let rec fastq_step ~read ~compiler (pipeline: fastq pipeline) =
let {work_dir; machine ; _ } = compiler in
match pipeline with
| Fastq f -> f
| Concat_text (l: fastq pipeline list) ->
failwith "Compilation of Biokepi.Pipeline.Concat_text: not implemented"
| Gunzip_concat (l: fastq_gz pipeline list) ->
let fastqs =
let rec f =
| Fastq_gz t -> t
| With_metadata (metadata_spec, p) ->
apply_with_metadata ~metadata_spec (f p)
List.map l ~f in
let result_path = work_dir // to_file_prefix ~read pipeline ^ ".fastq" in
dbg "Result_Path: %S" result_path;
Workflow_utilities.Gunzip.concat ~run_with:machine fastqs ~result_path
| With_metadata (metadata_spec, pipeline) ->
fastq_step ~read ~compiler pipeline |> apply_with_metadata ~metadata_spec