let rec to_json: type a. a t -> json =
fun w ->
let call name (args : json list): json = `List (`String name :: args) in
match w with
| Fastq_gz file -> call "Fastq_gz" [`String file#product#path]
| Fastq file -> call "Fastq" [`String file#product#path]
| Bam_sample (name, file) ->
call "Bam-sample" [`String name; `String file#product#path]
| Bam_to_fastq (how, bam) ->
let how_string =
match how with `Paired -> "Paired" | `Single -> "Single" in
call "Bam-to-fastq" [`String how_string; to_json bam]
| Paired_end_sample ({sample_name; fragment_id}, r1, r2) ->
call "Paired-end" [`String sample_name; `String fragment_id;
to_json r1; to_json r2]
| Single_end_sample ({sample_name; fragment_id}, r) ->
call "Single-end" [`String sample_name; `String fragment_id; to_json r]
| Gunzip_concat fastq_gz_list ->
call "Gunzip-concat" (List.map ~f:to_json fastq_gz_list)
| Concat_text fastq_list ->
call "Concat" (List.map ~f:to_json fastq_list)
| Bwa (config, input) ->
call "BWA" [
`Assoc ["configuration", Bwa.Configuration.Aln.to_json config];
to_json input
| Bwa_mem (params, input) ->
let input_json = to_json input in
call "BWA-MEM" [
`Assoc ["configuration", Bwa.Configuration.Mem.to_json params];
| Star (conf, input) ->
let input_json = to_json input in
call "STAR" [
`Assoc ["configuration", Star.Configuration.Align.to_json conf];
| Hisat (conf, input) ->
let input_json = to_json input in
call "HISAT" [
`Assoc ["configuration", Hisat.Configuration.to_json conf];
| Stringtie (conf, input) ->
let input_json = to_json input in
call "Stringtie" [
`Assoc ["configuration", Stringtie.Configuration.to_json conf];
| Mosaik (input) ->
let input_json = to_json input in
call "MOSAIK" [input_json]
| Gatk_indel_realigner ((indel_cfg, target_cfg), bam) ->
let open Gatk.Configuration in
let input_json = to_json bam in
let indel_cfg_json = Indel_realigner.to_json indel_cfg in
let target_cfg_json = Realigner_target_creator.to_json target_cfg in
call "Gatk_indel_realigner" [`Assoc [
"Configuration", `Assoc [
"IndelRealigner Configuration", indel_cfg_json;
"RealignerTargetCreator Configuration", target_cfg_json;
"Input", input_json;
| Gatk_bqsr ((bqsr_cfg, print_reads_cfg), bam) ->
let open Gatk.Configuration in
let input_json = to_json bam in
call "Gatk_bqsr" [`Assoc [
"Configuration", `Assoc [
"Bqsr", Bqsr.to_json bqsr_cfg;
"Print_reads", Print_reads.to_json print_reads_cfg;
"Input", input_json;
| Germline_variant_caller (gvc, bam) ->
call gvc.Variant_caller.name [`Assoc [
"Configuration", gvc.Variant_caller.configuration_json;
"Input", to_json bam;
| Picard_mark_duplicates (settings, bam) ->
call "Picard_mark_duplicates" [`Assoc ["input", to_json bam]]
| Bam_pair (normal, tumor) ->
call "Bam-pair" [`Assoc ["normal", to_json normal; "tumor", to_json tumor]]
| Somatic_variant_caller (svc, bam_pair) ->
call svc.Variant_caller.name [`Assoc [
"Configuration", svc.Variant_caller.configuration_json;
"Input", to_json bam_pair;
| Seq2HLA input ->
call "Seq2HLA" [`Assoc [
"Input", to_json input
| Optitype (kind, input) ->
call "Optitype" [`Assoc [
"Input", to_json input;
"Kind", `String (match kind with `DNA -> "DNA" | `RNA -> "RNA")
| With_metadata (_, p) -> to_json p