(** Small/useful workflow-nodes. *)
open Common module Remove = struct   let file ~run_with path =     let open KEDSL in     workflow_node nothing       ~name:(sprintf "rm-%s" (Filename.basename path))       ~ensures:(`Is_verified (`Command_returns (  ~host:Machine.(as_host run_with)             (sprintf "ls %s" path),           2)))       ~make:(Machine.quick_run_program                run_with Program.(exec ["rm""-f"; path]))       ~tags:[Target_tags.clean_up]   let directory ~run_with path =     let open KEDSL in     workflow_node nothing       ~name:(sprintf "rmdir-%s" (Filename.basename path))       ~ensures:(`Is_verified (`Command_returns (  ~host:Machine.(as_host run_with)             (sprintf "ls %s" path),           2         )))       ~make:(Machine.quick_run_program                run_with Program.(exec ["rm""-rf"; path]))       ~tags:[Target_tags.clean_up]   (* This one is dirtier, it does not check its result and uses the `Host.t`      directly, it should be used only when the `Machine.t` is not available      (i.e. while defining a `Machine.t`). *)   let path_on_host ~host path =     let open KEDSL in     workflow_node nothing       ~name:(sprintf "rm-%s" (Filename.basename path))       ~make:(daemonize ~using:`Python_daemon ~host                Program.(exec ["rm""-rf"; path])) end module Gunzip = struct   
  (** Example: call "gunzip <list of fastq.gz files> > some_name_cat.fastq". *)
  let concat ~(run_with : Machine.t) bunch_of_dot_gzs ~result_path =     let open KEDSL in     let program =       Program.(         exec ["mkdir""-p"Filename.dirname result_path]         && shf "gunzip -c  %s > %s"           ( bunch_of_dot_gzs              ~f:(fun o -> Filename.quote o#product#path)            |> String.concat ~sep:" ") result_path       ) in     let name =       sprintf "gunzipcat-%s" (Filename.basename result_path) in     workflow_node       (single_file result_path ~host:Machine.(as_host run_with))       ~name       ~make:(Machine.run_stream_processor ~name run_with  program)       ~edges:(         on_failure_activate Remove.(file ~run_with result_path)         :: ~f:depends_on bunch_of_dot_gzs) end module Cat = struct   let concat ~(run_with : Machine.t) bunch_of_files ~result_path =     let open KEDSL in     let program =       Program.(         exec ["mkdir""-p"Filename.dirname result_path]         && shf "cat %s > %s"           ( bunch_of_files              ~f:(fun o -> Filename.quote o#product#path)            |> String.concat ~sep:" ") result_path       ) in     let name =       sprintf "concat-all-%s" (Filename.basename result_path) in     workflow_node       (single_file result_path ~host:Machine.(as_host run_with))       ~name       ~edges:(         on_failure_activate Remove.(file ~run_with result_path)         :: ~f:depends_on bunch_of_files)       ~make:(Machine.run_stream_processor run_with ~name  program)   let cat_folder ~host       ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)       ?(depends_on=[]) ~files_gzipped ~folder ~destination =      let deps = depends_on in     let open KEDSL in     let name = "cat-folder-" ^ Filename.quote folder in     let edges =       on_failure_activate (Remove.path_on_host ~host destination)       :: ~f:depends_on deps in     if files_gzipped then (       workflow_node (single_file destination ~host)         ~edges ~name         ~make:(           run_program ~name             Program.(               shf "gunzip -c %s/* > %s" (Filename.quote folder)                 (Filename.quote destination)))     ) else (       workflow_node         (single_file destination ~host)         ~edges ~name         ~make:(           run_program ~name             Program.(               shf "cat %s/* > %s" (Filename.quote folder) (Filename.quote destination)))     ) end module Download = struct   let wget_program ?output_filename url =     KEDSL.Program.exec [       "wget";       "-O"Option.value output_filename ~default:Filename.(basename url);       url     ]   let wget_to_folder       ~host ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)       ~test_file ~destination url  =     let open KEDSL in     let name = "wget-" ^ Filename.basename destination in     let test_target = destination // test_file in     workflow_node (single_file test_target ~host) ~name       ~make:(         run_program ~name           ~requirements:(Machine.Make_fun.downloading [])           Program.