Module Ketrew.Client

module Client: sig .. end

The “client” is the frontend to either a standalone engine or an HTTP client talking to a server/engine.
module Error: sig .. end
Error.t is the type of the error kinds that this module introduces.
type t 
The handle of the client.
val as_client : configuration:Configuration.t ->
f:(client:t ->
[> `Database of Trakeva.Error.t
| `Database_unavailable of bytes
| `Dyn_plugin of [> `Dynlink_error of Dynlink.error | `Findlib of exn ]
| `Failure of bytes
| `Missing_data of bytes
| `Target of [> `Deserilization of bytes ]
| `Wrong_configuration of [> `Found of bytes ] * [> `Exn of exn ] ]
as 'a)
Unix_io.Deferred_result.t) ->
(unit, 'a) Unix_io.Deferred_result.t
Run the function f with a fresh-client created with the configuration.

If the configuration can be for an HTTP client, for a standalone engine, or for a server (the client behaves like a local standalone engine, using Ketrew.Configuration.standalone_of_server).

val configuration : t -> Configuration.t
Retrieve the configuration used to create the client.
val get_local_engine : t -> Engine.t option
Get the handle to the engine (returns None if the client is an HTTP one).
val all_targets : t ->
(Ketrew_pure.Target.t list,
[> `Client of Error.t
| `Database of Trakeva.Error.t
| `IO of
[> `Read_file_exn of string * exn | `Write_file_exn of string * exn ]
| `Missing_data of
| `System of [> `File_info of string ] * [> `Exn of exn ]
| `Target of [> `Deserilization of string ] ])
Get all the current targets.
val get_list_of_target_ids : t ->
query:Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Up_message.target_query ->
( list,
[> `Client of Error.t
| `Database of Trakeva.Error.t
| `Missing_data of string
| `Target of [> `Deserilization of string ] ])
Get a list of target IDs given the query.
val get_target : t -> ->
[> `Client of Error.t
| `Database of Trakeva.Error.t
| `Missing_data of string
| `Target of [> `Deserilization of string ] ])
The latest contents of a given target.
val get_targets : t -> list ->
(Ketrew_pure.Target.t list,
[> `Client of Error.t
| `Database of Trakeva.Error.t
| `Missing_data of string
| `Target of [> `Deserilization of string ] ])
Same as Ketrew.Client.get_target but “in bulk.”
val call_query : t ->
target:Ketrew_pure.Target.t ->
string ->
(string, Ketrew_pure.Internal_pervasives.Log.t) Unix_io.Deferred_result.t
Call a target's plugin query by name.
val kill : t -> list ->
[> `Client of Error.t
| `Database of Trakeva.Error.t
| `Database_unavailable of
| `Missing_data of
| `Target of [> `Deserilization of string ] ])
Kill a set of targets.
val restart : t -> list ->
[> `Client of Error.t
| `Database of Trakeva.Error.t
| `Database_unavailable of
| `Missing_data of
| `Target of [> `Deserilization of string ] ])
Restart a set of targets.
val submit : ?override_configuration:Configuration.t ->
?add_tags:string list -> EDSL.user_target -> unit
Submit a high-level workflow description to the engine; this function calls

One can add tags to all the targets in the workflow before submitting with the add_tags option.