastq ] repr ->
[ `Bam ] repr
val mosaik:
reference_build: Biokepi_run_environment.Reference_genome.name ->
[ `Fastq ] repr ->
[ `Bam ] repr
val stringtie:
?configuration: Stringtie.Configuration.t ->
[ `Bam ] repr ->
[ `Gtf ] repr
val gatk_indel_realigner:
?configuration : Gatk.Configuration.indel_realigner ->
[ `Bam ] repr ->
[ `Bam ] repr
val gatk_indel_realigner_joint:
?configuration : Gatk.Configuration.indel_realigner ->
([ `Bam ] * [ `Bam ]) repr ->
([ `Bam ] * [ `Bam ]) repr
val picard_mark_duplicates:
?configuration : Picard.Mark_duplicates_settings.t ->
[ `Bam ] repr ->
[ `Bam ] repr
val picard_reorder_sam:
?mem_param : string ->
?reference_build : string ->
[ `Bam ] repr ->
[ `Bam ] repr
val picard_clean_bam:
[ `Bam ] repr ->
[ `Bam ] repr
val gatk_bqsr:
?configuration : Gatk.Configuration.bqsr ->
[ `Bam ] repr ->
[ `Bam ] repr
val seq2hla:
[ `Fastq ] repr ->
[ `Seq2hla_result ] repr
val optitype:
[`DNA | `RNA] ->
[ `Fastq ] repr ->
[ `Optitype_result ] repr
val hlarp:
[ `Optitype of [`Optitype_result] repr
| `Seq2hla of [`Seq2hla_result] repr] ->
[ `MHC_alleles ] repr
val filter_to_region:
[ `Vcf ] repr ->
[ `Bed ] repr ->
[ `Vcf ] repr
(** FreeBayes' bamleftalign utility, which left-normalizes indels. That is,
indels which could be aligned multiple ways (e.g. AAA_G_GAA is the same as
AAAG_G_AA) are moved to the left, as in the first example. This is so that
they can be treated uniformly in post-processing. *)
val bam_left_align:
reference_build: string ->
[ `Bam ] repr ->
[ `Bam ] repr
(** Sambamba's view filter tool, used to filter down a BAM to one with reads
matching some predicate (filter language at https://github.com/lomereiter/sambamba/wiki/%5Bsambamba-view%5D-Filter-expression-syntax).
val sambamba_filter:
filter: Sambamba.Filter.t ->
[ `Bam ] repr ->
[ `Bam ] repr
val gatk_haplotype_caller:
[ `Bam ] repr ->
[ `Vcf ] repr
val mutect:
?configuration: Biokepi_bfx_tools.Mutect.Configuration.t ->
normal: [ `Bam ] repr ->
tumor: [ `Bam ] repr ->
unit ->
[ `Vcf ] repr
val mutect2:
?configuration: Gatk.Configuration.Mutect2.t ->
normal: [ `Bam ] repr ->
tumor: [ `Bam ] repr ->
unit ->
[ `Vcf ] repr
val somaticsniper:
?configuration: Somaticsniper.Configuration.t ->
normal: [ `Bam ] repr ->
tumor: [ `Bam ] repr ->
unit ->
[ `Vcf ] repr
val delly2:
?configuration: Delly2.Configuration.t ->
normal: [ `Bam ] repr ->
tumor: [ `Bam ] repr ->
unit ->
[ `Vcf ] repr
(** Run delly2 on a tumor/normal sample. *)
val varscan_somatic:
?adjust_mapq : int ->
normal: [ `Bam ] repr ->
tumor: [ `Bam ] repr ->
unit ->
[ `Vcf ] repr
val strelka:
?configuration: Strelka.Configuration.t ->
normal: [ `Bam ] repr ->
tumor: [ `Bam ] repr ->
unit ->
[ `Vcf ] repr
val virmid:
?configuration: Virmid.Configuration.t ->
normal: [ `Bam ] repr ->
tumor: [ `Bam ] repr ->
unit ->
[ `Vcf ] repr
val muse:
?configuration: Muse.Configuration.t ->
normal: [ `Bam ] repr ->
tumor: [ `Bam ] repr ->
unit ->
[ `Vcf ] repr
val fastqc: [ `Fastq ] repr -> [ `Fastqc ] repr
(** Call the FASTQC tool (the result is an output directory custom to the
tool). *)
val flagstat: [ `Bam ] repr -> [ `Flagstat ] repr
val vcf_annotate_polyphen:
[ `Vcf ] repr ->
[ `Vcf ] repr
val snpeff:
[ `Vcf ] repr ->
[ `Vcf ] repr
val isovar:
?configuration: Isovar.Configuration.t ->
[ `Vcf ] repr ->
[ `Bam ] repr ->
[ `Isovar ] repr
val topiary:
?configuration: Topiary.Configuration.t ->
[ `Vcf ] repr list ->
Biokepi_run_environment.Hla_utilities.predictor_type ->
[ `MHC_alleles ] repr ->
[ `Topiary ] repr
val vaxrank:
?configuration: Vaxrank.Configuration.t ->
[ `Vcf ] repr list ->
[ `Bam ] repr ->
Biokepi_run_environment.Hla_utilities.predictor_type ->
[ `MHC_alleles ] repr ->
[ `Vaxrank ] repr
val seqtk_shift_phred_scores:
[ `Fastq ] repr ->
[ `Fastq ] repr
module To_display
: sig
(** Compiler from EDSL representations to {!SmartPrint.t} pretty printing. *)
with type 'a repr = var_count: int -> SmartPrint.t
type 'a observation = SmartPrint.t
= struct
open Nonstd
module Tools = Biokepi_bfx_tools
module SP = SmartPrint
module OCaml = SmartPrint.OCaml
let entity sp = SP.(nest (parens (sp)))
type 'a repr = var_count: int -> SP.t
type 'a observation = SP.t
let lambda f =
fun ~var_count ->
let var_name = sprintf "var%d" var_count in
let var_repr = fun ~var_count -> SP.string var_name in
let applied = f var_repr ~var_count:(var_count + 1) in
entity SP.(string "λ" ^^ string var_name ^^ string "→" ^^ applied)
let apply f v =
fun ~var_count ->
entity (SP.separate SP.space [f ~var_count; v ~var_count])
let observe f = f () ~var_count:0
let to_unit x = fun ~var_count -> entity SP.(x ~var_count ^^ string ":> unit")
let list l =
fun ~var_count ->
SP.nest (OCaml.list (fun a -> a ~var_count) l)
let list_map l ~f =
let open SP in
fun ~var_count ->
entity (
string "List.map"
^^ nest (string "~f:" ^^ f ~var_count)
^^ l ~var_count
include To_json.Make_serializer (struct
type t = SP.t
let input_value name kv =
let open SP in
fun ~var_count ->
entity (
ksprintf string "input-%s" name
^^ (OCaml.list
(fun (k, v) -> parens (string k ^-^ string ":" ^^ string v))
let function_call name params =
let open SP in
entity (
ksprintf string "%s" name
^^ (OCaml.list
(fun (k, v) -> parens (string k ^-^ string ":" ^^ v))
let string = SP.string
module To_dot
= struct
open Nonstd
let failwithf fmt = ksprintf failwith fmt
type parameters = {
color_input: name: string -> attributes: (string * string) list -> string option;
let default_parameters = {
color_input = (fun ~name ~attributes -> None);
module Tree = struct
type box = { id: string; name : string; attributes: (string * string) list}
type arrow = {
label: string;
points_to: t
} and t = [
| `Variable of string * string
| `Lambda of string * string * t
| `Apply of string * t * t
| `String of string
| `Input_value of box
| `Node of box * arrow list
let node_count = ref 0
let id_style = `Structural
module Index_anything = struct
(** This an implementation of an almost bijection: 'a -> int
It compares values structurally (with [(=)]), and assigns an
integer, unique over the execution of the program.
