open Common module Literal = struct type _ t = | Int: int -> int t | String: string -> string t | Bool: bool -> bool t let to_shell: type a. a t -> string = function | Int i -> sprintf "%d" i | String s -> with_buffer begin fun str -> String.iter s ~f:(fun c -> Char.code c |> sprintf "%03o" |> str ); end |> fst | Bool true -> "true" | Bool false -> "false" module String = struct let easy_to_escape s = String.for_all s ~f:(function | 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '-' | '_' | '*' | '&' | '^' | '=' | '+' | '%' | '$' | '"' | '\'' | '/' | '#' | '@' | '!' | ' ' | '~' | '`' | '\\' | '|' | '?' | '>' | '<' | '.' | ',' | ':' | ';' | '{' | '}' | '(' | ')' | '[' | ']' -> true | other -> false) let impossible_to_escape_for_variable = String.exists ~f:((=) '\x00') end end type fd_redirection = { take: int t; redirect_to: [ `Path of string t | `Fd of int t (* | `Input_of of unit t *) ]; } and _ t = | Exec: string t list -> unit t | Raw_cmd: string -> 'a t | Bool_operator: bool t * [ `And | `Or ] * bool t -> bool t | String_operator: string t * [ `Eq | `Neq ] * string t -> bool t | Not: bool t -> bool t | Returns: {expr: 'a t; value: int} -> bool t | No_op: unit t | If: bool t * unit t * unit t -> unit t | Seq: unit t list -> unit t | Literal: 'a Literal.t -> 'a t | Output_as_string: unit t -> string t | Redirect_output: unit t * fd_redirection list -> unit t | Write_output: { expr: unit t; stdout: string t option; stderr: string t option; return_value: string t option; } -> unit t | Feed: string t * unit t -> unit t | Pipe: unit t list -> unit t | While: {condition: bool t; body: unit t} -> unit t | Fail: unit t | Int_to_string: int t -> string t | String_to_int: string t -> int t | Bool_to_string: bool t -> string t | String_to_bool: string t -> bool t | List_to_string: 'a list t * ('a t -> string t) -> string t | String_to_list: string t * (string t -> 'a t) -> 'a list t | List: 'a t list -> 'a list t | String_concat: string list t -> string t | List_append: ('a list t * 'a list t) -> 'a list t | List_iter: 'a list t * ((unit -> 'a t) -> unit t) -> unit t | Int_bin_op: int t * [ `Plus | `Minus | `Mult | `Div | `Mod ] * int t -> int t | Int_bin_comparison: int t * [ `Eq | `Ne | `Gt | `Ge | `Lt | `Le ] * int t -> bool t | Getenv: string t -> string t | Setenv: string t * string t -> unit t | With_signal: { signal_name: string; catch: unit t; run: unit t -> unit t; } -> unit t module Construct = struct let exec l = Exec ( l ~f:(fun s -> Literal (Literal.String s))) let call l = Exec l let (&&&) a b = Bool_operator (a, `And, b) let (|||) a b = Bool_operator (a, `Or, b) let (=$=) a b = String_operator (a, `Eq, b) let (<$>) a b = String_operator (a, `Neq, b) let returns expr ~value = Returns {expr; value} let succeeds expr = returns expr ~value:0 let nop = No_op let if_then_else a b c = If (a, b, c) let if_then a b = if_then_else a b nop let seq l = Seq l let not t = Not t let with_signal ?(signal_name = "USR2") ~catch run = With_signal {signal_name; catch; run} let fail = Fail let make_switch: type a. (bool t * unit t) list -> default: unit t -> unit t = fun conds ~default -> List.fold_right conds ~init:default ~f:(fun (x, body) prev -> if_then_else x body prev) let write_output ?stdout ?stderr ?return_value expr = Write_output {expr; stdout; stderr; return_value} let write_stdout ~path expr = write_output expr ~stdout:path let to_fd take fd = { take; redirect_to = `Fd fd } let to_file take file = { take; redirect_to = `Path file } let with_redirections cmd l = Redirect_output (cmd, l) let literal l = Literal l let string s = Literal.String s |> literal let