open Nonstd
open Pvem_lwt_unix
open Pvem_lwt_unix.Deferred_result
module String = StringLabels
module PG = Postgresql
let debug = ref false
let dbg fmt = ksprintf (eprintf "Trakeva_postgresql: %s\n%!") fmt
type t = {
handle: PG.connection;
table_name: string;
conninfo: string;
action_mutex: Lwt_mutex.t;
let dbg_handle {handle} fmt =
ksprintf (fun s ->
eprintf "Trakeva_postgresql: %s\n" s;
eprintf " db = %s\n" handle#db;
eprintf " user = %s\n" handle#user;
eprintf " pass = %s\n" handle#pass;
eprintf " host = %s\n" handle#host;
eprintf " port = %s\n" handle#port;
eprintf " tty = %s\n" handle#tty;
eprintf " option = %s\n" handle#options;
eprintf " pid = %i\n" handle#backend_pid
) fmt
let in_posix_thread ~on_exn f =
Lwt_preemptive.detach (fun () ->
try `Ok (f ())
with e -> on_exn e) ()
let create_table t =
sprintf "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (collection BYTEA, key BYTEA, value BYTEA, UNIQUE (collection, key))" t
let default_table = "trakeva_default_table"
let table_name t = t.table_name
let load_exn conninfo =
let handle = new PG.connection ~conninfo () in
let table_name = default_table in
let res = handle#exec (create_table table_name) in
match res#status with
| PG.Command_ok ->
let action_mutex = Lwt_mutex.create () in
{handle; table_name; conninfo; action_mutex}
| PG.Empty_query
| PG.Tuples_ok
| PG.Copy_out
| PG.Copy_in
| PG.Bad_response
| PG.Nonfatal_error
| PG.Fatal_error
| PG.Copy_both
| PG.Single_tuple ->
ksprintf failwith "Cannot create table %S: %s, %s"
table_name (PG.result_status res#status) res#error
let exn_to_string = function
| PG.Error e -> sprintf "Postgres-Error: %s" (PG.string_of_error e)
| e -> sprintf "Exn: %s" (Printexc.to_string e)
let load conninfo =
let on_exn e = `Error (`Database (`Load conninfo, exn_to_string e)) in
in_posix_thread ~on_exn (fun () -> load_exn conninfo)
let close {handle} =
let on_exn e = `Error (`Database (`Close, exn_to_string e)) in
in_posix_thread ~on_exn begin fun () ->
let exec_sql_exn {handle; table_name} sql_list =
let show_res query args res =
dbg "\n %s\n args: [%s]\n status: %s | error: %s | tuples: %d × %d"
( args ~f:(function
| `Null -> "NULL"
| `Blob b -> sprintf "%S" b)
|> Array.to_list
|> String.concat ~sep:", ")
(PG.result_status res#status) res#error res#ntuples res#nfields;
for i = 0 to res#ntuples - 1 do
dbg " (%s)"
(List.init res#nfields (fun j ->
if res#getisnull i j then "Null"
else sprintf "%S" (PG.unescape_bytea (res#getvalue i j)))
|> String.concat ~sep:", ");
let exec_one sql args =
let res =
let params = args ~f:(function | `Null -> PG.null | `Blob s -> s) in
let binary_params = args ~f:(function `Null -> false | `Blob _ -> true) in
handle#exec sql ~params ~binary_params
(if !debug then show_res sql args res);
begin match res#status with
| PG.Command_ok -> `Unit
| PG.Tuples_ok ->
(List.init res#ntuples (fun i ->
(List.init res#nfields (fun j ->
if res#getisnull i j then `Null
else `Blob (PG.unescape_bytea (res#getvalue i j))))))
| PG.Empty_query
| PG.Copy_out
| PG.Copy_in
| PG.Bad_response
| PG.Nonfatal_error
| PG.Fatal_error
| PG.Copy_both
| PG.Single_tuple ->
ksprintf failwith "SQL Query failed (%s): %s, %s"
sql (PG.result_status res#status) res#error
let result = sql_list ~f:(function
| (sql, args) ->
exec_one sql args
let exec_unit t sql args =
begin match exec_sql_exn t [sql, args] with
| [`Unit] -> ()
| other ->
ksprintf failwith "Unexpected return from “unit query”: %S (length: %d)"