It replaces [Hashtbl.hash] for which we were hitting annoying
type e = E: 'a -> e
let count = ref 0
let nodes : (e * int) list ref = ref []
let get v =
match List.find !nodes ~f:(fun (ee, _) -> ee = E v) with
| Some (_, i) -> i
| None ->
incr count;
nodes := (E v, !count) :: !nodes;
let make_id a =
match a, id_style with
| _, `Unique
| `Unique, _ ->
incr node_count; sprintf "node%03d" !node_count
| `Of v, `Structural ->
Index_anything.get v |> sprintf "id%d"
let arrow label points_to = {label; points_to}
(* [id] is just an argument used for hashing an identifier *)
let variable id name = `Variable (make_id (`Of id), name)
let lambda varname expr = `Lambda (make_id (`Of (varname, expr)), varname, expr)
let apply f v = `Apply (make_id (`Of (f,v)), f, v)
let string s = `String s
let node ?id ?(a = []) name l : t =
let id =
match id with
| Some i -> i
| None -> make_id (`Of (name, a, l))
`Node ({id; name; attributes = a}, l)
let input_value ?(a = []) name : t =
let id = make_id (`Of (name, a)) in
`Input_value {id; name; attributes = a}
let to_dot t ~parameters =
let open SmartPrint in
let semicolon = string ";" in
let sentence sp = sp ^-^ semicolon ^-^ newline in
let dot_attributes l =
brakets (
List.map l ~f:(fun (k, v) ->
string k ^^ string "=" ^^ v) |> separate (semicolon)
) in
let in_quotes s = ksprintf string "\"%s\"" s in
let label_attribute lab = ("label", in_quotes lab) in
let font_name `Mono =
("fontname", in_quotes "monospace") in
let font_size =
| `Small -> ("fontsize", in_quotes "12")
| `Default -> ("fontsize", in_quotes "16")
let dot_arrow src dest = string src ^^ string "->" ^^ string dest in
let id_of =
| `Lambda (id, _, _) -> id
| `Apply (id, _, _) -> id
| `Variable (id, _) -> id
| `String s -> assert false
| `Input_value {id; _} -> id
| `Node ({id; _}, _) -> id in
let label name attributes =
match attributes with
| [] -> name
| _ ->
sprintf "{%s | %s\\l }" name
(List.map attributes ~f:(fun (k,v) -> sprintf "%s: %s" k v)
|> String.concat "\\l")
let one o = [o] in
let rec go =
| `Variable (_, s) as v ->
let id = id_of v in
sentence (
string id ^^ dot_attributes [
label_attribute (label s []);
font_name `Mono;
"shape", in_quotes "hexagon";
|> one
| `Lambda (id, v, expr) ->
(* To be displayed subgraphs need to be called “clusterSomething” *)
string "subgraph" ^^ ksprintf string "cluster_%s" id ^^ braces (
sentence (string "color=grey")
:: sentence (string "style=rounded")
:: sentence (string "penwidth=4")
:: go (node ~id (sprintf "Lambda %s" v) [arrow "Expr" expr])
|> List.dedup |> separate empty
) ^-^ newline
| `Apply (id, f, v) ->
go (node ~id "Apply F(X)" [arrow "F" f; arrow "X" v])
| `String s ->
failwithf "`String %S -> should have been eliminated" s
| `Input_value {id; name; attributes} ->
let color =
parameters.color_input ~name ~attributes
|> Option.value ~default:"black"
sentence (
string id ^^ dot_attributes [
label_attribute (label name attributes);
font_name `Mono;
"shape", in_quotes "Mrecord";
"color", in_quotes color;
|> one
| `Node ({id; name; attributes}, trees) ->
sentence (
string id ^^ dot_attributes [
label_attribute (label name attributes);
font_name `Mono;
"shape", in_quotes "Mrecord";
:: List.concat_map trees ~f:(fun {label; points_to} ->
sentence (
dot_arrow (id_of points_to) id ^^ dot_attributes [
label_attribute label;
font_size `Small;
:: go points_to
let dot =
string "digraph target_graph" ^^ braces (nest (
sentence (
string "graph" ^^ dot_attributes [
"rankdir", in_quotes "LR";
font_size `Default;
^-^ (go t |> List.dedup |> separate empty)
type 'a repr = var_count: int -> Tree.t
type 'a observation = parameters: parameters -> SmartPrint.t
let lambda f =
fun ~var_count ->
let var_name = sprintf "Var_%d" var_count in
Here is the hack that makes nodes containing variables “semi-unique.”
[var_repr_fake] is a first version of the variable representation,
that we feed to the the function [f] a first time.
This resulting tree is used to create the real variable representation,
the first argument [applied_once] will be hashed to create a
unique-for-this-subtree identifier.
Finally get the normal [applied] subtree and feed it to [Tree.lambda].
let var_repr_fake = fun ~var_count -> Tree.string var_name in
let applied_once = f var_repr_fake ~var_count:(var_count + 1) in
let var_repr = fun ~var_count -> Tree.variable applied_once var_name in
let applied = f var_repr ~var_count:(var_count + 1) in
Tree.lambda var_name applied
let apply f v =
fun ~var_count ->
let func = f ~var_count in
let arg = v ~var_count in
Tree.apply func arg
let observe f = f () ~var_count:0 |> Tree.to_dot
let to_unit x = x
let list l =
fun ~var_count ->
Tree.node "List.make"
(List.mapi ~f:(fun i a -> Tree.arrow (sprintf "L%d" i) (a ~var_count)) l)
let list_map l ~f =
fun ~var_count ->
Tree.node "List.map" [
Tree.arrow "list" (l ~var_count);
Tree.arrow "function" (f ~var_count);
include To_json.Make_serializer (struct
type t = Tree.t
let input_value name a ~var_count =
Tree.input_value name ~a
let function_call name params =
let a, arrows =
List.partition_map params ~f:(fun (k, v) ->
match v with
| `String s -> `Fst (k, s)
| _ -> `Snd (k, v)
) in
Tree.node ~a name (List.map ~f:(fun (k,v) -> Tree.arrow k v) arrows)
let string s = Tree.string s
module To_json
= struct
open Nonstd
module Tools = Biokepi_bfx_tools
module Hla_utils = Biokepi_run_environment.Hla_utilities
type json = Yojson.Basic.json
type 'a repr = var_count : int -> json
type 'a observation = json
let lambda f =
fun ~var_count ->
let var_name = sprintf "var%d" var_count in
let var_repr = fun ~var_count -> `String var_name in
let applied = f var_repr ~var_count:(var_count + 1) in
`Assoc [
"lambda", `String var_name;
"body", applied;
let apply f v =
fun ~var_count ->
let func = f ~var_count in
let arg = v ~var_count in
`Assoc [
"function", func;
"argument", arg;
let observe f = f () ~var_count:0
let to_unit j = j
let list l =
fun ~var_count ->
`List (List.map ~f:(fun a -> a ~var_count) l)
let list_map l ~f =
fun ~var_count ->
`Assoc [
"list-map", f ~var_count;
"argument", l ~var_count;
module Make_serializer (How : sig
type t
val input_value :
string -> (string * string) list -> var_count:int -> t
val function_call :
string -> (string * t) list -> t
val string : string -> t
end) = struct
open How
let input_url u =
input_value "Input" [
"URL", u;
let save ~name thing =
fun ~var_count ->
function_call name (["save-as", string name; "element", thing ~var_count])
let fastq_or_gz
~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 () =
fun ~var_count ->
function_call name (
"sample_name", string sample_name;
"fragment_id", string (Option.value ~default:"NONE" fragment_id);
"R1", r1 ~var_count;
@ Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:(fun r2 ->
["R2", r2 ~var_count]) r2
let fastq
~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 () =
fastq_or_gz "fastq" ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 ()
let fastq_gz
~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 () =
fastq_or_gz "fastq-gz" ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 ()
let bam ~sample_name ?sorting ~reference_build input =
fun ~var_count ->
function_call "bam" [
"sample_name", string sample_name;
string (
Option.value_map ~default:"NONE" sorting
~f:(function `Coordinate -> "Coordinate" | `Read_name -> "Read-name")
"reference_build", string reference_build;
"file", input ~var_count;
let bed file =
fun ~var_count ->
function_call "bed" ["path", file ~var_count]
let mhc_alleles =
| `Names sl ->
input_value "mhc_alleles" [
"inline", (String.concat ", " sl)
| `File p ->
fun ~var_count ->
function_call "mhc_alleles" [
"file", p ~var_count;
let pair a b ~(var_count : int) =
function_call "make-pair" [
"first", a ~var_count;
"second", b ~var_count;
let pair_first p ~(var_count : int) =
function_call "pair-first" [
"pair", p ~var_count;
let pair_second p ~(var_count : int) =
function_call "pair-second" [
"pair", p ~var_count;
let aligner name conf_name ~reference_build fq : var_count: int -> How.t =
fun ~var_count ->
let fq_compiled = fq ~var_count in
function_call name [
"configuration", string conf_name;
"reference_build", string reference_build;
"input", fq_compiled;
let one_to_one name conf_name input_file =
fun ~(var_count : int) ->
let input_file_compiled = input_file ~var_count in
function_call name [
"configuration", string conf_name;
"input", input_file_compiled;
let bwa_aln
?(configuration = Tools.Bwa.Configuration.Aln.default) =
aligner "bwa-aln" (Tools.Bwa.Configuration.Aln.name configuration)
let bwa_mem
