ketrew-initialize - Initialize the application (create a config-directory)
ketrew initialize [OPTION]...
--configuration-path=DIR (absent=/home/opam/.ketrew/)
Create the configuration in DIR.
--debug-level=INT (absent=0)
Set the debug-level INT.
Configure only a client given an URL (from the WebUI)
--port=INT (absent=8756)
Set the server port to INT.
Configure the server to listen on HTTPS by generating a self-signed certificate/private-key pair
Configure the server to listen on HTTPS
Use the given URI for the database configuration (pstgresql://...).
Add STRING to the list of authentication token.
--help[=FMT] (default=auto)
Show this help in format FMT. The value FMT must be one of ’auto', ’pager', ’groff' or ’plain'. With ’auto', the format is ’pager’ or ’plain' whenever the TERM env var is ’dumb' or undefined.
Show version information.