open Pvem_lwt_unix
open Nonstd
module Key_in_collection = struct
type t = {key: string ; collection: string option}
let create ?collection key = {key; collection}
let to_string {key; collection} =
sprintf "{%s/%s}" Option.(value collection ~default:"") key
module Action = struct
type t =
| Set of Key_in_collection.t * string
| Unset of Key_in_collection.t
| Sequence of t list
| Check of Key_in_collection.t * string option
let _key ?collection key = {Key_in_collection. key; collection}
let set ?collection ~key value = Set (_key ?collection key, value)
let seq l = Sequence l
let contains ?collection ~key v = Check (_key ?collection key, Some v)
let is_not_set ?collection key = Check (_key ?collection key, None)
let unset ?collection key = Unset (_key ?collection key)
let rec to_string (t: t) =
match t with
| Set (k, v) -> sprintf "(set %s %S)" (Key_in_collection.to_string k) v
| Unset k -> sprintf "(unset %s)" (Key_in_collection.to_string k)
| Sequence l -> sprintf "(sequence %s)" ( l ~f:to_string
|> StringLabels.concat ~sep:" ")
| Check (k, v) ->
sprintf "(check %s %s)" (Key_in_collection.to_string k)
(Option.value_map ~default:"None" v ~f:(sprintf "(Some %S)"))
module Error = struct
type t = [
| `Act of Action.t | `Get of Key_in_collection.t | `Get_all of string
| `Load of string | `Close
| `Iter of string
] * string
let to_string (t : t) =
match t with
| (`Act k, e) -> sprintf "[Executing %s, Error: %s]" (Action.to_string k) e
| (`Close, e) -> sprintf "[Closing, %s]" e
| (`Get k, e) ->
sprintf "[Getting %s, Error: %s]" (Key_in_collection.to_string k) e
| (`Get_all c, e) -> sprintf "[Getting-all-in %s, Error: %s]" c e
| (`Load u, e) -> sprintf "[Loading %S, Error: %s]" u e
| (`Iter s, e) -> sprintf "[Iterating on %S, Error: %s]" s e
module type KEY_VALUE_STORE = sig
type t
val load :
string ->
(t, [> `Database of [> `Load of string ] * string ]) Deferred_result.t
val close: t ->
(unit, [> `Database of [> `Close ] * string ]) Deferred_result.t
val get : ?collection:string -> t -> key:string ->
(string option, [> `Database of [> `Get of Key_in_collection.t ] * string ])
val get_all: t -> collection:string ->
(string list, [> `Database of [> `Get_all of string ] * string ])
val iterator: t -> collection:string ->
(unit ->
(string option, [> `Database of [> `Iter of string ] * string ]) Deferred_result.t)
val act :
t ->
action:Action.t ->
([ `Done | `Not_done ],
[> `Database of [> `Act of Action.t ] * string ]) Deferred_result.t