?(configuration = Tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.default) =
aligner "bwa-mem" (Tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.name configuration)
let bwa_mem_opt
?(configuration = Tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.default)
input =
match input with
| `Fastq f ->
aligner "bwa-mem-opt-fq" (Tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.name configuration)
~reference_build f
| `Fastq_gz f ->
aligner "bwa-mem-opt-fqz" (Tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.name configuration)
~reference_build f
| `Bam (f, _) ->
aligner "bwa-mem-opt-bam" (Tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.name configuration)
~reference_build f
let gunzip gz ~(var_count : int) =
function_call "gunzip" ["input", gz ~var_count]
let gunzip_concat gzl ~(var_count : int) =
function_call "gunzip-concat" ["input-list", gzl ~var_count]
let concat l ~(var_count : int) =
function_call "concat" ["input-list", l ~var_count]
let merge_bams
bl ~(var_count : int) =
function_call "merge-bams" ["input-list", bl ~var_count]
let star ?(configuration = Tools.Star.Configuration.Align.default) =
aligner "star" (Tools.Star.Configuration.Align.name configuration)
let hisat ?(configuration = Tools.Hisat.Configuration.default_v1) =
aligner "hisat" (configuration.Tools.Hisat.Configuration.name)
let mosaik =
aligner "mosaik" "default"
let stringtie ?(configuration = Tools.Stringtie.Configuration.default) =
one_to_one "stringtie" configuration.Tools.Stringtie.Configuration.name
let bam_left_align ~reference_build =
one_to_one "bam_left_align" reference_build
let sambamba_filter ~filter =
one_to_one "filter" (Tools.Sambamba.Filter.to_string filter)
let indel_real_config (indel, target) =
(sprintf "I%s-TC%s"
let gatk_indel_realigner
?(configuration = Tools.Gatk.Configuration.default_indel_realigner) =
one_to_one "gatk_indel_realigner" (indel_real_config configuration)
let gatk_indel_realigner_joint
?(configuration = Tools.Gatk.Configuration.default_indel_realigner) =
one_to_one "gatk_indel_realigner_joint" (indel_real_config configuration)
let picard_mark_duplicates
?(configuration = Tools.Picard.Mark_duplicates_settings.default) =
let picard_reorder_sam ?mem_param ?reference_build =
(sprintf "ref-%s"
(match reference_build with None -> "inputs" | Some r -> r))
let picard_clean_bam =
one_to_one "picard_clean_bam" "default"
let gatk_bqsr ?(configuration = Tools.Gatk.Configuration.default_bqsr) =
let (bqsr, preads) = configuration in
one_to_one "gatk_bqsr"
(sprintf "B%s-PR%s"
let seq2hla =
one_to_one "seq2hla" "default"
let hlarp input =
let name, v = match input with
| `Seq2hla f -> "hlarp-seq2hla", f
| `Optitype f -> "hlarp-optitype", f
one_to_one name "hlarp" v
let filter_to_region vcf bed =
fun ~(var_count: int) ->
function_call "filter_to_region"
["bed", bed ~var_count;
"vcf", vcf ~var_count]
let index_bam =
one_to_one "index_bam" "default"
let kallisto ~reference_build ?bootstrap_samples =
let samples =
match bootstrap_samples with
| None -> "default"
| Some s -> sprintf "%d" s in
one_to_one "kallisto" (sprintf "%s-samples:%s" reference_build samples)
let cufflinks ?reference_build =
let build =
match reference_build with
| None -> "bam's build"
| Some s -> s in
one_to_one "cufflinks" (sprintf "build:%s" build)
let fastqc =
one_to_one "fastqc" "default"
let flagstat =
one_to_one "flagstat" "default"
let vcf_annotate_polyphen =
one_to_one "vcf_annotate_polyphen" "default"
let snpeff =
one_to_one "snpeff" "default"
let isovar
?(configuration = Tools.Isovar.Configuration.default) vcf bam =
fun ~(var_count : int) ->
let vcf_compiled = vcf ~var_count in
let bam_compiled = bam ~var_count in
function_call "isovar" [
"configuration", string Tools.Isovar.Configuration.(name configuration);
"vcf", vcf_compiled;
"bam", bam_compiled;
let topiary
?(configuration = Tools.Topiary.Configuration.default)
vcfs predictor alleles =
fun ~(var_count : int) ->
let vcfs_compiled = List.map vcfs ~f:(fun v -> v ~var_count) in
function_call "topiary" ([
"configuration", string Tools.Topiary.Configuration.(name configuration);
"alleles", alleles ~var_count;
"predictor", string Hla_utils.(predictor_to_string predictor);
] @ (List.mapi ~f:(fun i v -> (sprintf "vcf%d" i, v)) vcfs_compiled))
let vaxrank
?(configuration = Tools.Vaxrank.Configuration.default)
vcfs bam predictor alleles =
fun ~(var_count : int) ->
let vcfs_compiled = List.map vcfs ~f:(fun v -> v ~var_count) in
let bam_compiled = bam ~var_count in
function_call "vaxrank" ([
"configuration", string Tools.Vaxrank.Configuration.(name configuration);
"alleles", alleles ~var_count;
"predictor", string Hla_utils.(predictor_to_string predictor);
"bam", bam_compiled;
] @ (List.mapi ~f:(fun i v -> (sprintf "vcf%d" i, v)) vcfs_compiled))
let optitype how =
one_to_one "optitype" (match how with `DNA -> "DNA" | `RNA -> "RNA")
let gatk_haplotype_caller =
one_to_one "gatk_haplotype_caller" "default"
let bam_to_fastq ?fragment_id se_or_pe bam =
fun ~(var_count : int) ->
let bamc = bam ~var_count in
function_call "bam_to_fastq" [
Option.value_map ~f:string ~default:(string "N/A") fragment_id;
"endness", string (
match se_or_pe with
| `SE -> "SE"
| `PE -> "PE"
"input", bamc;
let variant_caller name conf_name ~normal ~tumor () ~(var_count : int) =
function_call name [
"configuration", string conf_name;
"normal", normal ~var_count;
"tumor", tumor ~var_count;
let mutect ?(configuration = Tools.Mutect.Configuration.default) =
variant_caller "mutect"
let mutect2 ?(configuration = Tools.Gatk.Configuration.Mutect2.default) =
variant_caller "mutect2"
let delly2 ?(configuration=Tools.Delly2.Configuration.default) =
variant_caller "delly2"
let somaticsniper ?(configuration = Tools.Somaticsniper.Configuration.default) =
variant_caller "somaticsniper"
let strelka ?(configuration = Tools.Strelka.Configuration.default) =
variant_caller "strelka"
let varscan_somatic ?adjust_mapq =
variant_caller "varscan_somatic"
(Option.value_map ~f:(sprintf "amap%d") ~default:"default" adjust_mapq)
let muse ?(configuration = Tools.Muse.Configuration.default `WGS) =
variant_caller "muse"
let virmid ?(configuration = Tools.Virmid.Configuration.default) =
variant_caller "virmid"
let seqtk_shift_phred_scores =
one_to_one "seqtk_shift_phred_scores" "default"
include Make_serializer (struct
type t = json
let input_value name kv =
fun ~var_count ->
`Assoc (
("input-value", `String name)
:: List.map kv ~f:(fun (k, v) -> k, `String v)
let function_call name params =
`Assoc ( ("function-call", `String name) :: params)
let string s = `String s
module To_workflow
= struct
open Nonstd
module String = Sosa.Native_string
let (//) = Filename.concat
module Name_file = Biokepi_run_environment.Common.Name_file
(** The link between {!Biokepi.KEDSL} values and EDSL expression types. *)
module File_type_specification = struct
open Biokepi_run_environment.Common.KEDSL
type t = ..
type t +=
| To_unit: t -> t
| Fastq: fastq_reads workflow_node -> t
| Bam: bam_file workflow_node -> t
| Vcf: vcf_file workflow_node -> t
| Bed: single_file workflow_node -> t
| Gtf: single_file workflow_node -> t
| Seq2hla_result:
Biokepi_bfx_tools.Seq2HLA.product workflow_node -> t
| Optitype_result:
Biokepi_bfx_tools.Optitype.product workflow_node -> t
| Fastqc_result: list_of_files workflow_node -> t
| Flagstat_result: single_file workflow_node -> t
| Isovar_result: single_file workflow_node -> t
| Topiary_result: single_file workflow_node -> t
| Vaxrank_result:
Biokepi_bfx_tools.Vaxrank.product workflow_node -> t
| MHC_alleles: single_file workflow_node -> t
| Bai: single_file workflow_node -> t
| Kallisto_result: single_file workflow_node -> t
| Cufflinks_result: single_file workflow_node -> t
| Raw_file: single_file workflow_node -> t
| Gz: t -> t
| List: t list -> t
| Pair: t * t -> t
| Lambda: (t -> t) -> t
let to_string_functions : (t -> string option) list ref = ref []
let add_to_string f =
to_string_functions := f :: !to_string_functions
let rec to_string : type a. t -> string =
| To_unit a -> sprintf "(to_unit %s)" (to_string a)
| Fastq _ -> "Fastq"
| Bam _ -> "Bam"
| Vcf _ -> "Vcf"
| Bed _ -> "Bed"
| Gtf _ -> "Gtf"
| Seq2hla_result _ -> "Seq2hla_result"
| Optitype_result _ -> "Optitype_result"
| Fastqc_result _ -> "Fastqc_result"
| Flagstat_result _ -> "Flagstat_result"
| Isovar_result _ -> "Isovar_result"
| Topiary_result _ -> "Topiary_result"
| Vaxrank_result _ -> "Vaxrank_result"
| MHC_alleles _ -> "MHC_alleles"
| Bai _ -> "Bai"
| Kallisto_result _ -> "Kallisto_result"
| Cufflinks_result _ -> "Cufflinks_result"
| Raw_file _ -> "Input_url"