int s = Literal.Int s |> literal let bool t = Literal.Bool t |> literal let file_exists p = call [string "test"; string "-f"; p] |> succeeds let getenv v = Getenv v let setenv ~var v = Setenv (var, v) let output_as_string e = Output_as_string e let feed ~string e = Feed (string, e) let (>>) string e = feed ~string e let pipe l = Pipe l let (||>) a b = Pipe [a; b] let loop_while condition ~body = While {condition; body} let list l = List l let string_concat_list l = String_concat l let list_append la lb = List_append (la, lb) let list_iter l ~f = List_iter (l, f) let list_to_string l ~f = List_to_string (l, f) let list_of_string l ~f = String_to_list (l, f) module Bool = struct let of_string s = String_to_bool s let to_string b = Bool_to_string b end module Integer = struct let to_string i = Int_to_string i let of_string s = String_to_int s let bin_op a o b = Int_bin_op (a, o, b) let add a b = bin_op a `Plus b let (+) = add let sub a b = bin_op a `Minus b let (-) = sub let mul a b = bin_op a `Mult b let ( * ) = mul let div a b = bin_op a `Div b let (/) = div let modulo a b = bin_op a `Mod b let (mod) = modulo let cmp op a b = Int_bin_comparison (a, op, b) let eq = cmp `Eq let ne = cmp `Ne let lt = cmp `Lt let le = cmp `Le let ge = cmp `Ge let gt = cmp `Gt let (=) = eq let (<>) = ne let (<) = lt let (<=) = le let (>=) = ge let (>) = gt end module Magic = struct let unit s : unit t = Raw_cmd s end end type output_parameters = { statement_separator: string; die_command: (string -> string) option; } let rec to_shell: type a. _ -> a t -> string = fun params e -> let continue e = to_shell params e in let seq = function | [] -> ":" | l -> String.concat ~sep:params.statement_separator l in let die s = match params.die_command with | Some f -> f s | None -> ksprintf failwith "Die command not set: you cannot use the `fail` construct \ together with the `~no_trap:true` option (error message was: %S)" s in let expand_octal s = sprintf {sh| printf -- "$(printf -- '%%s' %s | sed -e 's/\(.\{3\}\)/\\\1/g')" |sh} s in let to_argument varprefix = let argument ?declaration ?variable_name argument = object method declaration = declaration method export = ~f:(sprintf "export %s ; ") declaration method variable_name = variable_name method argument = argument end in function | `String (Literal (Literal.String s)) when Literal.String.easy_to_escape s -> argument (Filename.quote s) | `String (Literal (Literal.String s)) when Literal.String.impossible_to_escape_for_variable s -> ksprintf failwith "to_shell: sorry literal %S is impossible to \ escape as `exec` argument" s | `String v -> let variable_name = Unique_name.variable varprefix in let declaration = sprintf "%s=$(%s; printf 'x')" variable_name (continue v |> expand_octal) in argument ~variable_name ~declaration (sprintf "\"${%s%%?}\"" variable_name) | `Int (Literal (Literal.Int s)) -> argument (Int.to_string s) | `Int other -> let variable_name = Unique_name.variable varprefix in let declaration = sprintf "%s=%s" variable_name (continue other) in argument ~variable_name ~declaration (sprintf "\"${%s%%?}\"" variable_name) in match e with | Exec l -> let variables = ref [] in let args = List.mapi l ~f:(fun index v -> let varname = sprintf "argument_%d" index in let arg = to_argument varname (`String v) in match arg#declaration with | None -> arg#argument | Some vardef -> variables := sprintf "%s ; " vardef :: !variables; arg#argument) in (List.rev !variables) @ args |> String.concat ~sep:" " |> sprintf " { %s ; } " | Raw_cmd s -> s | Returns {expr; value} -> sprintf " { %s ; [ $? -eq %d ] ; }" (continue expr) value | Bool_operator (a, op, b) -> sprintf "{ %s %s %s ; }" (continue a) (match op with `And -> "&&" | `Or -> "||") (continue b) | String_operator (a, op, b) -> sprintf "[ \"%s\" %s \"%s\" ]" (continue a) (match op with `Eq -> "=" | `Neq -> "!