Module Ketrew.Named_hosts_text_ui

module Named_hosts_text_ui: sig .. end

val sub_commands : version:string ->
prefix:string ->
configuration_arg:Ketrew.Configuration.t Cmdliner.Term.t ->
unit ->
[> `Client of Ketrew.Client.Error.t
| `Database of Trakeva.Error.t
| `Database_unavailable of string
| `Dyn_plugin of [> `Dynlink_error of Dynlink.error | `Findlib of exn ]
| `Failure of string
| `Fetching_node of Persistent_data.Error.fetching_node
| `IO of [> `Write_file_exn of string * exn ]
| `Target of [> `Deserilization of string ]
| `Wrong_configuration of [> `Found of string ] * [> `Exn of exn ] ])
Unix_io.Deferred_result.t Cmdliner.Term.t *
Create a list of cmdliner sub-commands to integrate in a greater command line application.

The command names will start with prefix.