open Nonstd
module String = Sosa.Native_string
open Biokepi.EDSL.Library.Input
let examples = [
"1", fastq_sample ~sample_name:"Sample1" [];
"2", fastq_sample ~sample_name:"Sample2" [
pe ~fragment_id:"frg1" "frg1R1.fastq" "frg1R2.fastq";
se ~fragment_id:"frg2" "frg2.fastq";
fastq_of_bam ~sorted:`Coordinate ~reference_build:"b37" `PE "n2.bam";
"3", fastq_sample ~sample_name:"Sample3" [
pe "frg1R1.fastq" "frg1R2.fastq";
se "frg2.fastq";
fastq_of_bam ~sorted:`Read_name ~reference_build:"b37" `SE "n2.bam";
let () =
let print_them = try Sys.argv.(1) = "print" with _ -> false in
let return_code = ref 0 in
List.iter examples ~f:(fun (name, ex) ->
let json = to_yojson ex in
let result = of_yojson json in
let print_both () =
sprintf "JSON ->\n%s\nPARSED-TO:\n%s\n"
(Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string ~std:true json)
(match result with
| `Ok o -> show o
| `Error s ->
return_code := 1;
sprintf "ERROR: %s" s)
printf "Example %S: %s\n%!" name
begin match result with
| `Ok o when o = ex -> sprintf "OK and Equal"
| `Ok o -> sprintf "OK but NOT EQUAL\n%s" (print_both ())
| `Error e ->
return_code := 1;
sprintf "ERROR:\n%s" (print_both ())
if print_them
printf "\n```````````````json\n%s\n```````````````\n\n%!"
(Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string ~std:true json);
exit !return_code