let exec ?(bin="") argl =
let command = (bin, Array.of_list argl) in
let process = Lwt_process.open_process_full command in
wrap_deferred ~on_exn:(fun e ->
Log.(s "Tarminating process: " % parens (
quote bin % s ", " % OCaml.list quote argl) @ verbose);
Lwt.ignore_result process#close;
`Process (`Exec (bin, argl), `Exn e))
Lwt.(fun () ->
Lwt_list.map_p Lwt_io.read
[process#stdout; process#stderr; ]
>>= fun output_2list ->
process#close >>= fun status ->
return (status, output_2list))
>>= fun (ret, output_2list) ->
let code =
match ret with
| Lwt_unix.WEXITED n -> (`Exited n)
| Lwt_unix.WSIGNALED n -> (`Signaled n)
| Lwt_unix.WSTOPPED n -> (`Stopped n)
begin match output_2list with
| [out; err] -> return (out, err, code)
| _ -> assert false