Module Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Up_message

module Up_message: sig .. end

type time_constraint = [ `All
| `Created_after of float
| `Not_finished_before of float
| `Status_changed_since of float ]
type string_predicate = [ `Equals of string | `Matches of string ] 
type filter = [ `And of filter list
| `False
| `Has_tag of string_predicate
| `Id of string_predicate
| `Name of string_predicate
| `Not of filter
| `Or of filter list
| `Status of
[ `Activated_by_user
| `Dead_because_of_dependencies
| `Failed_from_condition
| `Failed_from_running
| `Failed_from_starting
| `Killable
| `Killed_from_passive
| `Really_running
| `Simple of Target.State.simple ]
| `True ]
type target_query = {
   time_constraint : time_constraint;
   filter : filter;
val pp_target_query : Format.formatter ->
target_query -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_target_query : target_query -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type query_option = [ `Block_if_empty_at_most of float ] 
type t = [ `Call_query of string * string
| `Get_available_queries of string
| `Get_deferred of string * int * int
| `Get_notifications of float option
| `Get_server_status
| `Get_target_flat_states of
[ `All | `Since of float ] * string list *
query_option list
| `Get_target_ids of
target_query *
query_option list
| `Get_target_summaries of string list
| `Get_targets of string list
| `Kill_targets of string list
| `Process of Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Process_sub_protocol.up
| `Restart_targets of string list
| `Submit_targets of Target.t list ]
val target_query_markup : target_query ->