Module Ketrew.Host_io.Error

module Error: sig .. end

type [> `Execution of
< host : string; message : string; stderr : string option;
stdout : string option >
| `Named_host_not_found of string
| `Ssh_failure of
[> `Wrong_log of string | `Wrong_status of Unix_process.Exit_code.t ] *
| `System of [> `Sleep of float ] * [> `Exn of exn ]
| `Timeout of float
| `Unix_exec of string ]
= [> `Execution of
< host : string; message : string; stderr : string option;
stdout : string option >
| `Named_host_not_found of string
| `Ssh_failure of
[> `Wrong_log of string | `Wrong_status of Unix_process.Exit_code.t ] *
| `System of [> `Sleep of float ] * [> `Exn of exn ]
| `Timeout of float
| `Unix_exec of string ]
as 'a
type [> `Execution of
< host : string; message : string; stderr : string option;
stdout : string option >
| `Named_host_not_found of string
| `Non_zero of string * int
| `Ssh_failure of
[> `Wrong_log of string | `Wrong_status of Unix_process.Exit_code.t ] *
| `System of [> `Sleep of float ] * [> `Exn of exn ]
| `Timeout of float
| `Unix_exec of string ]
= ([> `Execution of
< host : string; message : string; stderr : string option;
stdout : string option >
| `Named_host_not_found of string
| `Non_zero of string * int
| `Ssh_failure of
[> `Wrong_log of string | `Wrong_status of Unix_process.Exit_code.t ] *
| `System of [> `Sleep of float ] * [> `Exn of exn ]
| `Timeout of float
| `Unix_exec of string ]
as 'a)
type classified = [ `Fatal of string | `Recoverable of string ] 
The “imposed” error types for “long-running” plugins. A `Fatal _ error will make the target die with the error, whereas if an error is `Recoverable _ Ketrew will keep trying (for example, a networking error which may not happen later).
val classify : [ `Execution of
< host : string; message : string; stderr : string option;
stdout : string option >
| `Named_host_not_found of string
| `Non_zero of string * int
| `Ssh_failure of
[> `Wrong_log of string | `Wrong_status of Unix_process.Exit_code.t ] *
| `System of [ `Sleep of float ] * [ `Exn of exn ]
| `Timeout of float
| `Unix_exec of string ] ->
[ `Command_execution | `Connectivity | `Local_system ]
Get a glance at the gravity of the situation:
val log : [< `Execution of
< host : string; message : string; stderr : string option;
stdout : string option; .. >
| `Named_host_not_found of string
| `Non_zero of string * int
| `Ssh_failure of
[< `Wrong_log of string | `Wrong_status of Unix_process.Exit_code.t ] *
| `System of [< `Sleep of float ] * [< `Exn of exn ]
| `Timeout of float
| `Unix_exec of string ] ->