module Condition: sig
.. end
t = [ `And of t list
| `Command_returns of Ketrew_target.Command.t * int
| `Never
| `Satisfied
| `Volume_exists of Ketrew_target.Volume.t
| `Volume_size_bigger_than of Ketrew_target.Volume.t * int ]
An execution anti-condition; the condition defines when a target is
ready and therefore should be run if the condition is met:
- with
the target always runs (because never “ready”),
- with
the target never runs (a bit useless),
- with
`Volume_exists v
the target runs if the volume does not exist
-like behavior).
- with
`Volume_size_bigger_than (v, sz)
Ketrew will get the total size
of the volume (in bytes) and check that it is bigger.
- with
`Command_returns (c, v)
Ketrew will run the Ketrew_target.Command.t
check its return value.
`And list_of_conditions
is a conjunction of conditions.
val log : t -> Ketrew_pervasives.Log.t
val to_string_hum : t -> string