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Genspio: Generate Shell Phrases In OCaml

Genspio is still in alpha status. It is a typed embedded DSL to generate shell scripts and commands from OCaml.

For now the EDSL is based on a big GADT and compiles to POSIX one-liners or multi-line scripts.

The tests run the output of the compiler against a few shells that it tries to find on the host (e.g. dash, bash, busybox, mksh, zsh … cf. the example test results summary below).

If you have any questions, you may submit an issue, or join the authors on the public “Slack” channel of the Hammer Lab: Slack Status


You can install the library though opam:

opam install genspio

Or get the development version with opam pin:

opam pin add genspio

You can also build locally:

You need OCaml ≥ 4.03.0 together with nonstd, sosa, and solvuu-build:


Getting Started

The idea is to build values of type Genspio.EDSL.t (through the combinators in the Genspio.EDSL module), and compile them with functions from Genspio.Compile.

Here is a quick example:

utop> open Genspio.EDSL;;

let c =
  let username_one_way =
    (* We lift the string "USER" to EDSL-land and use function `getenv`: *)
    getenv (string "USER") in
  let username_the_other_way =
    (* The usual pipe operator is `||>`,
       `output_as_string` takes `stdout` from a `unit t` as a `string t`. *)
    (exec ["whoami"] ||> exec ["tr"; "-d"; "\\n"]) |> output_as_string in
  let my_printf : string -> string t list -> unit t = fun fmt args ->
    (* The function `call` is like `exec` but operates on `string t` values
       instead of just OCaml strings: *)
    call (string "printf" :: string fmt :: args) in
  (* The operator `=$=` is `string t` equality, it returns a `bool t` that
     we can use with `if_seq`: *)
  if_seq (username_one_way =$= username_the_other_way)
        my_printf "Username matches: `%s`\\n" [username_one_way];
        my_printf "Usernames do not match: `%s` Vs `%s`\\n"
          [username_one_way; username_the_other_way];
val c : unit t

utop> Sys.command (Genspio.Compile.to_one_liner c);;
Username matches: `smondet`
- : int = 0

See src/test/ for a (much) bigger example, and hammerlab/secotrec for real-world use.


To run the tests also need pvem_lwt_unix and ppx_deriving:

export WITH_TESTS=true

The test should output a markdown report potentially mentioning other files containing details about the failures (Here it is on Ubuntu Xenial, some failures are expected with not-really-POSIX or buggy shells like KSH93, or on some corner cases cf. #35):


### All Tests


* Test "dash" (`'dash' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 0 / 190 failures
    - time: 13.31 s.
    - version: `"Version: 0.5.8-2.1ubuntu2"`.
* Test "bash" (`'bash' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 0 / 190 failures
    - time: 23.37 s.
    - version: `"GNU bash, version 4.3.46(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)"`.
* Test "sh" (`'sh' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 0 / 190 failures
    - time: 13.59 s.
    - version: `""`.
* Test "busybox" (`'busybox' 'ash' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 0 / 190 failures
    - time: 8.80 s.
    - version: `"BusyBox v1.22.1 (Ubuntu 1:1.22.0-15ubuntu1) multi-call binary."`.
* Test "ksh" (`'ksh' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 20 / 190 failures
    - time: 14.78 s.
    - version: `"version         sh (AT&T Research) 93u+ 2012-08-01"`.
    - Cf. `/tmp/genspio-test-ksh-failures.txt`.
* Test "mksh" (`'mksh' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 2 / 190 failures
    - time: 25.56 s.
    - version: `"Version: 52c-2"`.
    - Cf. `/tmp/genspio-test-mksh-failures.txt`.
* Test "posh" (`'posh' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 2 / 190 failures
    - time: 24.40 s.
    - version: `"Version: 0.12.6"`.
    - Cf. `/tmp/genspio-test-posh-failures.txt`.
* Test "zsh" (`'zsh' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 20 / 190 failures
    - time: 17.94 s.
    - version: `"zsh 5.1.1 (x86_64-ubuntu-linux-gnu)"`.
    - Cf. `/tmp/genspio-test-zsh-failures.txt`.

All “known” shells were tested ☺


Tests can be tweaked with environment variables:

  • filter_tests: is a comma-separated list of name prefixes to run only a subset of the tests (useful when dealing a specific issue).
    Example: export filter_tests=redirect,with_failwith runs 10 tests instead of more than 100.
  • important_shells: is comma-separated list of shells for which 1 failure makes the whole test fail (i.e. if a shell like ksh is not “important,” the failures are reported but the test command still returns 0).
    The default is bash,dash (The Travis CI script also considers busybox important for GNU/Linux builds).
  • add_shells: is a ++-separated list of “shells,” each one defined as a comma-separated list: <Name>,escape, <cmd-arg>, <cmd>, where is <cmd-arg> is replaced with the actual command tested within <cmd>, e.g.:
  • only_dash: run the tests only with dash (useful to speedup modify-compile-test loops while developing).
  • single_test_timeout: the timeout for a signle test run (default: 5. seconds).

Here is an example of configuration with 2 additional testing shells, one of them happening over SSH (the target host does not need OCaml).

export single_test_timeout=10
export add_shells='
Local-sh, escape, <cmd>,
    sh -c <cmd>
My-freebsd-box, escape, <command>,
   printf "%s" <command> | ssh fbd01 "sh -x"

Additional Documentation

From here, one can explore:

  • Some implementation notes.
  • More information on testing, e.g. on more exotic operating systems.


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