: BASIC_CHARACTER with type t = int = struct
type t = int
let of_native_char x = Some (int_of_char x)
let compare (i: int) (j : int) = compare i j
let of_int x =
if x land 0x7FFF_FFFF = x then Some x else None
let to_int c = c
let size x =
if x <= 0x7f then 1 else
if x <= 0x7ff then 2 else
if x <= 0xffff then 3 else
if x <= 0x1f_ffff then 4 else
if x <= 0x3ff_ffff then 5 else
if x <= 0x7fff_ffff then 6 else 0
let is_print t = int_of_char ' ' <= t && t <= int_of_char '~'
let to_string_hum x =
if is_print x then String.make 1 (char_of_int x)
else sprintf "&#x%X;" x
let write_to_native_string c ~buf ~index =
let sz = size c in
let first_byte =
match sz with
| 1 -> ((c lsr 0) land 0b0111_1111) lor 0b0000_0000
| 2 -> ((c lsr 6) land 0b0001_1111) lor 0b1100_0000
| 3 -> ((c lsr 12) land 0b0000_1111) lor 0b1110_0000
| 4 -> ((c lsr 18) land 0b0000_0111) lor 0b1111_0000
| 5 -> ((c lsr 24) land 0b0000_0011) lor 0b1111_1000
| 6 -> ((c lsr 30) land 0b0000_0001) lor 0b1111_1100
| _ -> assert false in
buf.[index] <- char_of_int first_byte;
for i = 2 to sz do
let ith_byte =
((c lsr (6 * (i - 2))) land 0b0011_1111) lor 0b1000_0000 in
buf.[index + sz - i + 1] <- char_of_int ith_byte;
return sz
with _ -> fail `out_of_bounds
let read_from_native_string ~buf ~index =
let first_char = buf.[index] |> int_of_char in
let size, mask =
if first_char lsr 7 = 0 then (1, 0b0111_1111)
else if first_char lsr 5 = 0b110 then (2, 0b0001_1111)
else if first_char lsr 4 = 0b1110 then (3, 0b0000_1111)
else if first_char lsr 3 = 0b11110 then (4, 0b0000_0111)
else if first_char lsr 2 = 0b111110 then (5, 0b0000_0011)
else if first_char lsr 1 = 0b1111110 then (6, 0b0000_0001)
else raise Not_found
let the_int = ref (first_char land mask) in
for i = 1 to size - 1 do
let the_char = buf.[index + i] |> int_of_char in
if (the_char lsr 6) = 0b10
then (
the_int := (!the_int lsl 6) lor (the_char land 0b0011_1111);
) else raise Not_found;
Some (!the_int, size)
with _ -> None
let to_native_string x =
let buf = String.make (size x) 'B' in
begin match write_to_native_string x ~buf ~index:0 with
| `Ok _ -> ()
| `Error e ->
dbg "buf: %S siz: %d x: %d" buf (size x) x;
assert false
let is_whitespace c =
match char_of_int c with
| ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' -> true | _ -> false
with _ -> false