let create
?(max_processors = 1)
?run_program ?toolkit ?b37 uri =
let open KEDSL in
let host = Host.parse (uri // "ketrew_playground") in
let meta_playground = Uri.of_string uri |> Uri.path in
let run_program =
match run_program with
| None -> default_run_program ~host
| Some r -> r
let toolkit =
Option.value toolkit
~default:(Tool_providers.default_toolkit ()
~host ~install_tools_path:(meta_playground // "install-tools")
?gatk_jar_location ?mutect_jar_location
Machine.create (sprintf "ssh-box-%s" uri)
~get_reference_genome:(fun name ->
match name, b37 with
| name, Some some37 when name = Reference_genome.name some37 -> some37
| name, _ ->
Download_reference_genomes.get_reference_genome name
~toolkit ~host ~run_program
~destination_path:(meta_playground // "reference-genome"))
~work_dir:(meta_playground // "work")