with type character = Char.t
with type t = Char.t list = struct
type character = Char.t
type t = character list
let empty = []
let is_empty = (=) []
let make length c =
let rec loop n acc =
if n >= length then acc else loop (n + 1) (c :: acc)
loop 0 []
let of_character c = [c]
let of_character_list cl = cl
let to_character_list cl = cl
let get sl ~index =
try Some (List.nth sl index) with _ -> None
let set s ~index ~v =
let rec loop n acc = function
| [] -> None
| q :: t when n = index ->
Some (List.rev_append acc (v :: t))
| q :: t ->
loop (n + 1) (q :: acc) t
loop 0 [] s
let get_exn s ~index =
match get s ~index with None -> failwith "get_exn" | Some s -> s
let set_exn s ~index ~v =
match set s ~index ~v with None -> failwith "set_exn" | Some s -> s
let iter t ~f = List.iter t ~f
let iteri t ~f = List.iteri t ~f
let iter_reverse t ~f =
List.iter (List.rev t) ~f
let rev t = List.rev t
let fold t ~init ~f = List.fold_left t ~init ~f
let foldi t ~init ~f =
snd (List.fold_left t ~init:(0,init)
~f:(fun (i,a) c -> (i+1,f i a c)))
let fold2_exn t1 t2 ~init ~f = List.fold_left2 t1 t2 ~init ~f
let map = Core_list_map.map
let mapi = Core_list_map.mapi
let map2_exn = Core_list_map.map2_exn
let for_all t ~f = List.for_all t ~f
let exists t ~f = List.exists t ~f
let compare (a : Char.t list) (b: Char.t list) = compare a b
let of_native_substring s ~offset ~length =
~empty ~init:(fun () -> ref [])
~on_new_character:(fun x c -> x := c :: !x)
~finalize:(fun x -> List.rev !x)
s ~offset ~length
let of_native_string s =
of_native_substring s
let to_native_string l =
~future_size:(fun l ->
List.fold_left l ~init:0 ~f:(fun sum c -> sum + Char.size c))
~iter ~write_char_to_native_string:Char.write_to_native_string
let to_string_hum l = sprintf "%S" (to_native_string l)
let concat ?(sep=[]) ll =
match ll with
| [] -> []
| hh :: tt ->
let x = ref (List.rev hh) in
List.iter tt ~f:(fun l ->
x := List.rev_append sep !x;
x := List.rev_append l !x;
List.rev !x
let length = List.length
let sub t ~index ~length =
let r = ref [] in
let c = ref 0 in
List.iteri t ~f:(fun i a ->
if i >= index + length then raise Not_found;
if index <= i then (
r:= a :: !r;
incr c;
if !c = length then Some (List.rev !r) else None
| Not_found -> Some (List.rev !r)
let sub_exn t ~index ~length =
match sub t ~index ~length with
| Some s -> s
| None -> ksprintf failwith "sub_exn(%d,%d)" index length
let slice_exn ?(start=0) ?finish t =
let length_of_t = List.length t in
if start < 0 || (not (is_empty t) && start >= length_of_t) then
ksprintf failwith "slice_exn: invalid start %d" start
match finish with
| None -> sub_exn t ~index:start ~length:(length_of_t - start)
| Some f -> if f < 0 || f > length_of_t then
ksprintf failwith "slice_exn: invalid finish %d" f
sub_exn t ~index:start ~length:(f - start)
let slice ?start ?finish t =
try Some (slice_exn ?start ?finish t)
with _ -> None
let rec comp_loop p lst_pair =
if p
then match lst_pair with
| (i,[]) -> Some i
| ([],j) -> None
| (i::is), (j::js) -> comp_loop (i = j) (is,js)
else None
let is_prefix t ~prefix =
match comp_loop true (t,prefix) with
| Some _ -> true
| None -> false
let is_suffix t ~suffix =
is_prefix (List.rev t) ~prefix:(List.rev suffix)
let chop_prefix_exn t ~prefix =
match comp_loop true (t,prefix) with
| Some r -> r
| None -> raise (Invalid_argument "chop_prefix_exn: not a prefix")
let chop_prefix t ~prefix =
try Some (chop_prefix_exn t prefix)
with _ -> None
let chop_suffix_exn t ~suffix =
List.rev (chop_prefix_exn (List.rev t) ~prefix:(List.rev suffix))
let chop_suffix t ~suffix =
try Some (chop_suffix_exn t suffix)
with _ -> None
let unrevSplit t n =
if n < 0
then [],t
else let rec offset i ((l,r) as p) =
if i = n
then p
else match r with
| [] -> p
| h::t -> offset (i + 1) (h::l,t)
offset 0 ([],t)
let split_at t ~index =
let l,r = unrevSplit t index in
List.rev l, r
let take t ~index = fst (split_at t index)
let drop t ~index =
let l,r = unrevSplit t index in
let index_of_character t ?(from=0) c =