| Gz a -> sprintf "(gz %s)" (to_string a)
| List l ->
sprintf "[%s]" (List.map l ~f:to_string |> String.concat ~sep:"; ")
| Pair (a, b) -> sprintf "(%s, %s)" (to_string a) (to_string b)
| Lambda _ -> "--LAMBDA--"
| other ->
begin match
List.find_map !to_string_functions ~f:(fun f -> f other)
| None -> "##UNKNOWN##"
| Some s -> s
let fail_get other name =
ksprintf failwith "Error while extracting File_type_specification.t \
(%s case, in %s), this usually means that the type \
has been wrongly extended" (to_string other) name
let get_fastq : t -> fastq_reads workflow_node = function
| Fastq b -> b
| o -> fail_get o "Fastq"
let get_bam : t -> bam_file workflow_node = function
| Bam b -> b
| o -> fail_get o "Bam"
let get_vcf : t -> vcf_file workflow_node = function
| Vcf v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Vcf"
let get_bed : t -> single_file workflow_node = function
| Bed v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Bed"
let get_gtf : t -> single_file workflow_node = function
| Gtf v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Gtf"
let get_raw_file : t -> single_file workflow_node = function
| Raw_file v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Raw_file"
let get_seq2hla_result : t ->
Biokepi_bfx_tools.Seq2HLA.product workflow_node =
| Seq2hla_result v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Seq2hla_result"
let get_fastqc_result : t -> list_of_files workflow_node =
| Fastqc_result v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Fastqc_result"
let get_flagstat_result : t -> single_file workflow_node =
| Flagstat_result v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Flagstat_result"
let get_isovar_result : t -> single_file workflow_node =
| Isovar_result v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Isovar_result"
let get_topiary_result : t -> single_file workflow_node =
| Topiary_result v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Topiary_result"
let get_vaxrank_result : t -> Biokepi_bfx_tools.Vaxrank.product workflow_node =
| Vaxrank_result v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Vaxrank_result"
let get_mhc_alleles : t -> single_file workflow_node =
| MHC_alleles v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Topiary_result"
let get_bai : t -> single_file workflow_node =
| Bai v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Bai"
let get_kallisto_result : t -> single_file workflow_node =
| Kallisto_result v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Kallisto_result"
let get_cufflinks_result : t -> single_file workflow_node =
| Cufflinks_result v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Cufflinks_result"
let get_optitype_result :
t -> Biokepi_bfx_tools.Optitype.product workflow_node
| Optitype_result v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Optitype_result"
let pair_fst =
| Pair (a, _) -> a
| other -> fail_get other "Pair-fst"
let pair_snd =
| Pair (_, b) -> b
| other -> fail_get other "Pair-snd"
let get_gz : t -> t = function
| Gz v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "Gz"
let get_list : t -> t list = function
| List v -> v
| o -> fail_get o "List"
let to_deps_functions : (t -> workflow_edge list option) list ref = ref []
let add_to_dependencies_edges_function f =
to_deps_functions := f :: !to_deps_functions
let rec as_dependency_edges : type a. t -> workflow_edge list =
let one_depends_on wf = [depends_on wf] in
| To_unit v -> as_dependency_edges v
| Fastq wf -> one_depends_on wf
| Bam wf -> one_depends_on wf
| Vcf wf -> one_depends_on wf
| Gtf wf -> one_depends_on wf
| Seq2hla_result wf -> one_depends_on wf
| Fastqc_result wf -> one_depends_on wf
| Flagstat_result wf -> one_depends_on wf
| Isovar_result wf -> one_depends_on wf
| Optitype_result wf -> one_depends_on wf
| Topiary_result wf -> one_depends_on wf
| Vaxrank_result wf -> one_depends_on wf
| Cufflinks_result wf -> one_depends_on wf
| Bai wf -> one_depends_on wf
| Kallisto_result wf -> one_depends_on wf
| MHC_alleles wf -> one_depends_on wf
| Raw_file w -> one_depends_on w
| List l -> List.concat_map l ~f:as_dependency_edges
| Pair (a, b) -> as_dependency_edges a @ as_dependency_edges b
| other ->
begin match
List.find_map !to_deps_functions ~f:(fun f -> f other)
| None ->
fail_get other "as_dependency_edges"
| Some s -> s
let get_unit_workflow :
name: string ->
t ->
unknown_product workflow_node =
fun ~name f ->
match f with
| To_unit v ->
workflow_node without_product
~name ~edges:(as_dependency_edges v)
| other -> fail_get other "get_unit_workflow"
open Biokepi_run_environment
module type Compiler_configuration = sig
val work_dir : string
(** Directory where all work product done by the TTFI end up. *)
val results_dir : string option
(** Directory where `save` files will end up. *)
val machine : Machine.t
(** Biokepi machine used by the TTFI workflow. *)
val map_reduce_gatk_indel_realigner : bool
(** Whether or not to scatter-gather the indel-realigner results. *)
val input_files: [ `Copy | `Link | `Do_nothing ]
(** What to do with input files: copy or link them to the work directory, or
do nothing. Doing nothing means letting some tools like ["samtools sort"]
write in the input-file's directory. *)
module Defaults = struct
let map_reduce_gatk_indel_realigner = true
let input_files = `Link
let results_dir = None
module Provenance_description = struct
type t = {
name: string;
sub_tree_arguments: (string * t) list;
string_arguments: (string * string) list;
json_arguments: (string * Yojson.Basic.json) list;
let rec to_yojson t : Yojson.Basic.json =
let fields =
List.concat [
List.map t.sub_tree_arguments ~f:(fun (k, v) -> k, to_yojson v);
List.map t.string_arguments ~f:(fun (k, v) -> k, `String v);
`Assoc (("node-name", `String t.name) :: fields)
module Annotated_file = struct
type t = {
file: File_type_specification.t;
provenance: Provenance_description.t;
functional: (t -> Provenance_description.t) option;
let with_provenance
?(string_arguments = []) ?(json_arguments = [])
name arguments file =
provenance = {
Provenance_description. name; sub_tree_arguments = arguments;
string_arguments; json_arguments};
let get_file t = t.file
let get_provenance t = t.provenance
let get_functional_provenance t =
t.functional |> Option.value_exn ~msg:"get_functional_provenance"
module Saving_utilities = struct
(** Compute the base-path used by the [EDSL.save] function. *)
let base_path ?results_dir ~work_dir ~name () =
let name =
String.map name ~f:(function
| '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '-' | '_' as c -> c
| other -> '_') in
match results_dir with
| None -> work_dir // "results" // name
| Some r -> r // name
open Biokepi_run_environment.Common.KEDSL
let get_workflow :
name: string ->
Annotated_file.t ->
unknown_product workflow_node =
fun ~name f ->
let v = Annotated_file.get_file f in
workflow_node without_product
~name ~edges:(File_type_specification.as_dependency_edges v)
module Make (Config : Compiler_configuration)
: Semantics.Bioinformatics_base
with type 'a repr = Annotated_file.t and
type 'a observation = Annotated_file.t
= struct
open File_type_specification
(* open Annotated_file *)
module AF = Annotated_file
module Tools = Biokepi_bfx_tools
module KEDSL = Common.KEDSL
let failf fmt =
ksprintf failwith fmt
type 'a repr = Annotated_file.t
type 'a observation = Annotated_file.t
let observe : (unit -> 'a repr) -> 'a observation = fun f -> f ()
let lambda : ('a repr -> 'b repr) -> ('a -> 'b) repr = fun f ->
Lambda (fun x ->
let annot = f (x |> AF.with_provenance "variable" []) in
AF.get_file annot
) |> AF.with_provenance "lamda" []
~functional:(fun x -> f x |> AF.get_provenance)
let apply : ('a -> 'b) repr -> 'a repr -> 'b repr = fun f_repr x ->
let annot_f = AF.get_functional_provenance f_repr in
let annot_x = AF.get_provenance x in
match AF.get_file f_repr with
| Lambda f ->
f (AF.get_file x) |> AF.with_provenance "apply" [
"function", annot_f x;
"argument", annot_x;
| _ -> assert false
let list : 'a repr list -> 'a list repr =
fun l ->
let ann =
~f:(fun i x -> sprintf "element_%d" i, AF.get_provenance x) l in
List (List.map l ~f:AF.get_file) |> AF.with_provenance "list" ann
let list_map : 'a list repr -> f:('a -> 'b) repr -> 'b list repr = fun l ~f ->
let ann_l = AF.get_provenance l in
(* let ann_f = AF.get_functional_provenance f in *)
match AF.get_file l with
| List l ->
let applied_annotated =
List.map ~f:(fun v ->
apply f (v |> AF.with_provenance "X" [])) l in
let prov =
("list", ann_l) ::
List.map applied_annotated ~f:(fun x -> "applied", AF.get_provenance x)
List (List.map applied_annotated ~f:AF.get_file)
