Module Ketrew.Lsf

module Lsf: sig .. end

Implementation of the LONG_RUNNING API with the LSF batch processing scheduler.

Implementation of the LONG_RUNNING API with the LSF batch processing scheduler.

“Long-running” plugin based on the LSF batch scheduler.

Shell commands are put in a Ketrew_pure.Monitored_script.t, and started with "bsub [OPTIONS] < <script>" (we gather the job-id while submitting).

The update function uses the log-file of the monitored-script, and the command "bjobs [OPTIONS] <job-ID>".

The kill function kills the job with "bkill <job-ID>".

include Long_running.LONG_RUNNING

The “standard” plugin API.
val create : ?host:Ketrew_pure.Host.t ->
?queue:string ->
?name:string ->
?wall_limit:string ->
?processors:[ `Min of int | `Min_max of int * int ] ->
?project:string ->
Ketrew_pure.Program.t -> [> `Long_running of string * string ]
Create a “long-running” Ketrew_pure.Target.build_process to run a Ketrew_pure.Program.t on a given LSF-enabled host (run parameters already serialized):