sql (List.length other)
open Trakeva
let collection_sql_arg collection =
match collection with None -> `Null | Some c -> `Blob c
let collection_sql_condition arg =
sprintf "(collection = %s or (%s is null AND collection is null))" arg arg
let get_exn ?collection t ~key =
exec_sql_exn t [
sprintf "SELECT value FROM %s WHERE %s AND key = $2"
t.table_name (collection_sql_condition "$1"),
[| collection_sql_arg collection; `Blob key |];
] |> function
| [`Tuples [[`Blob value]]] -> Some value
| [`Tuples []] -> None
| other ->
ksprintf failwith "Did not get one of zero values for (%s, %s)"
(Option.value collection ~default:"None") key
let get ?collection t ~key =
let error_loc = (Key_in_collection.create key ?collection) in
let on_exn e = `Error (`Database (`Get error_loc , exn_to_string e)) in
in_posix_thread ~on_exn (fun () ->
get_exn ?collection t ~key
let act t ~(action: Action.t) =
let rec transact (action: Action.t) =
let open Key_in_collection in
let open Action in
match action with
| Set ({ key; collection }, value) ->
exec_unit t
(sprintf "UPDATE %s SET value = $3 WHERE %s AND key = $2"
t.table_name (collection_sql_condition "$1"))
[| collection_sql_arg collection; `Blob key; `Blob value |];
exec_unit t
(sprintf "INSERT INTO %s (collection, key, value) SELECT $1, $2, $3 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %s WHERE %s AND key = $2)"
t.table_name t.table_name (collection_sql_condition "$1"))
[| collection_sql_arg collection; `Blob key; `Blob value |];
| Unset { key; collection } ->
exec_unit t
(sprintf "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s AND key = $2"
t.table_name (collection_sql_condition "$1"))
[| collection_sql_arg collection; `Blob key; |];
| Sequence l -> List.for_all l ~f:transact
| Check ({ key; collection }, opt) ->
let got_opt = get_exn t ?collection ~key in
opt = got_opt
let error_loc = `Act action in
let on_exn e = `Error (`Database (error_loc , exn_to_string e)) in
Lwt_mutex.with_lock t.action_mutex (fun () ->
in_posix_thread ~on_exn begin fun () ->
exec_unit t "BEGIN" [| |];
exec_unit t
(sprintf "LOCK TABLE %s IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE" t.table_name) [| |];
begin match transact action with
| false ->
exec_unit t "ROLLBACK" [| |];
| true ->
exec_unit t "END" [| |];
let get_all_keys_exn t collection =
exec_sql_exn t [
sprintf "SELECT key FROM %s WHERE collection = $1 ORDER BY key"
t.table_name, [| `Blob collection |];
] |> function
| [`Tuples tuples] -> tuples ~f:(function
| [`Blob k] -> k
| other ->
ksprintf failwith "Did not get one single row for get_all %S"
| other ->
ksprintf failwith "Did not get one list of tuples for get_all %S"
let get_all t ~collection =
let error_loc = `Get_all collection in
let on_exn e = `Error (`Database (error_loc , exn_to_string e)) in
in_posix_thread ~on_exn (fun () -> get_all_keys_exn t collection)
let iterator t ~collection =
let error_loc = `Iter collection in
let on_exn e = `Error (`Database (error_loc , exn_to_string e)) in
let state = ref `Not_started in
let next_exn remaining_keys =
match remaining_keys with
| [] ->
state := `Closed;
| head :: tail ->
state := `Active tail;
Some head
begin fun () ->
in_posix_thread ~on_exn (fun () ->
match !state with
| `Not_started ->
let all_keys = get_all_keys_exn t collection in
next_exn all_keys
| `Closed ->
ksprintf failwith "Iterator already closed: %S" collection
| `Active remaining_keys ->
next_exn remaining_keys