Index of values

(|>) [Pvem_lwt_unix.Internal_pervasives]

buffer_option [Pvem_lwt_unix.IO]

copy [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM]
Copy files or directories (recursively).
copy [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
create [Pvem_lwt_unix.LIGHT]
Create a “red” traffic light.
create [Pvem_lwt_unix.Light]

discriminate_process_status [Pvem_lwt_unix.System.Shell]
do_or_fail [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM.Shell]
Make /bin/sh execute a command, fail if it does not return 0.
do_or_fail [Pvem_lwt_unix.System.Shell]

ensure_directory_path [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM]
Create as many directories as needed (can be 0) to ensure that the directory path exists (like mkdir -p).
ensure_directory_path [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
error_to_string [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM]
Make a human-readable string for any error in this module.
error_to_string [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
error_to_string [Pvem_lwt_unix.IO]
execute [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM.Shell]
Execute a shell command and return its standard output, standard error, and exit code stdout, stderr.
execute [Pvem_lwt_unix.System.Shell]
exn [Pvem_lwt_unix.Internal_pervasives]

fail_io [Pvem_lwt_unix.IO]
fail_sys [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
file_info [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM]
Get information about a path (whether it exists, its size, or sym-link destination).
file_info [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
file_info_to_string [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM]
Convert file information to a string
file_info_to_string [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
file_tree [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM]
Obtain the file_tree starting at a given path.
file_tree [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
flush [Pvem_lwt_unix.IO]
for_concurrent [Pvem_lwt_unix.DEFERRED_LIST]
Like for_sequential but all the threads are launched concurrently.
for_concurrent [Pvem_lwt_unix.Deferred_list]
for_concurrent_with_index [Pvem_lwt_unix.DEFERRED_LIST]
Like for_concurrent but with the index in the list passed to the function.
for_concurrent_with_index [Pvem_lwt_unix.Deferred_list]
for_sequential [Pvem_lwt_unix.DEFERRED_LIST]
Sequentially launch f on the first argument and process the whole list even if there are errors.
for_sequential [Pvem_lwt_unix.Deferred_list]

green [Pvem_lwt_unix.LIGHT]
green t sets the light to “green”, this will wake up all the threads waiting on try_to_pass t.
green [Pvem_lwt_unix.Light]

list_directory [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM]
Get all the children of a directory, through a next stream-like function.
list_directory [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
lwt_unix_readlink [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]

make_new_directory [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM]
Create a new empty directory or fail if it already exists (i.e.
make_new_directory [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
make_symlink [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM]
Make a symbolic link link_path pointing at target.
make_symlink [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
mkdir_even_if_exists [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
mkdir_or_fail [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
move [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM]
Heavy-weight function trying to mimic the behavior the UNIX command “mv” (c.f.
move [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
move_in_same_device [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM]
Try to move src to dest using Lwt_unix.rename, if it works, return `Moved if it does not work but copy could work (i.e.
move_in_same_device [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]

parts [Pvem_lwt_unix.Internal_pervasives.Filename]
path_of_destination [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
pick_and_cancel [Pvem_lwt_unix.DEFERRED_LIST]
pick_and_cancel is a wrapper for Lwt.pick.
pick_and_cancel [Pvem_lwt_unix.Deferred_list]

read [Pvem_lwt_unix.IO]
read_file [Pvem_lwt_unix.IO]
remove [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM]
Remove a file or a directory recursively.
remove [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]

skip_end_slashes [Pvem_lwt_unix.Internal_pervasives.Filename]
sleep [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM]
Block for a given amount of seconds (Lwt_unix.sleep).
sleep [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
split [Pvem_lwt_unix.Internal_pervasives.Filename]
status_to_string [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM.Shell]
Convert a status (or an error) to a human-readable string
status_to_string [Pvem_lwt_unix.System.Shell]
string_rexists [Pvem_lwt_unix.Internal_pervasives.Filename]

try_to_pass [Pvem_lwt_unix.LIGHT]
try_to_pass t will block until t is “green” or will return immediately if t is already green.
try_to_pass [Pvem_lwt_unix.Light]

while_sequential [Pvem_lwt_unix.DEFERRED_LIST]
Sequentially launch f on the first argument and get out of the loop at the first error.
while_sequential [Pvem_lwt_unix.Deferred_list]
Returns the list of results if all succeed, or the first error.
with_in_channel [Pvem_lwt_unix.IO]
with_out_channel [Pvem_lwt_unix.IO]
with_timeout [Pvem_lwt_unix.SYSTEM]
Execute a function f with a timeout (in seconds).
with_timeout [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
wrap_deferred_io [Pvem_lwt_unix.IO]
wrap_deferred_system [Pvem_lwt_unix.System]
write [Pvem_lwt_unix.IO]
write_file [Pvem_lwt_unix.IO]