Module Biokepi (.ml)

module Biokepi: sig .. end
Top-level entry point into the library

Biokepi provides different levels of abstraction to construct (Ketrew) pipelines:

The above modules use:

Finally the Biokepi.Setup module provides (optional) tools to create a proper Biokepi.Machine.t that fits your computing environment (OS environment, cluster schedulers, installation of tools, fetching of reference data, etc.).

module EDSL: sig .. end
The Embedded Bioinformatics Domain Specific Language
module Machine: Biokepi_run_environment.Machine
The description of the computing infrastructure used in Biokepi.
module Setup: sig .. end
Help with the creation of Biokepi.Machine.t instances.
module KEDSL: Biokepi_run_environment.Common.KEDSL
Bioinformatics-specific extensions to the Ketrew.EDSL module.
module Metadata: Biokepi_run_environment.Metadata
Values describing the current version of the library.
module Tools: Biokepi_bfx_tools
Implementations of the Bioinformatics Ketrew workflow-nodes.
module Pipeline: Biokepi_pipeline_edsl.Pipeline
Earlier implementation of the Embedded DSL (kept for backwards compatibility).