
(*    Copyright 2014, 2015:                                               *)
(*          Sebastien Mondet <seb@mondet.org>,                            *)
(*          Leonid Rozenberg <leonidr@gmail.com>,                         *)
(*          Arun Ahuja <aahuja11@gmail.com>,                              *)
(*          Jeff Hammerbacher <jeff.hammerbacher@gmail.com>               *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");       *)
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(** Definition of the interface required from “long-running task” plugins. *)

open Ketrew_pervasives
open Ketrew_unix_io

type error = [
  | `Fatal of string
  | `Recoverable of string
(** The “imposed” error types for “long-running” plugins. A `Fatal _ error will make the target die with the error, whereas if an error is `Recoverable _ Ketrew will keep trying (for example, a networking error which may not happen later). *)

(** The module type LONG_RUNNING defines the interface for plugins. *)

module type LONG_RUNNING = sig

  type run_parameters
  (** Hidden type kept serialized by the engine. *)

  val name: string
  (** The (unique) name of the plugin. *)

  val serialize: run_parameters -> string
  (** Serialize the run parameters for storage by the engine. *)

  val deserialize_exn: string -> run_parameters
  (** Deserialize the run parameters from a string; the engine guaranties that deserialize_exn will be called on the result of serialize; and assumes that no exception will be thrown in that case. *)

  val start: run_parameters ->
    (run_parameters, error) Deferred_result.t
  (** Start the long-running computation, the returned run_parameters will be stored and used for the first call to update. *)

  val update: run_parameters ->
    ([`Succeeded of run_parameters
     | `Failed of run_parameters * string
     | `Still_running of run_parameters], error) Deferred_result.t
  (** Check and update the status of the long-running job. Again, is `Still_running rp is returned, the next call to update (or kill) will receive those parameters. *)

  val kill: run_parameters ->
    ([`Killed of run_parameters], error) Deferred_result.t
  (** Kill the long-running computation. *)

  val log: run_parameters -> (string * Log.t) list
  (** Get a list of things to display. *)

  val additional_queries : run_parameters -> (string * Log.t) list
  (** List of potential (query, description) pairs that can be passed to query. *)

  val query: run_parameters -> string -> (string, Log.t) Deferred_result.t
  (** Perform a query. *)
