let configuration =
object (self)
method output_directory =
env "OUTPUT_DIR" |> Option.value ~default:"_doc"
method input_files =
env "INPUT" |> Option.value ~default:""
|> String.split ~on:(`Character ',')
|> List.map ~f:(fun path ->
if Sys.is_directory path
then all_files path
else [path]
with _ -> [])
|> List.concat
method index_file =
env "INDEX" |> Option.value ~default:"README.md"
method stylesheets =
env "CSS" |> Option.map ~f:(String.split ~on:(`Character ','))
|> Option.value ~default:default_stylesheets
method api_doc_directory =
env "API"
method title_prefix =
env "TITLE_PREFIX" |> Option.value ~default:""
method title_substitutions =
|> Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:parse_list_of_substitutions
method title ?(with_prefix=true) t =
let tt =
List.find_map self#title_substitutions ~f:(function
| (a, b) when
a = t || (try Filename.chop_extension a = t with _ -> false) ->
Some b
| _ -> None)
|> function
| Some b -> b
| None ->
String.map t ~f:(function '_' -> ' ' | c -> c)
sprintf "%s%s" (if with_prefix then self#title_prefix else "") tt
method command_substitutions =
|> Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:parse_list_of_substitutions
method catch_module_paths =
|> Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:parse_list_of_substitutions
|> List.filter_map ~f:(fun (pattern, prefix) ->
try Some (pattern, Re_posix.compile_pat pattern, prefix)
with _ -> None)
method add_to_menu =
|> Option.value ~default:""
method display =
let list_of_paths l =
(List.map l ~f:(sprintf " - %S") |> String.concat ~sep:"\n") in
let variable_note var =
say " (%S is %s)" var
(match env var with None -> "empty" | Some s -> sprintf "%S" s) in
say "Output directory: %s" self#output_directory;
variable_note "OUTPUT_DIR";
say "Input files:\n%s"
(list_of_paths self#input_files);
variable_note "INPUT";
say "Style sheets:\n%s" (list_of_paths self#stylesheets);
variable_note "CSS";
begin match self#api_doc_directory with
| Some s -> say "Getting API docs from: %S" s
| None -> say "No getting API docs (*Warning*)"
variable_note "API";
say "Title prefix: %S" self#title_prefix;
variable_note "TITLE_PREFIX";
say "Command substitutions:";
List.iter self#command_substitutions (fun (a, b) -> say " - %s → %s" a b);
say "Index file: %s" self#index_file;
variable_note "INDEX";
say "Catch module paths:";
List.iter self#catch_module_paths (fun (a,_, b) ->
say " - %S → Prefix: %s" a b);
variable_note "CATCH_MODULE_PATHS";
say "Add to the menu: %S" self#add_to_menu;
variable_note "ADD_TO_MENU";