let save ~name thing =
let open KEDSL in
let basename = Filename.basename in
let canonicalize path =
let suffix = "/" in
if Filename.check_suffix path suffix
then String.chop_suffix_exn ~suffix path
else path
let base_path =
?results_dir:Config.results_dir ~work_dir:Config.work_dir ~name () in
let move ?(and_gzip = false) ~from_path ~wf product =
let json =
`Assoc [
"base-path", `String base_path;
"saved-from", `String from_path;
AF.get_provenance thing |> Provenance_description.to_yojson;
|> Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_string
let make =
shf "mkdir -p %s" base_path
&& shf "rsync -a %s %s" from_path base_path
&& (
match and_gzip with
| true ->
shf "for f in $(find %s -type f) ; do gzip --force --keep $f ; done" base_path
| false -> sh "echo 'No GZipping Requested'"
&& shf "echo %s > %s.json" (Filename.quote json) base_path
let name = sprintf "Saving \"%s\"" name in
workflow_node product ~name ~make ~edges:[depends_on wf]
let tf path = transform_single_file ~path in
begin match AF.get_file thing with
| Bam wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Bam (move ~from_path ~wf (transform_bam ~path:to_path wf#product))
| Vcf wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Vcf (move ~and_gzip:true ~from_path ~wf
(transform_vcf ~path:to_path wf#product))
| Gtf wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Gtf (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Flagstat_result wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Flagstat_result (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Isovar_result wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Isovar_result (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Topiary_result wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Topiary_result (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Vaxrank_result wf ->
let from_path = canonicalize wf#product#output_folder_path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
let vp =
~output_folder_path:to_path wf#product
Vaxrank_result (move ~from_path ~wf vp)
| Optitype_result wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
let o =
Tools.Optitype.move_optitype_product ~path:to_path wf#product
let from_path = wf#product#path in
Optitype_result (move ~from_path ~wf o)
| Seq2hla_result wf ->
let from_path = canonicalize wf#product#work_dir_path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
let s =
Tools.Seq2HLA.move_seq2hla_product ~path:to_path wf#product
Seq2hla_result (move ~from_path ~wf s)
| Fastqc_result wf ->
let from_path =
wf#product#paths |> List.hd_exn |> Filename.dirname |> canonicalize in
let fqc =
let paths = List.map wf#product#paths
~f:(fun p ->
// (basename from_path)
// (basename p)) in
list_of_files paths
Fastqc_result (move ~from_path ~wf fqc)
| Cufflinks_result wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Cufflinks_result (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Bai wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Bai (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Kallisto_result wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Kallisto_result (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| MHC_alleles wf ->
let from_path = wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
MHC_alleles (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Raw_file wf ->
let from_path = canonicalize wf#product#path in
let to_path = base_path // basename from_path in
Raw_file (move ~from_path ~wf (tf to_path wf#product))
| Gz _ -> failwith "Cannot `save` Gz."
| List _ -> failwith "Cannot `save` List."
| Pair _ -> failwith "Cannot `save` Pair."
| Lambda _ -> failwith "Cannot `save` Lambda."
| _ -> failwith "Shouldn't get here: pattern match for `save` must be exhaustive."
|> AF.with_provenance "save"
["product", AF.get_provenance thing]
~string_arguments:["name", name]