Module Ketrew_pure.Target.Command

module Command: sig .. end
Definition of command-lines to run on a given Ketrew_pure.Host.t.

type t = {
   host : Ketrew_pure.Host.t;
   action : Ketrew_pure.Program.t;
The type of commands.
val shell : ?host:Ketrew_pure.Host.t -> string -> t
Create a “shell” command for a given Host.t.
val program : ?host:Ketrew_pure.Host.t ->
Ketrew_pure.Program.t -> t
Create a Command.t that runs a Ketrew_pure.Program.t.
val get_host : t -> Ketrew_pure.Host.t
Get the host.
val log : t -> Internal_pervasives.Log.t
Get a display document.
val markup : t -> Internal_pervasives.Display_markup.t
val to_string_hum : t -> string
Get a Human-readable string.