Module Ketrew_server (.ml)

module Ketrew_server: sig .. end
Implementation of the HTTP server.

val start : configuration:Ketrew_configuration.server ->
[> `Database of Trakeva.Error.t
| `Dyn_plugin of [> `Dynlink_error of Dynlink.error | `Findlib of exn ]
| `Failure of string
| `IO of [> `Read_file_exn of Ketrew_unix_io.IO.path * exn ]
| `Server_status_error of string
| `Start_server_error of string
| `System of
[> `File_info of string | `List_directory of string | `Remove of string ] *
[> `Exn of exn ] ])
Start the server according to its configuration.
val status : configuration:Ketrew_configuration.server ->
([ `Not_responding of string
| `Running
| `Wrong_response of Cohttp.Response.t ],
[> `Failure of string | `Server_status_error of string ])
Ask for the status of the server running locally by calling "<port>/hello".
val stop : configuration:Ketrew_configuration.server ->
([ `Done | `Timeout ],
[> `IO of [> `Exn of exn | `File_exists of string | `Wrong_path of string ]
| `Stop_server_error of string
| `System of [> `File_info of string ] * [> `Exn of exn ] ])
Stop the server by calling the commad "die" on the configured command-pipe, stopping will fail with `Stop_server_error _ if that path is not configured.