(             exec ["mkdir""-p"; destination]             && shf "wget %s -P %s"               (Filename.quote url)               (Filename.quote destination)))       ~edges:[         on_failure_activate (Remove.path_on_host ~host destination);       ]   let wget       ~host ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)       url destination =     let open KEDSL in     let name = "wget-" ^ Filename.basename destination in     workflow_node       (single_file destination ~host) ~name       ~make:(         run_program ~name           ~requirements:(Machine.Make_fun.downloading [])           Program.(             exec ["mkdir""-p"Filename.dirname destination]             && shf "wget %s -O %s"               (Filename.quote url) (Filename.quote destination)))       ~edges:[         on_failure_activate (Remove.path_on_host ~host destination);       ]   let wget_gunzip       ~host ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)       ~destination url =     let open KEDSL in     let is_gz = Filename.check_suffix url ".gz" in     if is_gz then (       let name = "gunzip-" ^ Filename.basename (destination ^ ".gz"in       let wgot = wget ~host ~run_program url (destination ^ ".gz"in       workflow_node         (single_file destination ~host)         ~edges:[           depends_on (wgot);           on_failure_activate (Remove.path_on_host ~host destination);         ]         ~name         ~make:(           run_program ~name             ~requirements:(Machine.Make_fun.stream_processor [])             Program.(shf "gunzip -c %s > %s"                        (Filename.quote wgot#product#path)                        (Filename.quote destination)))     ) else (       wget ~host ~run_program url destination     )   let wget_bunzip2       ~host ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)       ~destination url =     let open KEDSL in     let is_bz2 = Filename.check_suffix url ".bz2" in     if is_bz2 then (       let name = "bunzip2-" ^ Filename.basename (destination ^ ".bz2"in       let wgot = wget ~host ~run_program url (destination ^ ".bz2"in       workflow_node         (single_file destination ~host)         ~edges:[           depends_on (wgot);           on_failure_activate (Remove.path_on_host ~host destination);         ]         ~name         ~make:(           run_program ~name             ~requirements:(Machine.Make_fun.stream_processor [])             Program.(shf "bunzip2 -c %s > %s"                        (Filename.quote wgot#product#path)                        (Filename.quote destination)))     ) else (       wget ~host ~run_program url destination     )   let wget_untar       ~host ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)       ~destination_folder ~tar_contains url =     let open KEDSL in     let zip_flags =       let is_gz = Filename.check_suffix url ".gz" in       let is_bzip = Filename.check_suffix url ".bz2" in       if is_gz then "z" else if is_bzip then "j" else ""     in     let tar_filename = (destination_folder // "archive.tar"in     let name = "untar-" ^ tar_filename in     let wgot = wget ~host ~run_program url tar_filename in     let file_in_tar = (destination_folder // tar_contains) in     workflow_node       (single_file file_in_tar ~host)       ~edges:[         depends_on (wgot);         on_failure_activate (Remove.path_on_host ~host destination_folder);       ]       ~name       ~make:(         run_program ~name           ~requirements:(Machine.Make_fun.stream_processor [])           Program.(             exec ["mkdir""-p"; destination_folder]             && shf "tar -x%s -f %s -C %s"               zip_flags               (Filename.quote wgot#product#path)               (Filename.quote destination_folder)))          type tool_file_location = [     | `Scp of string     | `Wget of string     | `Fail of string   ]   let get_tool_file       ~identifier       ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)       ~host ~install_path       loc =     let open KEDSL in     let rm_path = Remove.path_on_host in     let jar_name =       match loc with       | `Fail s -> sprintf "cannot-get-%s.file" identifier       | `Scp s -> Filename.basename s       | `Wget s -> Filename.basename s in     let local_box_path = install_path // jar_name in     workflow_node (single_file local_box_path ~host)       ~name:(sprintf "get-%s" jar_name)       ~edges:[         on_failure_activate (rm_path ~host local_box_path)       ]       ~make:(         run_program           ~requirements:[             `Internet_access;             `Self_identification [identifier ^ "-instalation"; jar_name];           ]           Program.