open Ketrew_pervasives
open Ketrew_unix_io
let log_client_error error_value =
let open Log in
let log_action =
| `Call (meth, the_uri) ->
s (Cohttp.Code.(string_of_method (meth :> meth))) % sp % uri the_uri
| `Targets -> s "Getting targets"
| `Kill_targets ids -> s "Killing targets" % sp % OCaml.list quote ids
| `Restart_targets ids ->
s "Restarting targets" % sp % OCaml.list quote ids
| `Target_query (id, query) ->
s "Calling " % quote query % s " on " % quote id
| `Cleanable_targets _ ->
s "Querying cleanable targets"
match error_value with
| `Server_error_response (action, error_string) ->
s "Server replied: " % s error_string
| `Http (action, error) ->
let act = log_action action in
let error_log =
match error with
| `Exn e -> s "Exn:" % sp % exn e
| `Wrong_response (http_resp, body) ->
s "Returned:" % n %
indent (s "Response: "
% sexp Cohttp.Response.sexp_of_t http_resp)
% n
% indent (s "Body: " % quote body)
| `Json_parsing (j, `Exn e) ->
s "Json parse error: " % exn e
% indent (string j)
| `Wrong_json j ->
s "Wrong Json: " % indent (Json.log j)
| `Unexpected_message m ->
s "Wrong Json: " % string (Ketrew_protocol.Down_message.serialize m)
s "HTTP Call" % sp % parens (act % s " → " % error_log)
let to_string = function
| `Wrong_command_line sl ->
fmt "Wrong command line: %s"
(String.concat ~sep:", " ( sl ~f:(fmt "%S")))
| `IO _ as io -> IO.error_to_string io
| `System _ as s -> System.error_to_string s
| `Configuration (`Parsing e) ->
fmt "Parsing error in config-file: %S" e
| `Wrong_configuration (`Found f, got) ->
fmt "Wrong configuration: %S → %s" f
(match got with
| `Expected s -> fmt "expected %s" s
| `Exn e -> fmt "exception: %S" (Printexc.to_string e))
| `Database e -> (Trakeva.Error.to_string e)
| `Host e ->
fmt "Host: %s" (Ketrew_host_io.Error.log e |> Log.to_long_string)
| `Target (`Deserilization s) -> fmt "target-deserialization: %s" s
| `Database_unavailable s -> fmt "DB %s" s
| `Not_implemented s -> fmt "Not-impl %S" s
| `Missing_data p -> fmt "missing data at id: %s" p
| `Failed_to_kill msg -> fmt "Failed to kill target: %S" msg
| `Long_running_failed_to_start (id, msg) ->
fmt "Long running %s failed to start: %s" id msg
| `Failure msg -> fmt "Failure: %S" msg
| `Process _ as pe -> Ketrew_unix_process.error_to_string pe
| `Shell _ as se -> System.error_to_string se
| `Volume (`No_size l) ->
fmt "Did not get the size of the volume: %s" (Log.to_long_string l)
| `Deserialization (except, str) ->
fmt "Deserialization: %s (%S)" (Printexc.to_string except) str
| `Start_server_error e -> fmt "Error starting the server: %s" e
| `Stop_server_error e -> fmt "Error stopping the server: %s" e
| `Server_status_error e -> fmt "Error while getting the server's status: %s" e
| `Wrong_http_request (short, long) ->
fmt "Wrong HTTP Request: %s → %s" short long
| `Client (client_error) ->
fmt "Client: %s" (log_client_error client_error |> Log.to_long_string)
| `Dyn_plugin e ->
begin match e with
| `Dynlink_error e ->
fmt "Dynamic plugin linking error: %s" (Dynlink.error_message e)
| `Findlib e ->
fmt "Dynamic plugin findlib error: %s" (Printexc.to_string e)