type t = measurement_item
let create content =
{ time = Time.(now ()); content}
let make_http_request connection_id request =
let meth = Cohttp.Request.meth request |> Cohttp.Code.string_of_method in
let uri = Cohttp.Request.uri request |> Uri.to_string in
{connection_id; meth; uri}
let make_reponse_log response body_length =
{response; body_length}
let incoming_request r = create (`Incoming_request r)
let end_of_request r rl = create (`End_of_request (r, rl))
let tag s = create (`Tag s)
let time i = i.time
let compare_by_time ia ib = ia.time ib.time
let to_strings item =
let date = Time.to_filename (time item) in
match item.content with
| `Creation -> [date; "Creation"]
| `Incoming_request hr -> [date; "Incomming HTTP request"; hr.uri]
| `End_of_request (hr, rl) ->
[date; "End of HTTP request";
Int.to_string rl.body_length;
rl.response; ]
| `Tag t -> [date; "Tag"; t]
let collect_http_requests item_list =
let r = ref [] in
List.iter item_list ~f:(fun item ->
let date = item.time in
match item.content with
| `Tag _ | `Creation -> ()
| `Incoming_request hr ->
r := (hr, date, None) :: !r
| `End_of_request (hr, rl) ->
r := !r ~f:(function
| (h, i, None) when h = hr -> (h, i, Some (date, rl))
| other -> other)
List.filter_map !r ~f:(function
| (hr, t, Some (t2, rl)) ->
Some (object
method uri = hr.uri
method date = t
method duration = (t2 -. t)
method body_length = rl.body_length
| _ -> None)