let bamtofastq
~(run_with:Machine.t) ~sample_type ~output_prefix input_bam =
let open KEDSL in
let sorted_bam =
~run_with ~by:`Read_name input_bam in
let sample_name = input_bam#product#sample_name in
let fastq_output_options, r1, r2opt =
match sample_type with
| `Paired_end ->
let r1 = sprintf "%s_R1.fastq" output_prefix in
let r2 = sprintf "%s_R2.fastq" output_prefix in
(["-fq"; r1; "-fq2"; r2], r1, Some r2)
| `Single_end ->
let r1 = sprintf "%s.fastq" output_prefix in
(["-fq"; r1], r1, None)
let bedtools = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.bedtools in
let src_bam = sorted_bam#product#path in
let program =
Program.(Machine.Tool.(init bedtools)
&& exec ["mkdir"; "-p"; Filename.dirname r1]
&& exec ("bedtools" ::
"bamtofastq" :: "-i" :: src_bam ::
fastq_output_options)) in
let name =
sprintf "bedtools-bamtofastq-%s"
Filename.(basename src_bam |> chop_extension) in
let make = Machine.run_program ~name run_with program in
let edges = [
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure bedtools);
depends_on input_bam;
depends_on sorted_bam;
on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with r1);
on_success_activate (Remove.file ~run_with sorted_bam#product#path);
] |> fun list ->
begin match r2opt with
| None -> list
| Some r2 ->
on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with r2) :: list
(fastq_reads ~name:sample_name ~host:(Machine.as_host run_with) r1 r2opt)
~edges ~name ~make