open Ketrew_pervasives
module Path = Ketrew_path
module Ssh = struct
let _configuration_ssh_batch_option = ref ""
let configure_ssh_batch_option spec =
let op =
match spec with
| `Openssh -> "-oBatchMode=yes"
| `Dropbear -> "-s"
| `Custom s -> s
_configuration_ssh_batch_option := op
let () = configure_ssh_batch_option `Openssh
type t ={
address: string;
port: int option;
user: string option;
add_ssh_options: string list;
} [@@deriving yojson]
let ssh_batch_option _ = !_configuration_ssh_batch_option
type connection = [
| `Localhost
| `Ssh of Ssh.t
] [@@deriving yojson]
type default_shell ={
binary: string option;
command_name: string;
options: string list;
command_option: string;
} [@@deriving yojson]
type t = {
name: string;
connection: connection;
playground: Path.t option;
default_shell: default_shell;
execution_timeout: Time.t option;
} [@@deriving yojson]
let default_shell ?binary ?(options=[]) ?(command_option="-c") command_name =
{binary; command_name; options; command_option}
let shell_sh_minus_c = default_shell "sh"
let shell_of_default_shell t cmd =
t.default_shell.command_name ::
@ [t.default_shell.command_option; cmd]
let create ~connection ?execution_timeout ?(default_shell=shell_sh_minus_c) ?playground name =
{name; connection; playground; default_shell; execution_timeout}
let localhost
?execution_timeout ?default_shell ?playground ?(name="localhost") () =
create ~connection:`Localhost ?default_shell ?playground name
let tmp_on_localhost =
localhost ~playground:(Path.absolute_directory_exn "/tmp")
~name:"file://tmp" ()
let ssh
?execution_timeout ?(add_ssh_options=[]) ?default_shell ?playground
?port ?user ?name address =
create ?playground ?default_shell Option.(value name ~default:address)
~connection:(`Ssh {Ssh. address; port; user; add_ssh_options})
let of_uri uri =
let connection =
Option.value_map ~default:`Localhost ( uri) ~f:(fun address ->
let add_ssh_options =
Option.value ~default:[] (Uri.get_query_param' uri "ssh-option") in
let user = Uri.userinfo uri in
`Ssh {Ssh.address; port = Uri.port uri; user; add_ssh_options})
let playground =
match Uri.path uri with
| "" -> None
| rel when Filename.is_relative rel ->
let cwd = Sys.getcwd () in
Some (Path.absolute_directory_exn (Filename.concat cwd rel))
| p -> Some (Path.absolute_directory_exn p)
let default_shell =
Uri.get_query_param uri "shell"
|> Option.bind ~f:(fun s ->
match String.split ~on:(`Character ',') s with
| [] -> None
| one :: [] -> Some (default_shell one)
| one :: two :: [] -> Some (default_shell ~command_option:two one)
| one :: more ->
let command_option = List.last more |> Option.value_exn ~msg:"bug" in
let options = List.split_n more (List.length more - 1) |> fst in
Some (default_shell ~command_option one ~options)
let execution_timeout =
Uri.get_query_param uri "timeout"
|> Option.bind ~f:Float.of_string in
create ?playground ~connection ?default_shell ?execution_timeout
(Uri.to_string uri)
let to_uri t =
let scheme, host, port, userinfo =
match t.connection with
| `Ssh {Ssh.address; port; user;} -> Some "ssh", Some address, port, user
| `Localhost -> None, None, None, None
let query =
let {binary; command_name; options; command_option} =
t.default_shell in
let shell_spec = [command_name] @ options @ [command_option] in
["shell", [String.concat ~sep:"," shell_spec]]
Uri.make ?scheme ?userinfo ?host ?port
?path:( ~f:Path.to_string t.playground)
~query ()
let of_string s =
let uri = Uri.of_string s in
of_uri uri
let log t =
Log.(brakets ( s "Host " % s (Uri.to_string (to_uri t))))
let to_string_hum t = Log.to_long_string (log t)
let execution_timeout t = t.execution_timeout
let connection t = t.connection
let playground t = t.playground