let index = ref 0 in
try begin
List.iter t ~f:(fun x ->
if !index >= from
if x = c
then failwith "found"
else incr index
else incr index);
with _ -> Some !index
let index_of_character_reverse t ?from c =
let length_of_t, rev =
let rec loop lgth acc = function
| [] -> (lgth, acc)
| h :: t -> loop (lgth + 1) (h :: acc) t in
loop 0 [] t
let from =
match from with
| None -> length_of_t - 1
| Some s when s < 0 -> -1
| Some s when s > length_of_t - 1 -> length_of_t - 1
| Some s -> s
match index_of_character rev ~from:(length_of_t - from - 1) c with
| Some c -> Some (length_of_t - c - 1)
| None -> None
let compare_substring (a, idxa, lena) (b, idxb, lenb) =
let module With_exns = struct
exception Left
exception Right
let rec drop_until ~exn idx l =
match idx, l with
| 0, l -> l
| more, [] -> raise exn
| more, h :: t -> drop_until ~exn (more - 1) t
let f () =
begin try
let rec cmp l1 l2 len1 len2 =
if len1 < 0 then raise Left;
if len2 < 0 then raise Right;
match l1, l2 with
| _, _ when len1 = 0 && len2 = 0 -> 0
| _, _ when len1 = 0 -> -1
| _, _ when len2 = 0 -> 1
| [], [] when len1 = 0 || len2 = 0 -> Pervasives.compare lena lenb
| [], _ when len1 > 0 -> raise Left
| _, [] when len2 > 0 -> raise Right
| h1 :: t1, h2 :: t2 when Char.compare h1 h2 = 0 ->
cmp t1 t2 (len1 - 1) (len2 - 1)
| h1 :: _, h2 :: _ -> Char.compare h1 h2
| _, _ -> assert false
if lena = 0 && lenb = 0 then 0
else (
let aa = drop_until ~exn:Left idxa a in
let bb = drop_until ~exn:Right idxb b in
(cmp aa bb lena lenb)
| Left -> -1
| Right -> 1
| Failure s -> 1
end in
With_exns.f ()
type s = t
module T_length_and_compsub = struct
type t = s let length = length let compare_substring = compare_substring
include Compare_substring_strict_of_loose(T_length_and_compsub)
include Make_index_of_string(T_length_and_compsub)
let find ?(from=0) ?length s ~f =
let from = if from <= 0 then 0 else from in
let rec find_from index virtual_length l =
match l, length with
| [], _ -> None
| _, Some lgth when lgth <= virtual_length -> None
| h :: t, _ when index < from -> find_from (index + 1) virtual_length t
| h :: t, _ when index >= from && f h -> Some index
| h :: t, _ -> find_from (index + 1) (virtual_length + 1) t
find_from 0 0 s
let find_reverse ?from ?length s ~f =
let length_of_s = List.length s in
let from =
match from with
| None -> None
| Some s when s < 0 -> Some length_of_s
| Some s when s > length_of_s - 1 -> Some 0
| Some s -> Some (length_of_s - 1 - s)
match find ?from ?length (List.rev s) ~f with
| None -> None
| Some i -> Some (length_of_s - 1 - i)
let filter_map ?(from=0) ?length t ~f =
let rec filter_map_rec acc index virtual_length l =
match l, length with
| [], _ -> List.rev acc
| _, Some lgth when lgth <= virtual_length -> List.rev acc
| h :: t, _ when index < from ->
filter_map_rec acc (index + 1) virtual_length t
| h :: t, _ ->
begin match f h with
| Some o -> filter_map_rec (o :: acc) (index + 1) (virtual_length + 1) t
| None -> filter_map_rec acc (index + 1) (virtual_length + 1) t
filter_map_rec [] 0 0 t
let filter ?from ?length t ~f =
filter_map ?from ?length t ~f:(fun c -> if f c then Some c else None)
include Make_strip_function (struct
type t = Char.t list
type character = Char.t
let empty = empty
let length = length
let sub_exn = sub_exn
let find = find
let find_reverse = find_reverse
let is_whitespace = Char.is_whitespace
include Make_split_function(struct
type t = Char.t list
type character = Char.t
let length = length
let sub_exn = sub_exn
let index_of_string = index_of_string
let index_of_character = index_of_character
module Make_output (Model: OUTPUT_MODEL) = struct
let (>>=) = Model.bind
let output chan l =
List.fold_left l ~init:(Model.return ()) ~f:(fun prev_m c ->
prev_m >>= fun () ->
Model.output chan (Char.to_native_string c))
let take_while_with_index t ~f =
let rec loop idx acc =
| h :: t when f idx h -> loop (idx + 1) (h :: acc) t
| []
| _ :: _ -> List.rev acc
loop 0 [] t
let take_while t ~f = take_while_with_index t ~f:(fun _ c -> f c)