|> AF.with_provenance "list-map" prov
| _ -> assert false
let pair a b =
Pair (AF.get_file a, AF.get_file b)
|> AF.with_provenance "pair" ["left", AF.get_provenance a;
"right", AF.get_provenance b]
let pair_first x =
match AF.get_file x with
| Pair (a, _) ->
a |> AF.with_provenance "pair-first" ["pair", AF.get_provenance x]
| other -> fail_get other "Pair"
let pair_second x =
match AF.get_file x with
| Pair (_, b) ->
b |> AF.with_provenance "pair-second" ["pair", AF.get_provenance x]
| other -> fail_get other "Pair"
let to_unit x =
To_unit (AF.get_file x)
|> AF.with_provenance "to-unit" ["argument", AF.get_provenance x]
let host = Machine.as_host Config.machine
let run_with = Config.machine
let deal_with_input_file (ifile : _ KEDSL.workflow_node) ~make_product =
let open KEDSL in
let new_path =
~readable_suffix:(Filename.basename ifile#product#path)
[ifile#product#path] in
let make =
Machine.quick_run_program Config.machine Program.(
shf "mkdir -p %s" Config.work_dir
&& (
match Config.input_files with
| `Link ->
shf "cd %s" Config.work_dir
&& shf "ln -s %s %s" ifile#product#path new_path
| `Copy ->
shf "cp %s %s" ifile#product#path new_path
| `Do_nothing ->
shf "echo 'No input action on %s'" ifile#product#path
let host = ifile#product#host in
let product =
match Config.input_files with
| `Do_nothing -> ifile#product
| `Link | `Copy -> make_product new_path
let name =
sprintf "Input file %s (%s)" (Filename.basename new_path)
(match Config.input_files with
| `Link -> "link"
| `Copy -> "copy"
| `Do_nothing -> "as-is")
let ensures =
`Is_verified Condition.(
chain_and [
Volume.(create ~host ~root:Config.work_dir (dir "." []));
|> Option.value_exn ~msg:"File without is_done?";
workflow_node product ~ensures ~name ~make
~edges:[depends_on ifile]
let input_url url =
let open KEDSL in
let uri = Uri.of_string url in
let path_of_uri uri =
let basename =
match Uri.get_query_param uri "filename" with
| Some f -> f
| None ->
Digest.(string url |> to_hex) ^ (Uri.path uri |> Filename.basename)
Config.work_dir // basename
begin match Uri.scheme uri with
| None | Some "file" ->
let raw_file =
workflow_node (Uri.path uri |> single_file ~host)
~name:(sprintf "Input file: %s" url)
Raw_file (deal_with_input_file raw_file (single_file ~host))
| Some "http" | Some "https" ->
let path = path_of_uri uri in
Raw_file Biokepi_run_environment.(
~run_program:(Machine.run_download_program Config.machine) url path
| Some "gs" ->
let path = path_of_uri uri in
Raw_file Biokepi_run_environment.(
~run_program:(Machine.run_download_program Config.machine)
~url ~local_path:path
| Some other ->
ksprintf failwith "URI scheme %S (in %s) NOT SUPPORTED" other url
|> AF.with_provenance "input-url" ~string_arguments:["url", url] []
let save ~name thing =
let open KEDSL in
let basename = Filename.basename in
let canonicalize path =
(* Remove the ending '/' from the path. This is so rsync syncs the directory itself + *)
let suffix = "/" in
if Filename.check_suffix path suffix
then String.chop_suffix_exn ~suffix path
else path
let base_path =
?results_dir:Config.results_dir ~work_dir:Config.work_dir ~name () in
let move ?(and_gzip = false) ~from_path ~wf product =
let json =
`Assoc [
"base-path", `String base_path;
"saved-from", `String from_path;
AF.get_provenance thing |> Provenance_description.to_yojson;
|> Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_string
let make =
shf "mkdir -p %s" base_path
&& shf "rsync -a %s %s" from_path base_path
&& (
match and_gzip with
| true ->
shf "for f in $(find %s -type f) ; do \
gzip --force --keep $f ; \
done" base_path
| false -> sh "echo 'No GZipping Requested'"
&& shf "echo %s > %s.json" (Filename.quote json) base_path
let name = sprintf "Saving \"%s\"" name in
workflow_node product ~name ~make ~edges:[depends_on wf]
let tf path = transform_single_file ~path in
begin match AF.get_file thing with
| Bam wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Bam (move ~from_path ~wf (transform_bam ~path:to_path wf#product))
| Vcf wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Vcf (move ~and_gzip:true ~from_path ~wf
(transform_vcf ~path:to_path wf#product))
| Gtf wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Gtf (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Flagstat_result wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Flagstat_result (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Isovar_result wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Isovar_result (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Topiary_result wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Topiary_result (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Vaxrank_result wf ->
let from_path = canonicalize wf#product#output_folder_path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
let vp =
~output_folder_path:to_path wf#product
Vaxrank_result (move ~from_path ~wf vp)
| Optitype_result wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
let o =
Tools.Optitype.move_optitype_product ~path:to_path wf#product
let from_path = wf#product#path in
Optitype_result (move ~from_path ~wf o)
| Seq2hla_result wf ->
let from_path = canonicalize wf#product#work_dir_path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
let s =
Tools.Seq2HLA.move_seq2hla_product ~path:to_path wf#product
Seq2hla_result (move ~from_path ~wf s)
| Fastqc_result wf ->
let from_path =
wf#product#paths |> List.hd_exn |> Filename.dirname |> canonicalize in
let fqc =
let paths = List.map wf#product#paths
~f:(fun p ->
// (basename from_path)
// (basename p)) in
list_of_files paths
Fastqc_result (move ~from_path ~wf fqc)
| Cufflinks_result wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Cufflinks_result (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Bai wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Bai (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Kallisto_result wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Kallisto_result (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| MHC_alleles wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
MHC_alleles (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Raw_file wf ->
let from_path = canonicalize wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Raw_file (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Gz _ -> failwith "Cannot `save` Gz."
| List _ -> failwith "Cannot `save` List."
| Pair _ -> failwith "Cannot `save` Pair."
| Lambda _ -> failwith "Cannot `save` Lambda."
| _ -> failwith "Shouldn't get here: pattern match for `save` must be exhaustive."
|> AF.with_provenance "save"
["product", AF.get_provenance thing]
~string_arguments:["name", name]
let fastq
~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 () =
Fastq (
let open KEDSL in
let read1 = get_raw_file (AF.get_file r1) in
let read2 = Option.map r2 ~f:(fun r -> AF.get_file r |> get_raw_file) in
?fragment_id ~host ~name:sample_name
read1 read2
|> AF.with_provenance "fastq"
(("r1", AF.get_provenance r1)
:: Option.value_map ~default:[] r2
~f:(fun r -> ["r2", AF.get_provenance r]))
("sample-name", sample_name)
:: Option.value_map fragment_id ~default:[]
~f:(fun id -> ["fragment-id", id]))
let fastq_gz
~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 () =
let fq = fastq ~sample_name ?fragment_id ~r1 ?r2 () in
Gz (AF.get_file fq)
|> AF.with_provenance "gz" ["fastq", AF.get_provenance fq]
let bam ~sample_name ?sorting ~reference_build input =
Bam (
let open KEDSL in
let host = Machine.as_host Config.machine in
let f = get_raw_file (AF.get_file input) in
let bam =
bam_file ~host ~name:sample_name
?sorting ~reference_build f#product#path in
workflow_node bam
~name:(sprintf "Input-bam: %s" sample_name)
~edges:[depends_on f]
|> AF.with_provenance "bam" ["file", AF.get_provenance input]
"sample-name", sample_name;
(match sorting with
| Some `Coordinate -> "coordinate"
| None -> "none"
| Some `Read_name -> "read-name");
"reference-build", reference_build;
let bed file =
Bed (get_raw_file (AF.get_file file))
|> AF.with_provenance "bed" ["file", AF.get_provenance file]
let mhc_alleles how =
match how with
| `File raw ->
MHC_alleles (get_raw_file (AF.get_file raw))
|> AF.with_provenance "mhc-alleles" ["file", AF.get_provenance raw]
| `Names strlist ->
let path =
Name_file.in_directory ~readable_suffix:"MHC_allleles.txt"
Config.work_dir strlist in
let open KEDSL in
let host = Machine.as_host Config.machine in
let product = single_file ~host path in
let node =
workflow_node product
~name:(sprintf "Inline-MHC-alleles: %s"
(String.concat ~sep:", " strlist))
