


spark-bam and hadoop-bam were compared on the following datasets:

  • 1000 Genomes: 72 bams, 559GB
    • {mapped, unmapped} x {low coverage, exome} for each of 18 individuals (HG000096 through HG000115, excepting HG000098 and HG000104)
  • Genome in a Bottle (GiaB): 3 bams, 192GB
  • TCGA Lung-Cancer samples: 1060 bams, 14TB
  • DREAM challenge
    • synthetic data: 10 bams, 1.8TB
    • real data: 116 bams, 3.7TB


Raw data for the above can be found in this google sheet.

Across the datasets described above:

  • hadoop-bam called false positives at uncompressed positions at a rate of between 1.60e-9 and 5.39e-5
  • this translated to an “incorrect split” rate between 0 and 1.97e-4, i.e. up to 2 out of 10000 splits
    • many BAMs in the wild have reads aligned to BGZF-block boundaries, basically eliminating the chance of hadoop-bam calling a false positive
    • the highest incorrect-split rate, 1.97e-4, was observed on the Genome in a Bottle long-read data


There are no known situations where spark-bam incorrectly classifies a BAM-record-boundary.


On the above data hadoop-bam exhibited false-positive rates between 1 per 18k and 1 per 625MM uncompressed BAM positions.

False-positives were discovered that were only correctly identified in spark-bam due to each of the additional checks in spark-bam:

In addition, several hundred false-negatives were discovered in GiaB PacBio long-read data: hadoop-bam missed sites that are true read-starts. None of these sites were on split boundaries, but it seems likely that correctness errors could ensue if they were.


Four CLI commands compare spark-bam’s speed with hadoop-bam’s in various ways:

The latter two time a single CPU computing a split, which hadoop-bam is much faster at, but the former two better factor in spark-bam’s gains from parallelization.

In particular, time-load does minimal work other than split-computation, returning the first read from every partition, so spark-bam is much faster than hadoop-bam. count-reads amortizes spark-bam’s split-computation edge over more subsequent work, so the difference is less pronounced.

DREAM Synthetic BAM Benchmarks

count-reads and time-load were each run, with and without the -s flag (i.e. with each of spark-bam and hadoop-bam running first and incurring Spark-setup issues, colder caches, etc.), on the 10 DREAM synthetic BAMs described above.