let run
~(run_with:Machine.t) ~normal ~tumor ~result_prefix
?(more_edges = []) ~configuration how =
let open KEDSL in
let reference =
Machine.get_reference_genome run_with normal#product#reference_build in
let run_on_region ~add_edges region =
let result_file suffix =
let region_name = Region.to_filename region in
sprintf "%s-%s%s" result_prefix region_name suffix in
let intervals_option = Region.to_gatk_option region in
let output_file = result_file "-somatic.vcf" in
let dot_out_file = result_file "-output.out"in
let coverage_file = result_file "coverage.wig" in
let mutect = Machine.get_tool run_with Machine.Tool.Default.mutect in
let run_path = Filename.dirname output_file in
let fasta = Reference_genome.fasta reference in
let cosmic =
match configuration.Configuration.with_cosmic with
| true -> Some (Reference_genome.cosmic_exn reference)
| false -> None in
let dbsnp =
match configuration.Configuration.with_dbsnp with
| true -> Some (Reference_genome.dbsnp_exn reference)
| false -> None in
let fasta_dot_fai = Samtools.faidx ~run_with fasta in
let sequence_dict = Picard.create_dict ~run_with fasta in
let sorted_normal =
Samtools.sort_bam_if_necessary ~run_with ~by:`Coordinate normal in
let sorted_tumor =
Samtools.sort_bam_if_necessary ~run_with ~by:`Coordinate tumor in
let run_mutect =
let name = sprintf "%s" (Filename.basename output_file) in
let cosmic_option =
Option.value_map ~default:"" cosmic ~f:(fun node ->
sprintf "--cosmic %s" (Filename.quote node#product#path)) in
let dbsnp_option =
Option.value_map ~default:"" dbsnp ~f:(fun node ->
sprintf "--dbsnp %s" (Filename.quote node#product#path)) in
let make =
Machine.run_big_program run_with ~name
Machine.Tool.(init mutect)
&& shf "mkdir -p %s" run_path
&& shf "cd %s" run_path
&& sh ("java -Xmx2g -jar $mutect_HOME/muTect-*.jar --analysis_type MuTect " ^
(String.concat ~sep:" " ([
"--reference_sequence"; fasta#product#path;
cosmic_option; dbsnp_option; intervals_option;
"--input_file:normal"; sorted_normal#product#path;
"--input_file:tumor"; sorted_tumor#product#path;
"--out"; dot_out_file;
"--vcf"; output_file;
"--coverage_file"; coverage_file;
] @ Configuration.render configuration))))
let edges =
Option.value_map cosmic ~default:[] ~f:(fun n -> [depends_on n])
@ Option.value_map dbsnp ~default:[] ~f:(fun n -> [depends_on n])
@ add_edges
@ [
depends_on Machine.Tool.(ensure mutect);
depends_on sorted_normal;
depends_on sorted_tumor;
depends_on fasta;
depends_on fasta_dot_fai;
depends_on sequence_dict;
depends_on (Samtools.index_to_bai ~run_with sorted_normal);
depends_on (Samtools.index_to_bai ~run_with sorted_tumor);
on_failure_activate (Remove.file ~run_with output_file);
] in
workflow_node ~name ~make
(vcf_file output_file
~host:Machine.(as_host run_with))
~tags:[Target_tags.variant_caller] ~edges
match how with
| `Region region -> run_on_region ~add_edges:more_edges region
| `Map_reduce ->
let targets =
List.map (Reference_genome.major_contigs reference)
~f:(run_on_region ~add_edges:[]) in
let final_vcf = result_prefix ^ "-merged.vcf" in
Vcftools.vcf_concat ~run_with targets ~final_vcf ~more_edges