Machine.quick_run_program Config.machine Program.(
let line s =
shf "echo %s >> %s" (Filename.quote s) (Filename.quote path) in
shf "mkdir -p %s" (Filename.dirname path)
&& shf "rm -f %s" (Filename.quote path)
&& chain (List.map ~f:line strlist)
MHC_alleles node
|> AF.with_provenance "mhc-allelles" []
~string_arguments:(List.mapi strlist
~f:(fun i s -> sprintf "allele-%d" i, s))
let index_bam bam =
let input_bam = get_bam (AF.get_file bam) in
let sorted_bam = Tools.Samtools.sort_bam_if_necessary ~run_with ~by:`Coordinate input_bam in
Bai (
~run_with ~check_sorted:true sorted_bam
) |> AF.with_provenance "index-bam" ["bam", AF.get_provenance bam]
let kallisto ~reference_build ?(bootstrap_samples=100) fastq =
let fq = get_fastq (AF.get_file fastq) in
let result_prefix =
Name_file.in_directory ~readable_suffix:"kallisto" Config.work_dir [
sprintf "%d" bootstrap_samples;
] in
Kallisto_result (
~fastq:fq ~run_with ~result_prefix ~bootstrap_samples
) |> AF.with_provenance "kallisto" ["fastq", AF.get_provenance fastq]
"reference-build", reference_build;
"bootstrap-samples", Int.to_string bootstrap_samples;
let delly2 ?(configuration=Tools.Delly2.Configuration.default)
~normal ~tumor () =
let normal_bam = get_bam (AF.get_file normal) in
let tumor_bam = get_bam (AF.get_file tumor) in
let output_path =
Name_file.in_directory ~readable_suffix:"-delly2.vcf" Config.work_dir [
Tools.Delly2.Configuration.name configuration;
let bcf =
~normal:normal_bam ~tumor:tumor_bam
~output_path:(output_path ^ ".bcf")
Vcf (Tools.Bcftools.bcf_to_vcf ~run_with
~bcf output_path)
|> AF.with_provenance "delly2"
["normal", AF.get_provenance normal; "tumor", AF.get_provenance tumor]
"configuration-name", Tools.Delly2.Configuration.name configuration;
"configuration", Tools.Delly2.Configuration.to_json configuration;
let cufflinks ?reference_build bamf =
let bam = get_bam (AF.get_file bamf) in
let reference_build =
match reference_build with
| None -> bam#product#reference_build
| Some r -> r in
let result_prefix =
Name_file.in_directory ~readable_suffix:"cufflinks" Config.work_dir [
] in
Cufflinks_result (
~reference_build ~bam ~run_with ~result_prefix
|> AF.with_provenance "cufflinks" ["bam", AF.get_provenance bamf]
~string_arguments:["reference-build", reference_build]
let make_aligner
name ~make_workflow ~config_name ~config_to_json
~configuration ~reference_build fastq =
let freads = get_fastq (AF.get_file fastq) in
let result_prefix =
Name_file.in_directory ~readable_suffix:name Config.work_dir [
config_name configuration;
] in
Bam (
~reference_build ~configuration ~result_prefix ~run_with freads
|> AF.with_provenance name ["fastq", AF.get_provenance fastq]
"configuration-name", config_name configuration;
"reference-build", reference_build;
~json_arguments:["configuration", config_to_json configuration]
let bwa_aln
?(configuration = Tools.Bwa.Configuration.Aln.default) =
make_aligner "bwaaln" ~configuration
~configuration ~result_prefix ~run_with freads ->
~reference_build ~configuration ~fastq:freads
~result_prefix ~run_with ()
|> Tools.Samtools.sam_to_bam ~reference_build ~run_with
let bwa_mem
?(configuration = Tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.default) =
make_aligner "bwamem" ~configuration
~configuration ~result_prefix ~run_with freads ->
~reference_build ~configuration ~fastq:freads
~result_prefix ~run_with ()
|> Tools.Samtools.sam_to_bam ~reference_build ~run_with
let bwa_mem_opt
?(configuration = Tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.default)
input =
let bwa_mem_opt input annot =
let result_prefix =
Name_file.in_directory ~readable_suffix:"bwamemopt" Config.work_dir [
Tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.name configuration;
Tools.Bwa.Input_reads.sample_name input;
Tools.Bwa.Input_reads.read_group_id input;
] in
Bam (
~configuration ~reference_build ~run_with ~result_prefix input
|> AF.with_provenance "bwa-mem-opt" ["input", annot]
"reference-build", reference_build;
"configuration-name", Tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.name configuration;
"configuration", Tools.Bwa.Configuration.Mem.to_json configuration;
let of_input =
| `Fastq fastq ->
let fq = get_fastq (AF.get_file fastq) in
bwa_mem_opt (`Fastq fq) (AF.get_provenance fastq)
| `Fastq_gz fqz ->
let fq = get_gz (AF.get_file fqz) |> get_fastq in
bwa_mem_opt (`Fastq fq) (AF.get_provenance fqz)
| `Bam (b, p) ->
let bam = get_bam (AF.get_file b) in
bwa_mem_opt (`Bam (bam, `PE)) (AF.get_provenance b)
of_input input
let star
?(configuration = Tools.Star.Configuration.Align.default) =
make_aligner "star"
fun ~reference_build ~configuration ~result_prefix ~run_with fastq ->
Tools.Star.align ~configuration ~reference_build
~fastq ~result_prefix ~run_with ()
let hisat
?(configuration = Tools.Hisat.Configuration.default_v1) =
make_aligner "hisat"
fun ~reference_build ~configuration ~result_prefix ~run_with fastq ->
Tools.Hisat.align ~configuration ~reference_build
~fastq ~result_prefix ~run_with ()
|> Tools.Samtools.sam_to_bam ~reference_build ~run_with
let mosaik =
make_aligner "mosaik"
~config_name:(fun _ -> "default")
~config_to_json:(fun _ -> `Assoc ["name", `String "default"])
fun ~reference_build ~configuration ~result_prefix ~run_with fastq ->
Tools.Mosaik.align ~reference_build
~fastq ~result_prefix ~run_with ())
let gunzip: Annotated_file.t -> Annotated_file.t = fun gz ->
let inside = get_gz (AF.get_file gz) in
begin match inside with
| Fastq f ->
let make_result_path read =
let base = Filename.basename read in
Config.work_dir //
(match base with
| fastqgz when Filename.check_suffix base ".fastq.gz" ->
Filename.chop_suffix base ".gz"
| fqz when Filename.check_suffix base ".fqz" ->
Filename.chop_suffix base ".fqz" ^ ".fastq"
| other ->
ksprintf failwith "To_workflow.gunzip: cannot recognize Gz-Fastq \
extension: %S" other)
let gunzip read =
let result_path = make_result_path read#product#path in
~run_with [read] ~result_path in
let fastq_r1 = gunzip (KEDSL.read_1_file_node f) in
let fastq_r2 = Option.map (KEDSL.read_2_file_node f) ~f:gunzip in
Fastq (
KEDSL.fastq_node_of_single_file_nodes ~host
fastq_r1 fastq_r2
|> AF.with_provenance "gunzip" ["fastq-gz", AF.get_provenance gz]
| other ->
ksprintf failwith "To_workflow.gunzip: non-FASTQ input not implemented"
let gunzip_concat gzl =
ksprintf failwith "To_workflow.gunzip_concat: not implemented"
let concat : Annotated_file.t -> Annotated_file.t =
fun l ->
begin match get_list (AF.get_file l) with
| Fastq one :: [] ->
Fastq one
|> AF.with_provenance "concat" ["single-element", AF.get_provenance l]
| Fastq first_fastq :: _ as lfq ->
let fqs = List.map lfq ~f:get_fastq in
let r1s = List.map fqs ~f:(KEDSL.read_1_file_node) in
let r2s = List.filter_map fqs ~f:KEDSL.read_2_file_node in
(* TODO add some verifications that they have the same number of files?
i.e. that we are not mixing SE and PE fastqs
let concat_files ~read l =
let result_path =
sprintf "%s-Read%d-Concat.fastq"
first_fastq#product#escaped_sample_name read) (
:: first_fastq#product#fragment_id_forced
:: List.map l ~f:(fun wf -> wf#product#path)
Workflow_utilities.Cat.concat ~run_with l ~result_path in
let read_1 = concat_files r1s ~read:1 in
let read_2 =
match r2s with [] -> None | more -> Some (concat_files more ~read:2)
Fastq (
KEDSL.fastq_node_of_single_file_nodes ~host
read_1 read_2
|> AF.with_provenance "concat" ["fastq-list", AF.get_provenance l]
| other ->
ksprintf failwith "To_workflow.concat: not implemented"
let merge_bams
?(delete_input_on_success = true)
?(attach_rg_tag = false)
?(uncompressed_bam_output = false)
?(compress_level_one = false)
?(combine_rg_headers = false)
?(combine_pg_headers = false) bam_list =
match AF.get_file bam_list with
| List [ one_bam ] ->
one_bam |> AF.with_provenance "merge-bams"
["pass-through", AF.get_provenance bam_list]
| List bam_files ->
let bams = List.map bam_files ~f:get_bam in
let output_path =
Name_file.in_directory ~readable_suffix:"samtoolsmerge.bam"
(List.map bams ~f:(fun bam -> bam#product#path))
Bam (Tools.Samtools.merge_bams
bams output_path)
|> AF.with_provenance "merge-bams"
["bam-list", AF.get_provenance bam_list]
"delete-input-on-success", string_of_bool delete_input_on_success;
"attach-rg-tag", string_of_bool attach_rg_tag;
"uncompressed-bam-output", string_of_bool uncompressed_bam_output;
"compress-level-one", string_of_bool compress_level_one;
"combine-rg-headers", string_of_bool combine_rg_headers;
"combine-pg-headers", string_of_bool combine_pg_headers;
| other ->
fail_get other "To_workflow.merge_bams: not a list of bams?"
