open Ketrew_pervasives
open Ketrew_unix_io
module Path = Ketrew_path
module Program = Ketrew_program
module Error = Ketrew_error
let fail_fatal msg =
fail (`Fatal msg)
let out_file_path ~playground =
Path.(concat playground (relative_file_exn "out"))
let err_file_path ~playground =
Path.(concat playground (relative_file_exn "err"))
let script_path ~playground =
Path.(concat playground (relative_file_exn "monitored_script"))
let classify_and_transform_errors :
('a, _) Result.t ->
('a, [`Fatal of string | `Recoverable of string ]) Deferred_result.t =
| `Ok o -> return o
| `Error e ->
begin match e with
| `Fatal _ as e -> fail e
| `Host he as e ->
begin match Ketrew_host_io.Error.classify he with
| `Ssh | `Unix -> fail (`Recoverable (Error.to_string e))
| `Execution -> fail_fatal (Error.to_string e)
| `Timeout _ -> fail (`Recoverable "timeout")
| `IO _ | `System _ as e ->
fail_fatal (Error.to_string e)
let fresh_playground_or_fail host =
begin match Ketrew_host_io.get_fresh_playground host with
| None ->
fail_fatal (fmt "Host %s: Missing playground" (Ketrew_host.to_string_hum host))
| Some playground -> return playground
let get_log_of_monitored_script ~host ~script =
let log_file = Ketrew_monitored_script.log_file script in
begin Ketrew_host_io.get_file host ~path:log_file
>>< function
| `Ok c -> return (Some c)
| `Error (`Cannot_read_file _) -> return None
| `Error (`Timeout _ as e) -> fail e
>>= fun log_content ->
let log = ~f:Ketrew_monitored_script.parse_log log_content in
return log
let get_pid_of_monitored_script ~host ~script =
let pid_file = Ketrew_monitored_script.pid_file script in
begin Ketrew_host_io.get_file host ~path:pid_file
>>< function
| `Ok c ->
Log.(s "get_pid_of_monitored_script, got: " % quote c @ verbose);
return (Int.of_string (String.strip ~on:`Both c))
| `Error (`Cannot_read_file (s1, s2)) ->
Log.(s "get_pid_of_monitored_script: cannot-read-file: "
% quote s1 % s ", " % quote s2 @ verbose);
return None
| `Error (`Timeout _ as e) -> fail e
let shell_command_output_or_log ~host cmd =
begin Ketrew_host_io.get_shell_command_output host cmd
>>< function
| `Ok (o, _) -> return o
| `Error e ->
fail Log.(s "Command " % quote cmd % s " on " % Ketrew_host.log host
% s " failed: " % s (Ketrew_error.to_string e))