=") (continue b) | No_op -> ":" | If (c, t, e) -> seq [ sprintf "if { %s ; }" (continue c); sprintf "then %s" (continue t); sprintf "else %s" (continue e); "fi"; ] | While {condition; body} -> seq [ sprintf "while { %s ; }" (continue condition); sprintf "do %s" (continue body); "done" ] | Seq l -> seq ( l ~f:continue) | Not t -> sprintf "! { %s ; }" (continue t) | Redirect_output (unit_t, redirections) -> (* We're here compiling the redirections into `exec` statements which set up global redirections; we limit their scope with `( .. )`. E.g. ( exec 3>/tmp/output-of-ls ; exec 2>&3 ; exec 1>&2 ; ls ; ) ; *) let make_redirection { take; redirect_to } = let takearg = to_argument "redirection_take" (`Int take) in let retoarg = to_argument "redirection_to" (match redirect_to with `Fd i -> `Int i | `Path p -> `String p) in let variables = takearg#export :: retoarg#export :: [] |> List.filter_opt in let exec = sprintf "\"exec %%s>%s%%s\" %s %s" (match redirect_to with `Fd _ -> "&" | `Path _ -> "") takearg#argument retoarg#argument in sprintf "%s eval \"$(printf -- %s)\" || { echo 'Exec %s failed' >&2 ; } " (String.concat variables ~sep:"") exec exec in begin match redirections with | [] -> continue unit_t | one :: more -> continue (Seq ( Raw_cmd (sprintf "( %s" (make_redirection one)) :: more ~f:(fun r -> Raw_cmd (make_redirection r)) @ [unit_t] @ [ Raw_cmd ")" ] )) end | Write_output { expr; stdout; stderr; return_value } -> let ret_arg = return_value ~f:(fun v -> to_argument "retval" (`String v)) in let var = Option.((ret_arg >>= fun ra -> ra#export) |> value ~default:"") in let with_potential_return = sprintf "%s { %s %s ; }" var (continue expr) (Option.value_map ret_arg ~default:"" ~f:(fun r -> sprintf "; printf -- \"$?\" > %s" r#argument)) in let redirections = let make fd = ~f:(fun p -> {take = fd; redirect_to = `Path p}) in [make 1 stdout; make 2 stderr] |> List.filter_opt in continue (Redirect_output (Raw_cmd with_potential_return, redirections)) | Literal lit -> Literal.to_shell lit | Output_as_string e -> sprintf "\"$( { %s ; } | od -t o1 -An -v | tr -d ' \\n' )\"" (continue e) | Int_to_string i -> continue (Output_as_string (Raw_cmd (sprintf "printf -- '%%d' %s" (continue i)))) | String_to_int s -> let var = Unique_name.variable "string_to_int" in let value = sprintf "\"$%s\"" var in (* We put the result of the string expression in a variable to evaluate it once; then we test that the result is an integer (i.e. ["test ... -eq ...."] parses it as an integer). *) sprintf " $( %s=$( %s ) ; if [ %s -eq %s ] ; then printf -- %s ; else %s ; fi ; ) " var (continue s |> expand_octal) value value value (die (sprintf "String_to_int: error, $%s is not an integer" var)) | Bool_to_string b -> continue (Output_as_string (Raw_cmd (sprintf "printf -- '%s'" (continue b)))) | String_to_bool s -> continue ( If ( (String_operator (s, `Eq, Literal (Literal.String "true"))), (Raw_cmd "true"), If ( (String_operator (s, `Eq, Literal (Literal.String "false"))), (Raw_cmd "false"), (Fail)) ) ) | List l -> (* Lists are newline-separated internal represetations, prefixed by `G`. *) let output o = sprintf "printf -- 'G%%s' \"%s\"" (continue o) in let outputs = l ~f:output in let rec build = function | [] -> [] | [one] -> [one] | one :: two :: t -> one :: "printf -- '\\n'" :: build (two :: t) in (seq (build outputs)) | List_to_string (l, f) -> continue (Output_as_string (Raw_cmd (continue l))) | String_to_list (s, f) -> continue s |> expand_octal |> sprintf "printf -- '%%s' \"$(%s)\"" | String_concat sl -> let outputing_list = continue sl in sprintf "$( { %s ; } | tr -d 'G\\n' )" outputing_list | List_append (la, lb) -> seq (continue la :: "printf -- '\\n'" :: continue lb :: []) | List_iter (l, f) -> let variter = Unique_name.variable "list_iter_var" in let varlist = Unique_name.variable "list_iter_list" in let outputing_list = continue l in seq [ sprintf "export %s=\"$(%s)\" " varlist outputing_list; sprintf "for %s in ${%s} " variter varlist; "do : "; (* we cannot put a `;` after do so the first command is no-op *) continue (f (fun () -> (* Here we remove the `G` from the internal represetation: *) Raw_cmd (sprintf "${%s#G}" variter))); "done"; ] | Int_bin_op (ia, op, ib) -> sprintf "$(( %s %s %s ))" (continue ia) begin match op with | `Div -> "/" | `Minus -> "-" | `Mult -> "*" | `Plus -> "+" | `Mod -> "%" end (continue ib) | Int_bin_comparison (ia, op, ib) -> sprintf "[ %s %s %s ]" (continue ia) begin match op with | `Eq -> "-eq" | `Ge -> "-ge" | `Gt -> "-gt" | `Le -> "-le" | `Lt -> "-lt" | `Ne -> "-ne" end (continue ib) | Feed (string, e) -> sprintf {sh| %s | %s |sh} (continue string |> expand_octal) (continue e) | Pipe [] -> ":" | Pipe l -> sprintf " %s " ( l ~f:continue |> String.concat ~sep:" | ") | Getenv s -> let var = Unique_name.variable "getenv" in let value = sprintf "\"$%s\"" var in let cmd_outputs_value = (* We need to get the output of the `string t` and then do a `$` on it: f () { printf "HOME" ;} aa=$(printf "\${%s}" $(f)) ; eval "printf \"$aa\"" And the `` | tr -d '\\n' `` part is because `\n` in the variable name just “cuts” it, it wouldn't fail and `${HOME\nBOUH}` would be equal to `${HOME}` *) sprintf "{ %s=$(printf \\\"\\${%%s}\\\" $(%s | tr -d '\\n')) ; eval \"printf -- '%%s' %s\" ; } " var (continue s |> expand_octal) value in continue (Output_as_string (Raw_cmd cmd_outputs_value)) | Setenv (variable, value) -> sprintf "export $(%s)=\"$(%s)\"" (continue variable |> expand_octal) (continue value |> expand_octal) | With_signal {signal_name; catch; run} -> let var = Unique_name.variable "with_signal" in let value = sprintf "\"$%s\"" var in continue Construct.(seq [ Raw_cmd (sprintf "export %s=$$" var); exec ["trap"; continue catch; signal_name]; exec [ (* We need the `sh -c ...` in order to properly create a subprocess, if not we break when `With_signal` are enclosed, the kill command does not wake up the right process. *) "sh"; "-c"; run (Raw_cmd (sprintf " kill -s %s %s ; kill $$ " signal_name value)) |> continue ]; ]) | Fail -> die " called" (* POSIX does not have ["set -o pipefail"]. We implement it by killing the toplevel process with SIGUSR1, then we use ["trap"] to choose the exit status. *) let with_trap ~statement_separator ~exit_with script = let variable_name = Unique_name.variable "genspio_trap" in let die s = sprintf " { printf -- '%%s\\n' \"%s\" >&2 ; kill -s USR1 ${%s} ; } " s variable_name in String.concat ~sep:statement_separator [ sprintf "export %s=$$" variable_name; sprintf "trap 'exit %d' USR1" exit_with; script ~die; ] let compile ~statement_separator ?(no_trap = false) e = match no_trap with | false -> with_trap ~statement_separator ~exit_with:77 (fun ~die -> to_shell {statement_separator; die_command = Some die} e) | true -> to_shell {statement_separator; die_command = None} e let to_one_liner ?no_trap e = let statement_separator = " ; " in compile ~statement_separator ?no_trap e let to_many_lines ?no_trap e = let statement_separator = " \n " in compile ~statement_separator ?no_trap e