let stringtie ?(configuration = Tools.Stringtie.Configuration.default) bamt =
let bam = get_bam (AF.get_file bamt) in
let result_prefix =
Name_file.from_path bam#product#path ~readable_suffix:"stringtie" [
] in
Gtf (Tools.Stringtie.run ~configuration ~bam ~result_prefix ~run_with ())
|> AF.with_provenance "stringtie" ["bam", AF.get_provenance bamt]
Tools.Stringtie.Configuration.to_json configuration]
let indel_realigner_function:
type a. configuration: _ -> a KEDSL.bam_or_bams -> a =
fun ~configuration on_what ->
match Config.map_reduce_gatk_indel_realigner with
| true ->
Tools.Gatk.indel_realigner_map_reduce ~run_with ~compress:false
~configuration on_what
| false ->
Tools.Gatk.indel_realigner ~run_with ~compress:false
~configuration on_what
let indel_realigner_provenance ~configuration t_arguments product =
let config_indel, config_target = configuration in
AF.with_provenance "gatk-indel-realigner" t_arguments product
Tools.Gatk.Configuration.Indel_realigner.to_json config_indel;
Tools.Gatk.Configuration.Realigner_target_creator.to_json config_target;
let gatk_indel_realigner
?(configuration = Tools.Gatk.Configuration.default_indel_realigner)
bam =
let input_bam = get_bam (AF.get_file bam) in
Bam (indel_realigner_function ~configuration (KEDSL.Single_bam input_bam))
|> indel_realigner_provenance ~configuration ["bam", AF.get_provenance bam]
let gatk_indel_realigner_joint
?(configuration = Tools.Gatk.Configuration.default_indel_realigner)
bam_pair =
let bam1 = (AF.get_file bam_pair) |> pair_fst |> get_bam in
let bam2 = (AF.get_file bam_pair) |> pair_snd |> get_bam in
let bam_list_node =
indel_realigner_function (KEDSL.Bam_workflow_list [bam1; bam2])
~configuration in
begin match KEDSL.explode_bam_list_node bam_list_node with
| [realigned_normal; realigned_tumor] ->
Pair (Bam realigned_normal, Bam realigned_tumor)
|> indel_realigner_provenance ~configuration
["bam-pair", AF.get_provenance bam_pair]
| other ->
failf "Gatk.indel_realigner did not return the correct list \
of length 2 (tumor, normal): it gave %d bams"
(List.length other)
let picard_mark_duplicates
?(configuration = Tools.Picard.Mark_duplicates_settings.default) bam =
let input_bam = get_bam (AF.get_file bam) in
let output_bam =
(* We assume that the settings do not impact the actual result. *)
Name_file.from_path input_bam#product#path
~readable_suffix:"mark_dups.bam" [] in
Bam (
Tools.Picard.mark_duplicates ~settings:configuration
~run_with ~input_bam output_bam
)|> AF.with_provenance "picard-mark-duplicates"
["bam", AF.get_provenance bam]
let picard_reorder_sam ?mem_param ?reference_build bam =
let input_bam = get_bam (AF.get_file bam) in
let reference_build_param =
match reference_build with
| None -> input_bam#product#reference_build
| Some r -> r
let output_bam_path =
(* We assume that the settings do not impact the actual result. *)
Name_file.from_path input_bam#product#path
~readable_suffix:"reorder_sam.bam" [reference_build_param] in
Bam (
?mem_param ?reference_build
~run_with ~input_bam output_bam_path
|> AF.with_provenance "picard-reorder-sam" ["bam", AF.get_provenance bam]
~string_arguments:["reference-build", reference_build_param]
let picard_clean_bam bam =
let input_bam = get_bam (AF.get_file bam) in
let output_bam_path =
Bam (
Tools.Picard.clean_bam ~run_with input_bam output_bam_path
|> AF.with_provenance "picard-clean-bam" ["bam", AF.get_provenance bam]
let gatk_bqsr ?(configuration = Tools.Gatk.Configuration.default_bqsr) bam =
let input_bam = get_bam (AF.get_file bam) in
let output_bam =
let (bqsr, preads) = configuration in
Name_file.from_path input_bam#product#path
~readable_suffix:"gatk_bqsr.bam" [
] in
let config_bqsr, config_print_reads = configuration in
Bam (
Tools.Gatk.base_quality_score_recalibrator ~configuration
~run_with ~input_bam ~output_bam
|> AF.with_provenance "gatk-bqsr" ["bam", AF.get_provenance bam]
Tools.Gatk.Configuration.Bqsr.to_json config_bqsr;
Tools.Gatk.Configuration.Print_reads.to_json config_print_reads;
let seqtk_shift_phred_scores fastq =
let input_fastq = get_fastq (AF.get_file fastq) in
let output_folder =
Name_file.from_path input_fastq#product#sample_name
~readable_suffix:"phred33-fastq" [ "seqtk"; ]
Fastq (
~output_folder:(Config.work_dir // output_folder)
|> AF.with_provenance "seqtk-shift-phred-scores"
["fastq", AF.get_provenance fastq]
let seq2hla fq =
let fastq = get_fastq (AF.get_file fq) in
let r1 = KEDSL.read_1_file_node fastq in
let r2 =
match KEDSL.read_2_file_node fastq with
| Some r -> r
| None ->
failf "Seq2HLA doesn't support Single_end_sample(s)."
let work_dir =
Name_file.in_directory Config.work_dir
~readable_suffix:"seq2hla-workdir" [
Seq2hla_result (
~work_dir ~run_with ~run_name:fastq#product#escaped_sample_name ~r1 ~r2
|> AF.with_provenance "seq2hla" ["fastq", AF.get_provenance fq]
let hlarp input =
let out o =
Name_file.from_path o ~readable_suffix:"hlarp.csv" [] in
let hlarp = Tools.Hlarp.run ~run_with in
let hla_result, output_path, prov_argument =
match input with
| `Seq2hla v ->
let r = get_seq2hla_result (AF.get_file v) in
`Seq2hla r, out r#product#work_dir_path, ("seq2hla", AF.get_provenance v)
| `Optitype v ->
let r = get_optitype_result (AF.get_file v) in
`Optitype r, out r#product#path, ("optitype", AF.get_provenance v)
let res = hlarp ~hla_result ~output_path in
MHC_alleles res |> AF.with_provenance "hlarp" [prov_argument]
let filter_to_region vcf bed =
let vcff = get_vcf (AF.get_file vcf) in
let bedf = get_bed (AF.get_file bed) in
let output =
Name_file.from_path vcff#product#path ~readable_suffix:"_intersect.vcf"
[Filename.basename bedf#product#path |> Filename.chop_extension]
Vcf (Tools.Bedtools.intersect
~primary:vcff ~intersect_with:[bedf]
~run_with output)
|> AF.with_provenance "filter-to-region" ["vcf", AF.get_provenance vcf;
"bed", AF.get_provenance bed]
let bam_left_align ~reference_build bamf =
let bam = get_bam (AF.get_file bamf) in
let output =
Name_file.from_path bam#product#path ~readable_suffix:"_left-aligned.bam"
[Filename.basename bam#product#path] in
Bam (Tools.Freebayes.bam_left_align ~reference_build ~bam ~run_with output)
|> AF.with_provenance "bam-left-align" ["bam", AF.get_provenance bamf]
~string_arguments:["reference-build", reference_build]
let sambamba_filter ~filter bami =
let bam = get_bam (AF.get_file bami) in
let output =
Name_file.from_path bam#product#path ~readable_suffix:"_filtered.bam"
[Filename.basename bam#product#path; Tools.Sambamba.Filter.to_string filter] in
Bam (Tools.Sambamba.view ~bam ~run_with ~filter output)
|> AF.with_provenance "sambamba-filter" ["bam", AF.get_provenance bami]
(** The filter's [to_json] function is just for now the identity: *)
~json_arguments:["filter", (filter :> Yojson.Basic.json)]
let fastqc fq =
let fastq = get_fastq (AF.get_file fq) in
let output_folder =
Name_file.in_directory ~readable_suffix:"fastqc_result" Config.work_dir [
] in
Fastqc_result (Tools.Fastqc.run ~run_with ~fastq ~output_folder)
|> AF.with_provenance "fastqc" ["fastq", AF.get_provenance fq]
let flagstat bami =
let bam = get_bam (AF.get_file bami) in
Flagstat_result (Tools.Samtools.flagstat ~run_with bam)
|> AF.with_provenance "flagstat" ["bam", AF.get_provenance bami]
let vcf_annotate_polyphen vcf =
let v = get_vcf (AF.get_file vcf) in
let output_vcf = (Filename.chop_extension v#product#path) ^ "_polyphen.vcf" in
let reference_build = v#product#reference_build in
Vcf (
Tools.Vcfannotatepolyphen.run ~run_with ~reference_build ~vcf:v ~output_vcf
|> AF.with_provenance "vcf-annotate-polyphen" ["vcf", AF.get_provenance vcf]
let snpeff vcf =
let open KEDSL in
let v = get_vcf (AF.get_file vcf) in
let reference_build = v#product#reference_build in
let out_folder =
Name_file.in_directory ~readable_suffix:"snpeff" Config.work_dir
[ Filename.basename v#product#path; reference_build; ]
let snpeff_run =
Tools.Snpeff.annotate ~run_with ~reference_build ~input_vcf:v ~out_folder
Vcf (
(transform_vcf v#product ~path:(snpeff_run#product#path))
~name:(sprintf "Fetch annotated VCF: %s" v#render#name)
~edges:[ depends_on snpeff_run; ]
|> AF.with_provenance "snpeff" ["vcf", AF.get_provenance vcf]
let isovar
vcf bam =
let v = get_vcf (AF.get_file vcf) in
let b = get_bam (AF.get_file bam) in
let reference_build =
if v#product#reference_build = b#product#reference_build
then v#product#reference_build
ksprintf failwith "VCF and Bam do not agree on their reference build: \
bam: %s Vs vcf: %s"
b#product#reference_build v#product#reference_build
let output_file =
Name_file.in_directory ~readable_suffix:"isovar.csv" Config.work_dir [
Tools.Isovar.Configuration.name configuration;
(Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename v#product#path));
(Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename b#product#path));
] in
Isovar_result (
Tools.Isovar.run ~configuration ~run_with ~reference_build
~vcf:v ~bam:b ~output_file
|> AF.with_provenance "isovar" ["vcf", AF.get_provenance vcf;
"bam", AF.get_provenance bam]
"reference-build", reference_build;
"configuration-name", Tools.Isovar.Configuration.name configuration;
"configuration", Tools.Isovar.Configuration.to_json configuration;
let topiary ?(configuration=Tools.Topiary.Configuration.default)