(             shf "mkdir -p %s" install_path             && begin match loc with             | `Fail msg ->               shf "echo 'Cannot download file for %s: %s'" identifier msg               && sh "exit 4"             | `Scp s ->               shf "scp %s %s"                 (Filename.quote s) (Filename.quote local_box_path)             | `Wget s ->               shf "wget %s -O %s"                 (Filename.quote s) (Filename.quote local_box_path)             end))   let gsutil_cp       ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)       ~host ~url ~local_path =     let open KEDSL in     workflow_node (single_file ~host local_path)       ~name:(sprintf "GSUtil-CP: %s" (Filename.basename local_path))       ~edges:[         on_failure_activate (Remove.path_on_host ~host local_path)       ]       ~make:(         run_program           ~requirements:[             `Internet_access;             `Self_identification ["gsutil-cp"; url];           ]           Program.(             shf "mkdir -p %s" (Filename.dirname local_path)             && exec ["gsutil""cp"; url; local_path]           )       ) end module Vcftools = struct   
  (** Call a command on a list of ~vcfs to produce a given ~final_vcf (hence the n-to-1 naming). *)
  let vcf_process_n_to_1_no_machine       ~host       ~vcftools       ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)       ?(more_edges = [])       ~vcfs       ~make_product       ~final_vcf       command_prefix     =     let open KEDSL in     let name = sprintf "%s-%s" command_prefix (Filename.basename final_vcf) in     let make =       run_program ~name         Program.(           Machine.Tool.(init vcftools)           && shf "%s %s > %s"             command_prefix             (String.concat ~sep:" "                ( vcfs ~f:(fun t -> Filename.quote t#product#path)))             final_vcf         ) in     workflow_node ~name       (make_product final_vcf)       ~make       ~edges:(         on_failure_activate           (Remove.path_on_host ~host final_vcf)         :: depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure vcftools)         :: ~f:depends_on vcfs         @ more_edges)   
  (** Concatenate VCF files.

We use this version where we don't yet have a Machine.t, as in "". *)

  let vcf_concat_no_machine       ~host       ~vcftools       ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)       ?more_edges       ~make_product       vcfs       ~final_vcf =     vcf_process_n_to_1_no_machine       ~make_product       ~host ~vcftools ~run_program ?more_edges ~vcfs ~final_vcf       "vcf-concat"   
  (** Sort a VCF file by choromosome position (it uses "vcf-sort" which itself relies on the "sort" unix tool having the "--version-sort" option).

We use this version where we don't yet have a Machine.t, as in "". *)

  let vcf_sort_no_machine       ~host       ~vcftools       ~(run_program : Machine.Make_fun.t)       ?more_edges       ~make_product       ~src ~dest () =     let run_program =       Machine.Make_fun.with_requirements run_program [`Memory `Bigin      vcf_process_n_to_1_no_machine       ~make_product       ~host ~vcftools ~run_program ?more_edges ~vcfs:[src] ~final_vcf:dest       "vcf-sort -c" end module Variable_tool_paths = struct   let single_file ~run_with ~tool path =     let open KEDSL in     let condition =       let init = Machine.Tool.init tool in       let host = Machine.as_host ~with_shell:"bash" run_with in       let condition_cmd =         Ketrew_pure.Program.to_single_shell_command           Program.(init && shf "test -e %s" path)       in ~host condition_cmd     in     object       method is_done = Some (`Command_returns (condition, 0))     end end end