Pvem_lwt_unix: Home




This library provides an exception-less interface to unix-ish operating systems. As usual, this means all flavors of POSIX-compliant systems, like Linux, *BSD, Mac OSX, and partially MS Windows.


The module Pvem_lwt_unix contains the following sub-modules:

  • Deferred_result which is Pvem.With_deferred(Lwt), i.e., basic functions for manipulating ('ok, 'error) Pvem.Result.t Lwt.t,
  • IO which implements the IO module type,
  • System implements the SYSTEM module type,
  • Deferred_list implement the DEFERRED_LIST module type; sequential and concurrent loops using the List.t type.
  • Light implements the LIGHT signature, a very simple traffic light for concurrent programs (experimental work in progress).


You may run the tests, this way:


Note that system_test.ml expects to be run as non-root (because it uses the fact that some paths are not writable to check access-rights errors).