vcfs predictor alleles =
let vs = List.map ~f:(fun x -> AF.get_file x |> get_vcf) vcfs in
let refs =
vs |> List.map ~f:(fun v -> v#product#reference_build) |> List.dedup
let reference_build =
if List.length refs > 1
ksprintf failwith "VCFs do not agree on their reference build: %s"
(String.concat ~sep:", " refs)
List.nth_exn refs 0
let mhc = get_mhc_alleles (AF.get_file alleles) in
let output_file =
Name_file.in_directory ~readable_suffix:"topiary.tsv" Config.work_dir
Hla_utilities.predictor_to_string predictor;
Tools.Topiary.Configuration.name configuration;
Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename mhc#product#path);
] @ (List.map vs ~f:(fun v -> v#product#path)))
Topiary_result (
~configuration ~run_with
~reference_build ~vcfs:vs ~predictor
~output:(`CSV output_file)
|> AF.with_provenance "topiary"
(("alleles", AF.get_provenance alleles)
:: List.mapi vcfs ~f:(fun i v -> sprintf "vcf_%d" i, AF.get_provenance v))
"predictor", Hla_utilities.predictor_to_string predictor;
Tools.Topiary.Configuration.name configuration;
Tools.Topiary.Configuration.to_json configuration;
let vaxrank
vcfs bam predictor alleles =
let vs = List.map ~f:(fun x -> AF.get_file x |> get_vcf) vcfs in
let b = get_bam (AF.get_file bam) in
let reference_build =
if List.exists vs ~f:(fun v ->
v#product#reference_build <> b#product#reference_build)
ksprintf failwith "VCFs and Bam do not agree on their reference build: \
bam: %s Vs vcfs: %s"
(List.map vs ~f:(fun v -> v#product#reference_build)
|> String.concat ~sep:", ")
let mhc = get_mhc_alleles (AF.get_file alleles) in
let outdir =
Name_file.in_directory ~readable_suffix:"vaxrank" Config.work_dir
Tools.Vaxrank.Configuration.name configuration;
Hla_utilities.predictor_to_string predictor;
(Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename mhc#product#path));
] @
(List.map vs ~f:(fun v ->
(Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename v#product#path))))
Vaxrank_result (
~configuration ~run_with
~reference_build ~vcfs:vs ~bam:b ~predictor
|> AF.with_provenance "vaxrank"
(("alleles", AF.get_provenance alleles)
:: ("bam", AF.get_provenance bam)
:: List.mapi vcfs ~f:(fun i v -> sprintf "vcf_%d" i, AF.get_provenance v))
"predictor", Hla_utilities.predictor_to_string predictor;
Tools.Vaxrank.Configuration.name configuration;
Tools.Vaxrank.Configuration.to_json configuration;
let optitype how fq =
let fastq = get_fastq (AF.get_file fq) in
let intput_type = match how with `RNA -> "RNA" | `DNA -> "DNA" in
let work_dir =
Name_file.in_directory Config.work_dir ~readable_suffix:"optitype.d" [
let run_name = fastq#product#escaped_sample_name in
Optitype_result (
match how with
| `DNA ->
~work_dir ~run_with ~fastq ~run_name
| `RNA ->
Tools.Optitype.hla_type ~work_dir ~run_with ~fastq ~run_name `RNA
) |> AF.with_provenance "optitype" ["fastq", AF.get_provenance fq]
~string_arguments:["input-type", intput_type]
let gatk_haplotype_caller bam =
let input_bam = get_bam (AF.get_file bam) in
let result_prefix =
Filename.chop_extension input_bam#product#path ^ sprintf "_gatkhaplo" in
Vcf (
Tools.Gatk.haplotype_caller ~run_with
~input_bam ~result_prefix `Map_reduce
) |> AF.with_provenance "gatk-haplotype-caller" ["bam", AF.get_provenance bam]
let bam_to_fastq ?fragment_id how bam =
let input_bam = get_bam (AF.get_file bam) in
let sample_type = match how with `SE -> `Single_end | `PE -> `Paired_end in
let sample_type_str = match how with `PE -> "PE" | `SE -> "SE" in
let output_prefix =
// sprintf "%s-b2fq-%s"
Filename.(chop_extension (basename input_bam#product#path))
Fastq (
Tools.Picard.bam_to_fastq ~run_with ~sample_type
~output_prefix input_bam
) |> AF.with_provenance "bam-to-fastq" ["bam", AF.get_provenance bam]
~string_arguments:(("sample-type", sample_type_str)
:: Option.value_map ~default:[] fragment_id
~f:(fun fi -> ["fragment-id", fi]))
let somatic_vc
name confname confjson default_conf runfun
?configuration ~normal ~tumor () =
let normal_bam = get_bam (AF.get_file normal) in
let tumor_bam = get_bam (AF.get_file tumor) in
let configuration = Option.value configuration ~default:default_conf in
let result_prefix =
Name_file.from_path tumor_bam#product#path
~readable_suffix:(sprintf "_%s-%s" name (confname configuration))
normal_bam#product#path |> Filename.basename
|> Filename.chop_extension;
Vcf (
~configuration ~run_with
~normal:normal_bam ~tumor:tumor_bam ~result_prefix
) |> AF.with_provenance name ["normal", AF.get_provenance normal;
"tumor", AF.get_provenance tumor]
"configuration-name", confname configuration;
"configuration", confjson configuration;
let mutect =
somatic_vc "mutect"
~configuration ~run_with
~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix ->
Tools.Mutect.run ~configuration ~run_with
~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix `Map_reduce)
let mutect2 =
somatic_vc "mutect2"
~configuration ~run_with
~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix ->
Tools.Gatk.mutect2 ~configuration ~run_with
~result_prefix `Map_reduce)
let somaticsniper =
somatic_vc "somaticsniper"
~configuration ~run_with
~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix ->
~configuration ~run_with ~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix ())
let strelka =
somatic_vc "strelka"
~configuration ~run_with
~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix ->
~configuration ~normal ~tumor ~run_with ~result_prefix ())
let varscan_somatic ?adjust_mapq =
somatic_vc "varscan_somatic"
(fun () ->
sprintf "Amq%s"
(Option.value_map adjust_mapq ~default:"N" ~f:Int.to_string))
(fun () ->
`Assoc [
Option.value_map adjust_mapq
~default:(`String "None") ~f:(fun i -> `Int i)
~configuration ~run_with
~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix ->
Tools.Varscan.somatic_map_reduce ?adjust_mapq
~run_with ~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix ())
let muse =
somatic_vc "muse"
(Tools.Muse.Configuration.default `WGS)
~configuration ~run_with
~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix ->
~run_with ~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix `Map_reduce)
let virmid =
somatic_vc "virmid"
~configuration ~run_with
~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix ->
~configuration ~normal ~tumor ~run_with ~result_prefix ())
module Transform_applications
= struct
We use here the {!Optimization_framework} module to apply a bit more than
{{:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_calculus}Β-reduction}: we also try
to apply the [List_repr.map], and build [List_repr.make] values.
This optimization-pass is a good example of use of the
open Nonstd
module Apply_optimization_framework
(Input : Semantics.Bioinformatics_base)
= struct
(** The “core” of the transformation is implemented here.
{!Input} is the input language.
{!Transformation_types} defines a GADT that encodes the subset of the
EDSL that is of interest to the transformation.
['a Transformation_types.term] is designed to allow us to pattern match
(in the function {!Transformation_types.bwd}).
All the terms of the input language that are not relevant to the
transformation are wrapped in {!Transformation_types.Unknown}.
module Transformation_types = struct
type 'a from = 'a Input.repr
type 'a term =
| Unknown : 'a from -> 'a term
| Apply : ('a -> 'b) term * 'a term -> 'b term
| Lambda : ('a term -> 'b term) -> ('a -> 'b) term
| List_make: ('a term) list -> 'a list term
| List_map: ('a list term * ('a -> 'b) term) -> 'b list term
| Pair: 'a term * 'b term -> ('a * 'b) term
| Fst: ('a * 'b) term -> 'a term
| Snd: ('a * 'b) term -> 'b term
let fwd x = Unknown x
let rec bwd : type a. a term -> a from =
| Apply (Lambda f, v) -> bwd (f v)
| Apply (other, v) -> Input.apply (bwd other) (bwd v)
| List_map (List_make l, Lambda f) ->
Input.list (List.map ~f:(fun x -> bwd (f x)) l)
| List_map (x, f) ->
Input.list_map ~f:(bwd f) (bwd x)
| Lambda f ->
Input.lambda (fun x -> (bwd (f (fwd x))))
| List_make l -> Input.list (List.map ~f:bwd l)
| Fst (Pair (a, b)) -> bwd a
| Snd (Pair (a, b)) -> bwd b
| Pair (a, b) -> Input.pair (bwd a) (bwd b)
| Fst b -> Input.pair_first (bwd b)
| Snd b -> Input.pair_second (bwd b)
| Unknown x -> x
(** Applying this functor just adds functions that we don't use yet; so this
could be simplified in the future. *)
module Transformation =
open Transformation
(** {!Language_delta} is where we “intercept” the terms of the language that
are interesting.
For all the other ones {!Transformation_types.fwd} will be used
by {!Optimization_framework.Generic_optimizer}.
module Language_delta = struct
open Transformation_types
let apply f x = Apply (f, x)
let lambda f = Lambda f
let list l = List_make l
let list_map l ~f = List_map (l, f)
let pair a b = Pair (a, b)
let pair_first p = Fst p
let pair_second p = Snd p
(** {!Apply} is the entry point that transforms EDSL terms. *)
module Apply (Input : Semantics.Bioinformatics_base) = struct
module The_pass = Apply_optimization_framework(Input)
(** We populate the module with the default implementations (which do
nothing). *)
include Optimization_framework.Generic_optimizer(The_pass.Transformation)(Input)
(** We override the few functions we're interested in. *)
include The_pass.Language_delta