A |
authorized_tokens [Ketrew.Configuration] |
This type is a container for one more authentication-tokens,
used by the server's HTTP API
B |
bookkeeping [Ketrew_pure.Target.Automaton] |
C |
capabilities [Ketrew.Authentication] |
The capabilities that are validated, these are grouped according to the
Up_message.t that is received.
classified [Ketrew.Host_io.Error] |
The “imposed” error types for “long-running” plugins.
client [Ketrew.Configuration] |
Configuration of the client (as in HTTP client).
condition_evaluation [Ketrew_pure.Target.Automaton] |
D |
default_shell [Ketrew_pure.Host] |
dependencies_status [Ketrew_pure.Target.Automaton] |
distributed_shell_parameters [Ketrew.Yarn] |
down [Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Process_sub_protocol] |
E |
engine [Ketrew.Configuration] |
The configuration of the engine, the component that orchestrates
the run of the targets (used both for standalone and server modes).
ensures_option [Ketrew.EDSL] |
The specification of when a workflow-node is considered “ensured”; cf.
execution [Ketrew.Host_io.Error] |
explorer_defaults [Ketrew.Configuration] |
Configuration of the Explorer text-user-interface.
F |
failure_reason [Ketrew_pure.Target.Automaton] |
fetching_node [Ketrew.Persistent_data.Error] |
filter [Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Up_message] |
full_target [Ketrew_pure.Target.Summary] |
I |
id [Ketrew_pure.Target] |
The identifiers of targets.
item [Ketrew_pure.Target.State.Flat] |
L |
list_of_files [Ketrew.EDSL] |
The type of products that carry a list of files (on a same Host.t ).
long_running_action [Ketrew_pure.Target.Automaton] |
long_running_failure [Ketrew_pure.Target.Automaton] |
M |
menu_item [Ketrew.Interaction] |
The type of a menu item.
mode [Ketrew.Configuration] |
Union of the possible configuration “modes.”
N |
non_zero_execution [Ketrew.Host_io.Error] |
not_already_done [Ketrew.EDSL] |
The type of “empty” products.
P |
plugin [Ketrew.Configuration] |
The 2 kinds of dynamically loaded “plugins” accepted by Ketrew:
process_check [Ketrew_pure.Target.Automaton] |
process_status_check [Ketrew_pure.Target.Automaton] |
product [Ketrew.EDSL] |
The type of the things produced by workflow nodes.
profile [Ketrew.Configuration] |
A profile is a name associated with a configuration.
progress [Ketrew_pure.Target.Automaton] |
Q |
query_option [Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Up_message] |
R |
run_parameters [Ketrew.Long_running.LONG_RUNNING] |
Hidden type kept serialized by the engine.
run_parameters [Ketrew.Daemonize] |
S |
server [Ketrew.Configuration] |
The configuration of the server.
severity [Ketrew_pure.Target.Automaton] |
shell [Ketrew.Host_io] |
A “shell” is a function that takes a command and returns, and
execv-style string list; the default for each host
is "sh"; "-c"; cmd
signal [Ketrew_pure.Reactive] |
signal_list_wrap [Ketrew_pure.Reactive] |
simple [Ketrew_pure.Target.State] |
single_file [Ketrew.EDSL] |
The type of products that carry a simple file (on a given
Host.t ).
ssh_connection [Ketrew.Configuration] |
Preconfigured named SSH connections.
standalone [Ketrew.Configuration] |
state [Ketrew_pure.Target.State.Flat] |
status [Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Process_sub_protocol.Ssh_connection] |
step_allowed_errors [Ketrew.Engine.Run_automaton] |
string_predicate [Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Up_message] |
structure [Ketrew.EDSL.Condition.Volume] |
structure [Ketrew_pure.Target.Volume] |
summary [Ketrew_pure.Target.State] |
T |
t [Ketrew.Unix_process.Exit_code] |
t [Ketrew.Process_holder] |
The container for mnoitored server-side processes.
t [Ketrew.Persistent_data.Change] |
t [Ketrew.Persistent_data] |
t [Ketrew.Host_io] |
t [Ketrew.Explorer] |
t [Ketrew.Engine] |
The contents of the application engine.
t [Ketrew.EDSL.Build_process] |
t [Ketrew.EDSL.Condition.Volume] |
t [Ketrew.EDSL.Condition] |
t [Ketrew.EDSL.Program] |
t [Ketrew.EDSL.Host] |
Alias for the host type.
t [Ketrew.Configuration] |
The contents of a configuration.
t [Ketrew.Client.Error] |
t [Ketrew.Client] |
The handle of the client.
t [Ketrew.Authentication] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Target.Summary] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Target.Stored_target] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Target.State.Flat] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Target.State] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Target.Equivalence] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Target.Condition] |
An execution anti-condition; the condition defines when a target is
ready and therefore should be run if the condition is met: with `Never the target always runs and then fails
(because never “ready”),, with `Volume_exists v the target runs if the volume does not exist
( make -like behavior)., with `Volume_size_bigger_than (v, sz) Ketrew will get the total size
of the volume (in bytes) and check that it is bigger-or-equal., with `Command_returns (c, v) Ketrew will run the Ketrew_pure.Target.Command.t and
check its return value., `And list_of_conditions is a conjunction of conditions.
t [Ketrew_pure.Target.Build_process] |
Specification of how to build a target.
t [Ketrew_pure.Target.Volume] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Target.Command] |
The type of commands.
t [Ketrew_pure.Target] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Reactive.Signal] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Reactive.Source] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Up_message] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Down_message] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Process_sub_protocol.Command_output] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Process_sub_protocol.Ssh_connection] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Process_sub_protocol.Command] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Server_status] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Program] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Path] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Monitored_script] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Host.Ssh] |
t [Ketrew_pure.Host] |
target [Ketrew_pure.Target.Stored_target] |
target_query [Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Up_message] |
time_constraint [Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Up_message] |
timeout [Ketrew.Host_io] |
Timeout specification for execution functions below.
transition [Ketrew_pure.Target.Automaton] |
transition_callback [Ketrew_pure.Target.Automaton] |
U |
ui [Ketrew.Configuration] |
General configuration of the text-based user interface.
unknown_product [Ketrew.EDSL] |
up [Ketrew_pure.Protocol.Process_sub_protocol] |
W |
workflow_edge [Ketrew.EDSL] |
workflow_node [Ketrew.EDSL] |
The main building bloc of the worfklow graph is workflow node, it
carries a “product” accessible with the #product method.